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Created August 8, 2020 18:48
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from flask import Flask, render_template, request, redirect, url_for
from locations import Locations
from forms import AddLocationForm
app = Flask(__name__)
visit = Locations()
categories = {"recommended": "Recommended", "tovisit": "Places To Go", "visited": "Visited!!!", }
UP_ACTION = "\u2197"
@app.route("/<category>", methods=["GET", "POST"])
def locations(category):
locations = visit.get_list_by_category(category)
## Check the request for form data and process
if request.method == "POST":
[(name, action)] = request.form.items()
if action == UP_ACTION:
elif action == DEL_ACTION:
## Return the main template with variables
return render_template("locations.html", category=category, categories=categories, locations=locations, add_location = AddLocationForm())
@app.route("/add_location", methods=["POST"])
def add_location():
## Validate and collect the form data
add_form = AddLocationForm()
if add_form.validate_on_submit():
visit.add(name, description, category)
## Redirect to locations route function
return redirect(url_for("location", category=category))
def index():
## Redirect to locations route function
return redirect(url_for("location", category="recommended"))
from flask_wtf import FlaskForm
from wtforms import StringField, SubmitField, TextAreaField, RadioField
from wtforms.validators import DataRequired
categories = [("recommended","Recommended"), ("tovisit", "Places To Go"), ("visited", "Visited!!!")]
## Create Form Here
class AddLocationForm(FlaskForm):
name = StringField("Location Name", validators=[DataRequired()])
description = TextAreaField("Location Description", validators=[DataRequired()])
category = RadioField("Category", choices=categories)
submit = SubmitField("Add Location")
<!-- extend from "base.html" here -->
{% extends "base.html" %}
<!-- begin block content here -->
{% block content %}
<h1>{{ categories[category] }}</h1> <!-- insert category here -->
<div class="navbar">
<!-- begin for loop here -->
{% for key,label in categories.items() %}
<a href="{{ key }}">{{ label }}<!-- set attribute and text here --></a>
<!-- end for loop here -->
{% endfor %}
<col style="width: 20%">
<col style="width: 70%">
<col style="width: 10%">
<tbody class="loctable">
<!-- begin for loop here -->
{% for location in locations %}
<td class="loc">{{ }}</td> <!-- insert location name here -->
<td class="desc">{{ location.description }}</td> <!-- insert location description here -->
<td class="btns">
<!-- start if statement here -->
{% if location.category in ["recommended", "tovisit"] %}
<form method="POST">
<input type="submit" class="up" name="{{ }}" value=&#8599;> <!-- set name attribute here -->
<input type="submit" class="del" name="{{ }}" value="X"> <!-- set name attribute here -->
<!-- end if statement here -->
{% endif %}
<!-- end for loop here -->
{% endfor %}
<form class="addform" action="" method="POST"> <!-- set action attribute here -->
<!-- call hidden_tag() here -->
<form action="{{ url_for('add_location') }}" method="POST">
{{ add_location.hidden_tag() }}
<col style="width: 40%">
<col style="width: 40%">
<col style="width: 20%">
<td>{{ }}</td> <!-- insert location name label here -->
<td>{{ add_location.description.label }}</td> <!-- insert location description label here -->
<td>{{ add_location.category.label }}</td> <!-- insert location category label here -->
<td>{{ }}</td> <!-- insert add_location name here -->
<td>{{ add_location.description() }}</td> <!-- insert add_location description here -->
<!-- begin for loop here -->
{% for button in add_location.category %}
<div>{{ button }}{{ button.label }}</div> <!-- insert button here -->
<!-- end for loop here -->
{% endfor %}
<td>{{ add_location.submit }}</td> <!-- insert submit here -->
<!-- end block content here -->
{% endblock %}
import csv
class Locations:
def __init__(self):
self.locations = []
def add(self, name, description, category):
if name is not None and description is not None and category is not None:
location = Location(name, description, category)
def get_index_by_name(self, name):
for i, location in enumerate(self.locations):
if == name:
return i
def get_list_by_category(self, category):
locs = []
for i, location in enumerate(self.locations):
if location.category == category:
return locs
def delete(self, name):
i = self.get_index_by_name(name)
def moveup(self, name):
i = self.get_index_by_name(name)
if self.locations[i].category == "recommended":
self.locations[i].category = "tovisit"
elif self.locations[i].category == "tovisit":
self.locations[i].category = "visited"
def load_data(self):
with open("data.csv", "r") as csvfile:
locations = csv.reader(csvfile)
for row in locations:
self.add(row[0], row[1], row[2])
def __repr__(self):
for location in self.locations:
print(f'{} - {location.description} - {location.category}')
class Location:
def __init__(self, name, description, category): = name
self.description = description
self.category = category
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