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#Fix libraries
need<-c("jpeg","tcltk2","zoo") #needed libraries
ins<-installed.packages()[,1] #find out which libs are installed
if(length(Get)>0){install.packages(Get)} #install needed libs
eval(parse(text=paste("library(",need,")")))#load libraries
#load imagefile
jpegfile<-tk_choose.files(caption="JPEG FILE")
#A short script to help installing packages on the go
#Most useful if you are distributing a set of script files to people who may not be aware that the needed packages are not installed
#Also useful if you use many packages and want to organise their loading at the beginning of a script
need<-c("jpeg","tcltk2","zoo") #needed packages for a job
ins<-installed.packages()[,1] #find out which packages are installed
(Get<-need[which(,ins)))]) # check if the needed packages are installed
if(length(Get)>0){install.packages(Get)} #install the needed packages if they are not-installed
eval(parse(text=paste("library(",need,")")))#load the needed packages
dat<-data.frame(x=Duration, y=as.numeric(idfkurve["2",]))
#polynomial fit
for(i in 1:LFts){
Fits[[i]]$fit <-lm(y~poly(x,i),data=dat);
Fits[[i]]$AIC=round(AIC(Fits[[i]]$fit ),0)
ejjunju / install.RExcel.r
Last active December 8, 2015 07:38
This file contains a script for installing the RExcel plugin in Excel so that you can control R from Excel
ejjunju / Readme.txt
Created May 29, 2014 17:09
Simple analysis of a fwe aspects of the Wikipedia World cup 2014 squads data
World cup data analysis script!!
The data in cup.txt is taken from wikipedia( the script cup.r analyses the data to create interesting charts about the 2014 world cup squads. Charts include boxplots og age, number of home/foreign based players for each country, clubs with more than 4 players in the world cup and leagues with more than 10 players in the World cup.
The data shows that the youngest team is the Netherlands(Dutch) team is the youngest. Only Mexico, Netherlands, Spain, England, Italy, Russia, germany and Iran have more home-based players than foreign based players. Most teams have less players based in their home countries. The European clubs dominate the number of clubs with the most players in the worls cup (gaian not a suprise)!! The world cup 2014 appears to be a sort of "European Cup"!!
ejjunju / Main.cpp
Last active December 4, 2017 16:48
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
class Div{//Module Divison or Spillway
int id;
int ds; //Downstream module
float H[10];//elevation curve (moh)
float Q[10];//Outflow Curve (m3/s) Q[10][]