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Last active December 11, 2020 16:30
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Mail Merge in Word using Java
// Create document builder
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder();
// Insert a text input field the unique name of this field is "Hello", the other parameters define
// what type of FormField it is, the format of the text, the field result and the maximum text length (0 = no limit)
builder.insertTextInput("TextInput", TextFormFieldType.REGULAR, "", "Hello", 0);
builder.insertField("MERGEFIELD CustomerFirstName \\* MERGEFORMAT");
builder.insertTextInput("TextInput1", TextFormFieldType.REGULAR, "", " ", 0);
builder.insertField("MERGEFIELD CustomerLastName \\* MERGEFORMAT");
builder.insertTextInput("TextInput1", TextFormFieldType.REGULAR, "", " , ", 0);
// Insert a paragraph break into the document
// Insert mail body
builder.insertTextInput("TextInput", TextFormFieldType.REGULAR, "", "Thanks for purchasing our ", 0);
builder.insertField("MERGEFIELD ProductName \\* MERGEFORMAT");
builder.insertTextInput("TextInput", TextFormFieldType.REGULAR, "", ", please download your Invoice at ",
builder.insertField("MERGEFIELD InvoiceURL \\* MERGEFORMAT");
builder.insertTextInput("TextInput", TextFormFieldType.REGULAR, "",
". If you have any questions please call ", 0);
builder.insertField("MERGEFIELD Supportphone \\* MERGEFORMAT");
builder.insertTextInput("TextInput", TextFormFieldType.REGULAR, "", ", or email us at ", 0);
builder.insertField("MERGEFIELD SupportEmail \\* MERGEFORMAT");
builder.insertTextInput("TextInput", TextFormFieldType.REGULAR, "", ".", 0);
// Insert mail ending
builder.insertTextInput("TextInput", TextFormFieldType.REGULAR, "", "Best regards,", 0);
builder.insertField("MERGEFIELD EmployeeFullname \\* MERGEFORMAT");
builder.insertTextInput("TextInput1", TextFormFieldType.REGULAR, "", " ", 0);
builder.insertField("MERGEFIELD EmployeeDepartment \\* MERGEFORMAT");
// Save document
public class ApplyCustomFormattingDuringMailMerge {
private static final String dataDir = Utils.getSharedDataDir(ApplyCustomFormattingDuringMailMerge.class) + "MailMerge/";
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
Document doc = new Document(dataDir + "MailMerge.AlternatingRows.doc");
// Add a handler for the MergeField event.
doc.getMailMerge().setFieldMergingCallback(new HandleMergeFieldAlternatingRows());
// Execute mail merge with regions.
DataTable dataTable = getSuppliersDataTable();
doc.getMailMerge().executeWithRegions(dataTable); + "MailMerge.AlternatingRows Out.doc");
* Returns true if the value is odd; false if the value is even.
public static boolean isOdd(int value) throws Exception {
return (value % 2 != 0);
* Create DataTable and fill it with data. In real life this DataTable
* should be filled from a database.
private static DataTable getSuppliersDataTable() throws Exception {
java.sql.ResultSet resultSet = createCachedRowSet(new String[]{"CompanyName", "ContactName"});
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
addRow(resultSet, new String[]{"Company " + Integer.toString(i), "Contact " + Integer.toString(i)});
return new DataTable(resultSet, "Suppliers");
* A helper method that creates an empty Java disconnected ResultSet with
* the specified columns.
private static ResultSet createCachedRowSet(String[] columnNames) throws Exception {
RowSetMetaDataImpl metaData = new RowSetMetaDataImpl();
for (int i = 0; i < columnNames.length; i++) {
metaData.setColumnName(i + 1, columnNames[i]);
metaData.setColumnType(i + 1, java.sql.Types.VARCHAR);
CachedRowSet rowSet = RowSetProvider.newFactory().createCachedRowSet();
return rowSet;
* A helper method that adds a new row with the specified values to a
* disconnected ResultSet.
private static void addRow(ResultSet resultSet, String[] values) throws Exception {
for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++)
resultSet.updateString(i + 1, values[i]);
// This "dance" is needed to add rows to the end of the result set properly.
