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Looking for an interesting job. Coding for fun since 1994, for food since 2003.

Eugene Kazaev ekazaev

Looking for an interesting job. Coding for fun since 1994, for food since 2003.
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public protocol Factory {

associatedtype ViewController: UIViewController

associatedtype Context

func build(with context: Context) throws -> ViewController


public protocol Factory {

    associatedtype ViewController: UIViewController

    associatedtype Context

    func build(with context: Context) throws -> ViewController

class ProductViewControllerFactory: Factory {

    func build(with productID: UUID) throws -> ProductViewController {

        let productViewController = ProductViewController(nibName: "ProductViewController", bundle: nil)
        productViewController.productID = productID // In general it is better to do in in the `ContextAction`, but it will be described later.
 return productViewController
class PresentModally: Action {

    func perform(viewController: UIViewController, on existingController: UIViewController, animated: Bool, completion: @escaping (_: ActionResult) -> Void) {
        guard existingController.presentedViewController == nil else {
            completion(.failure("\(existingController) is already presenting a view controller."))

 existingController.present(viewController, animated: animated, completion: {
public protocol Finder {

    associatedtype ViewController: UIViewController

    associatedtype Context

    func findViewController(with context: Context) -> ViewController?

class ProductViewControllerFinder: StackIteratingFinder {

    let options: SearchOptions

    init(options: SearchOptions = .currentAndUp) {
        self.options = options

 func isTarget(_ productViewController: ProductViewController, with productID: UUID) -> Bool {
class LoginInterceptor: RoutingInterceptor {

    func execute(for destination: AppDestination, completion: @escaping (_: InterceptorResult) -> Void) {
        guard !LoginManager.sharedInstance.isUserLoggedIn else {
            // ...
            // Show LoginViewController and at the end of the logging in process call completion(.success) or completion(.failure("User has not been logged in."))
            // ...
class ProductViewControllerContextTask: ContextTask {

    func apply(on productViewController: ProductViewController, with productID: UUID) {
        productViewController.productID = productID

class ProductViewControllerPostTask: PostRoutingTask {

    let analyticsManager: AnalyticsManager

    init(analyticsManager: AnalyticsManager) {
        self.analyticsManager = analyticsManager

 func execute(on productViewController: ProductViewController, for destination: AppDestination, routingStack: [UIViewController]) {
class ProductArrayViewController: UITableViewController {

    let products: [UUID]?

    // UITableViewControllerDelegate methods

    override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
        guard let productID = products[indexPath.row] else {