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#!/usr/bin/env python
Quick and dirty filtering HTTP proxy using only Python stdlib
Change REMOTE_HOST below and adjust the regexp to suit your needs
from BaseHTTPServer import BaseHTTPRequestHandler, HTTPServer
from urllib import urlopen, basejoin
import re
acdha / simple.vcl
Created March 15, 2011 02:13
Simple varnish config for boring sites
backend default {
.host = "";
.port = "8080";
sub vcl_recv {
if (req.backend.healthy) {
set req.grace = 30s;
} else {
set req.grace = 30m;
robballou / gist:929564
Created April 19, 2011 20:31
Example python of how to add DNS entries to Amazon's Route 53 with the boto library
from boto.route53.connection import Route53Connection
# your amazon keys
key = ""
access = ""
if __name__ == '__main__':
zones = {}
route53 = Route53Connection(key, access)
acdha / Shell
Last active March 22, 2016 06:15
Commands needed to create an AWS RDS database parameter group which defaults to Unicode sanity: UTF-8, full collation, etc.
# Mac Homebrew command to install the RDS command-line tools
# Ubuntu users may find useful
brew install rds-command-line-tools
rds-create-db-parameter-group mysql-utf8 -f mysql5.1 -d "MySQL 5.1 configured for UTF-8"
rds-modify-db-parameter-group mysql-utf8 \
--parameters="name=character_set_server, value=utf8, method=immediate" \
--parameters="name=character_set_client, value=utf8, method=immediate" \
--parameters="name=character_set_results, value=utf8, method=immediate" \
mstepniowski / fullscreen-lion.diff
Created July 20, 2011 22:19
Add Lion-based fullscreen mode to Emacs 24
diff --git a/lisp/term/ns-win.el b/lisp/term/ns-win.el
index 447d7fd..27bba4a 100644
--- a/lisp/term/ns-win.el
+++ b/lisp/term/ns-win.el
@@ -929,6 +929,11 @@ See the documentation of `create-fontset-from-fontset-spec' for the format.")
(add-to-list 'window-system-initialization-alist '(ns . ns-initialize-window-system))
+(declare-function ns-toggle-fullscreen-internal "nsfns.m" ())
+(defun ns-toggle-fullscreen ()
pingles / emacs.rb
Created July 27, 2011 12:09
Homebrew Emacs for OSX Lion with native full-screen
require 'formula'
class Emacs < Formula
url ''
md5 'a673c163b4714362b94ff6096e4d784a'
homepage ''
if ARGV.include? "--use-git-head"
head 'git://'
eikeon / emacs.rb
Created August 1, 2011 13:04 — forked from pingles/emacs.rb
Homebrew Emacs for OSX Lion with native full-screen
require 'formula'
class Emacs < Formula
url ''
md5 'a673c163b4714362b94ff6096e4d784a'
homepage ''
if ARGV.include? "--use-git-head"
head 'git://'
mynameisfiber / gist:2853066
Created June 1, 2012 15:44
Golang http close body blocking problem
package main
import (
minikomi / persona.go
Last active December 11, 2015 06:59
mozilla persona test
package main
import (
edsu /
Last active December 20, 2015 04:49

The Web as a Preservation Medium

The Web turned 20 this year, and we all know how much impact it has had on how we find and use information every day. Libraries, archives and museums of all sizes have embraced the Web as a platform for sharing information about their collections, engaging with their users, and sometimes (when we are lucky) for sharing the collections themselves. As more and more information moves onto the Web, cultural heritage organizations are increasingly called upon to help preserve the Web itself. Beyond its sheer size, what are the preservation qualities of the Web as a medium? How does our experience of preserving and providing access to the Web inform how we build our own Web applications? What does it mean for libraries, archives and museums to be on the Web, while at the same time being of the Web. What can we learn from Web preservation activities that are going on outside the traditional context of cultural heritage organizations? What skills and expertise do libraries, arc