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efinal /
Last active December 22, 2015 10:28 — forked from mbostock/.block
KP Analysis


efinal / gist:6458934
Created September 6, 2013 02:48
Generate Random KP statistics
var kp = ['时间的估测','时间的测量','长度的估测','长度的测量','刻度尺的使用','机械运动','参照物及其选择','运动和静止的相对性','速度与物体运动','速度公式及其应用','速度的计算','运动快慢的比较','匀速直线运动','声音的产生','声音的传播条件','声速','声音在不同介质中的传播速度','声速的大小跟介质温度的关系','人耳的构成','人耳感知声音的过程及听到声音的条件','骨传声及骨传导的原理','双耳效应','音调','频率及音调的关系','超声波与次声波','响度','响度与振幅的关系','音色','音调、响度与音色的区分','回声','回声测距离的应用','声与信息','声与能量','声音的综合利用','声音的等级和噪声的危害','防治噪声的途径','温度','摄氏温度及其计算','液体温度计的构造与工作原理','温度计的使用及其读数','温度计与体温计的异同','体温计的使用及其读数','熔化与熔化吸热特点','凝固与凝固放热特点','汽化及汽化吸热的特点','沸腾及沸腾条件','沸点及沸点与气压的关系','蒸发及其现象','影响蒸发快慢的因素','液化及液化现象','液化方法及其应用','探究水的沸腾实验','升华和凝华的定义和特点','生活中的升华现象','生活中的凝华现象','水的三态变化','光源','光在均匀介质中直线传播','光直线传播的应用','光的传播速度与光年','光的反射','光的反射定律','作光的反射光路图','镜面反射','漫反射','镜面反射和漫反射的异同点','平面镜对光的作用','平面镜成像的特点、原理、现象及其实验方案','平面镜成虚像的原因','实像与虚像的区别','平面镜成像的相关作图','平面镜的应用','凸面镜和凹面镜','光的折射规律','光折射的可逆性','光的折射现象及其应用','作光的折射光路图','光的色散','色光的三原色和颜料的三原色','物体的颜色','透镜及其分类','辨别凸透镜和凹透镜的方法','主光轴、光心、焦点和焦距','凸透镜的会聚作用','凹透镜的发散作用','透镜的光路图','生活中的透镜','凸透镜成像规律及其探究实验','凸透镜成像的应用','眼睛及其视物原理','近视眼的成因与矫正办法','远视眼的成因与矫正办法','显微镜','望远镜','质量及其特性','质量的估测','质量的
efinal / gist:9093723
Created February 19, 2014 14:57
Deploy gitlab with apache2 and unicorn in another port
#1, reference
i created the following vhost configuration
#2, modify /home/git/gitlab/config/unicorn.rb:
comment the line like which listen through the socket and make sure it's listening through tcp port
# listen "/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/gitlab.socket", :backlog => 64
listen "localhost:20000", :tcp_nopush => true"
efinal / gist:66800214112f9e035538
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
How to remote debug phpunit tests with phpstorm 8 EAP
I'm developing php laravel application with an ubuntu vm hosted on a windows system. codes are shared through share folder between vm and host. the mounting place is /mnt/hgfs/server_php.
here are the steps I figured out which can enable you debug phpunit tests remotely with remote php interpreter inside phpstorm 8 EAP
first, please ensure you are installing phpunit in server through composer:
add "phpunit/phpunit": "4.0.0", in your composer.json and run composer update
1) download phpstorm 8 EAP:
2) configure deployment option:
efinal / gist:96a561d24fa9254711c9d66bbd0fa52d
Last active December 2, 2016 13:49
index page of your browser has been changed to 浏览器被劫持
index page of your browser has been changed to
here is the solution:
1, delete scheduled tasks related to your OEM Hacker. like KMS10 AND KMSSERVER. delete them. (just in the root folder of scheduled tasks)
2,download WMI tools (seems microsoft doesn't provider it any more, you can google it or download here)
下载wmi tools。微软的官方网站好像不再提供下载了。你可以goolge自行搜索,也可以在这里下载
efinal / gist:cf6187b38b8519e77aad528a479d7af8
Created March 23, 2018 14:50
griffon application can't show with utf8 encoding correctly by default
check the source code as described here:, it's because the PropertiesReader use the default 'ISO-8859-1' encoding.
the solution is binding your own PropertiesReader and read the stream as utf-8:
public class PropertiesReader extends griffon.util.PropertiesReader {
public Properties load(@Nonnull InputStream stream) throws IOException {
Properties p = new Properties();
p.load(new InputStreamReader(stream, "UTF-8"));
return this.processProperties(p);