// If I do something else then rows are either added at the front or the result
// set throws an exception about a deleted row during mail merge.
class HandleMergeFieldAlternatingRows implements IFieldMergingCallback {
* Called for every merge field encountered in the document. We can either
* return some data to the mail merge engine or do something else with the
* document. In this case we modify cell formatting.
public void fieldMerging(FieldMergingArgs e) throws Exception {
if (mBuilder == null)
mBuilder = new DocumentBuilder(e.getDocument());
// This way we catch the beginning of a new row.
if (e.getFieldName().equals("CompanyName")) {
// Select the color depending on whether the row number is even or odd.
Color rowColor;
if (ApplyCustomFormattingDuringMailMerge.isOdd(mRowIdx))
rowColor = new Color(213, 227, 235);
rowColor = new Color(242, 242, 242);
// There is no way to set cell properties for the whole row at the moment,
// so we have to iterate over all cells in the row.
for (int colIdx = 0; colIdx < 4; colIdx++) {
mBuilder.moveToCell(0, mRowIdx, colIdx, 0);
public void imageFieldMerging(ImageFieldMergingArgs args) throws Exception {
// Do nothing.
private DocumentBuilder mBuilder;
private int mRowIdx;
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<customer Name="John Ben Jan" ID="1" Domain="History" City="Boston"/>
<customer Name="Lisa Lane" ID="2" Domain="Chemistry" City="LA"/>
<customer Name="Dagomir Zits" ID="3" Domain="Heraldry" City="Milwaukee"/>
<customer Name="Sara Careira Santy" ID="4" Domain="IT" City="Miami"/>
// Create document
Document doc = new Document();
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// The start point of mail merge with regions the dataset.
builder.insertField(" MERGEFIELD TableStart:Customers");
// Data from rows of the "CustomerName" column of the "Customers" table will go
// in this MERGEFIELD.
builder.write("Orders for ");
builder.insertField(" MERGEFIELD CustomerName");
// Create column headers
// We have a second data table called "Orders", which has a many-to-one
// relationship with "Customers"
// picking up rows with the same CustomerID value.
builder.insertField(" MERGEFIELD TableStart:Orders");
builder.insertField(" MERGEFIELD ItemName");
builder.insertField(" MERGEFIELD Quantity");
builder.insertField(" MERGEFIELD TableEnd:Orders");
// The end point of mail merge with regions.
builder.insertField(" MERGEFIELD TableEnd:Customers");
// Pass our dataset to perform mail merge with regions.
DataSet customersAndOrders = CreateDataSet();
// Save the result"MailMerge.ExecuteWithRegions.docx");
// Create the Dataset and read the XML
DataSet customersDs = new DataSet();
// Open a template document
Document doc = new Document("TestFile XML.docx");
// Execute mail merge to fill the template with data from XML using DataTable.
// Note that this class also works with a single repeatable region (and any nested regions).
// To merge multiple regions at the same time from a single XML data source, use the XmlMailMergeDataSet class.
// e.g doc.getMailMerge().executeWithRegions(new XmlMailMergeDataSet(xmlData));
// Save the output document"generated-document.docx");
// Include the code for our template
Document doc = new Document();
// Pass the document to document builder
DocumentBuilder builder = new DocumentBuilder(doc);
// Create Merge Fields
builder.insertField(" MERGEFIELD CustomerName ");
builder.insertField(" MERGEFIELD Item ");
builder.insertField(" MERGEFIELD Quantity ");
// Save the template
// Fill the fields in the document with user data
doc.getMailMerge().execute(new String[] { "CustomerName", "Item", "Quantity" },
new Object[] { "John Doe", "Hawaiian", "2" });
// Save the document
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