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i'm a teapot

edward sharp edwardsharp

i'm a teapot
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edwardsharp / wordlist.txt
Last active October 4, 2017 23:37
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
edwardsharp / 1496830836.txt
Created June 7, 2017 10:29
list #1496830836
walk around the perimeter
erase without destroying
bitcoin transaction. do it, xfer some crypto currency
plan a party
call a random phone number
fill out a comment card
edwardsharp / rails_factory.rb
Last active March 8, 2017 06:05
rails drb factory
require 'config/environment'
require 'drb'
DRBURI = "druby://" #"drbunix://#{File.join(Dir.pwd,'socket')}"
# NOTE: A dRuby reference to an object is not sufficient
# prevention from garbage collection!
class RailsFactory
def initialize
edwardsharp /
Created March 1, 2017 10:31
install docker compose sh
#this will setup docker-compose on a coreOS (or similar) box
# use sudo ./
mkdir -p /opt/bin
curl -L `curl -s | jq -r '.assets[].browser_download_url | select(contains("Linux") and contains("x86_64"))'` > /opt/bin/docker-compose
chmod +x /opt/bin/docker-compose
edwardsharp / my_class.rb
Created September 20, 2016 03:21
httparty cookie
# redash api wrapper class, example:
# require 'redash'
# redash ='email', 'password')
# redash.logged_in?
require 'httparty'
class MyClass
include HTTParty
edwardsharp / .drone.yml
Created September 15, 2016 05:15
drone config for self-hosted drone (rancher)
image: ruby2.0.0
- RAILS_ENV=test
- cp config/database.drone.yml config/database.yml
- bundle install
- psql -c 'create database test;' -U postgres -h
- bundle exec rake db:schema:load
- bundle exec rspec spec
edwardsharp / text_color.rb
Created September 3, 2016 15:58
high contract text color
def text_color
#simple lumen scale, (255 + 255 + 255 = 765) / 2 = 382.5
# color = '#ff6600'
lumen = 0
lumen += color[1..2].hex
lumen += color[3..4].hex
lumen += color[5..6].hex
if lumen > 382.5
return '#000000'
edwardsharp / bucket_sync_service.rb
Created May 10, 2016 23:18
ruby class to copy from one aws s3 bucket to another based on bantic/bucket_sync_service.rb
require 'aws-sdk'
class BucketSyncService
attr_reader :from_bucket, :to_bucket, :logger
attr_accessor :debug
DEFAULT_ACL = "public-read"
def initialize(from_bucket, to_bucket)
I’m fascinated with mutation as it applies to the human body and mind-- mutation that brings about change in physical form both immediately (repetitive physical exertion, being out of breath, responsiveness to the present, and so on) and the long term (stamina, choreography, memory, text, etc.). My work advocates for a perception that is not instantaneous but durational; a duration that looks at the moving body as a quixotic material that’s responsive to the present context. Performance might be happening all the time?
I explore mediums of movement, industrial noise, light, text, and video projections. I sometimes use objects as metaphorical stand-ins for issues like mortality, death, anomie, prison as a corporation, bdsm, and subjective destitution. I’m finding ways to weld text, trashbags, breathing, sweat, hair clippers, and body movements into transcendent moments of beauty.
edwardsharp / pd303b.pd
Created April 21, 2015 18:00
PD 303b (edward's sequencer thingy)
#N canvas 321 23 750 711 10;
#X declare -lib mrpeach;
#N canvas 108 23 1024 667 page-2 1;
#X obj 17 -1496 r pd303-p1;
#X obj -513 -1404 OSCroute /1 /2 /3 /4 /5 /6 /7 /8 /9 /10 /11 /12 /13
/14 /15 /16;
#X obj 45 668 tgl 15 0 empty empty empty 17 7 0 10 -232576 -159808
-1 0 1;
#X obj -513 -1431 OSCroute /multitoggle1 /multitoggle2 /toggle2 /toggle3