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Genady Sergeev eeasss

  • Telerik
  • Sofia
View GitHub Profile
  1. showcase we can achieve the same layout and functionality in both platforms with native components.
  2. Virtualization enabled (load many tickers)
  3. Embedded grid an a template
  4. Showcase of integration with charting.
  5. Page layout using splitter

We all know that the quality of our documentation and the process for getting articles ready for production are very important. Recently, we moved the technical writer position to Support Ops, with the goal of providing tech writing services for all devtools products and achieching scale. In practice, this change means that we need a new process. But before that, some context.

Until recently our approach to collaboration with technical writers was to prepare text draft and assign it to Desi, for what would often turn out to be a complete rewrite. During complete rewrite however, parts of the technical meaning could get lost, which often lead to one more iteration with the individual that is writing the article. While this approach worked when the scope was specific product or two, it won't work for the bigger organization.

With this previous experience in mind, a characteristics of process that could work at scale and reinforce positive feedback loop are:

  • no bottlenecks, i.e. one person responsible for
### Keybase proof
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Last active November 16, 2021 11:55

Purpose of Internship

Internship is an additional avenue we can use for securing pipeline for hiring, especially for junior placements for hard-to-fill positions.

Appropriate intern candidate is somebody who has good theoretical background (be it university and/or academy of some sort) but zero to little practical experience, and we will be reluctant to hire him junior because of this.

How to participate

There is a dedicated budget allocated for interns for FY2021+ and there is work in progress to determine appropriate date for bulk hiring of interns accross devtools. Opening ad-hoc position outside of this window is also possible. Either way start with new hire request in jobvite.

Guide for conference attendees to guarantee a good performance

Preparation for the conference

  • Products – be aware of the products you will be responsible for on the Progress booth
  • Get familiar with products highlights
    • talk to the responsible people from your and other product lines - coordinate in advance with them about what is the latest and greatest in their offerings/portfolio, what is modern, trendy, important, ask them about what to brag, advertise and which apps and demos to present most so that you can get well prepared to the conference and be able to answer the questions like what’s new, what’s coming and what are our future plans.

      Points of contact: your direct manager, the Product Manager and the managers/senior staff of the respective products you represent