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Erick Calder ekkis

  • Arix Int'l
  • LalaLand
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Namada: My First Transaction

Being able to send blockchain tokens in a truly anonymous manner is of critical importance both to the business world and to our individual freedoms


The problem of true anonymity was first solved by z-Cash via the zk-SNARK protocol, a first implementation of zero-knowledge proofs in cryptography. However, this technology did not at first benefit any other player in the blockchain space, and the zcash token itself has received relatively little attention

More recently, the open-source project Namada, built on the Cosmos ecosystem with the team from ZCash, has created an implementation of ZKPs, allowing token users to send tokens anonymously across chains¹ within the platform, via the use of shielded transactions

Vow Is For Governments

(An Analysis of Benefits and Challenges in the Ascension to the Vow Monetary Union)


Sovereign nations that manage their own currency suffer from limited choices in regulating their economies. In seeking to stimulate economic activity, their governments must commit to expenditures of funds they generally do not possess. Vow presents an alternative heretofore outside of reach


In formulating stimulus packages, attempting to tame inflation, or stem currency devaluation, governments typically need to raise funds. They may resort to one of three unpalatable choices:

The Petrodollar Pivot

As the “rules-based order” of American hegemony collapses, the question of how international transactions are going to be settled rises to the foreground

The essential problem is manifold in nature:

  • Will there be a new global currency to replace the dollar?
  • How will the increasingly fragmented banking system support transactions across the political divide?
  • How will sufficient liquidity be established to facilitate trade?

SingleID Spam Shield

Remaining open to the world brings opportunity. An old friend reaches out, an unknown colleague with a legitimate inquiry, a business proposal

However, the mechanisms that allow openness are easily corrupted by commercial interests that have neither personal knowledge of nor any interest in the recipient but seek only to broadcast generic messages for minimal profit -- a process known as spamming

Spam has ruined electronic mail, inundating our inboxes with offers for erectile dysfunction drugs, phishing scams, product advertisements and other nonsense, but the problem can be solved by means of authentication and staking, as proposed in this paper


NokNok Account Recovery Protocol

Applications that implement the NokNok Authentication Protocol become central to authentication, PII sharing, and access to a plethora of systems, and thus especially vulnerable to physical attacks and loss of their PKKs

This paper addresses the safeguarding of a PKK and its potential recovery using an approach that will feel natural to users

Business Context

Reliance on a PK for authentication on foreign systems benefits users with the safest, most secure mechansim ever invented. On the basis of this new-found trust in authenticators, users are likely to depend more heavily on the technology, placing more and more critical information in the system under the conviction that it's safe. This means that authenticators across time will become rich honeypots

NokNok Authentication Protocol

In partnership with SingleID, an aggregator of personal identity information, NokNok is in an ideal position to capture the web authentication market

Business Context

Authentication, the process of establishing the identity of a user, is a key component of granting access to systems

Since its inception, web applications have relied on the maintenance of a username and password for authentication -- a mechanism both insecure and cumbersome. As websites proliferated, amassing large quantities of PII, the security risks of managing this information escalated beyond control, culminating in spectacular hacks and breaches of financial systems that have led to large monetary losses and the breakdown of confidence

Vow Is For Corporations

(An Analysis of the Vow Corporate Structure)


The rate of change in our world is accelerating, in its path redefining old ideas and refashioning the processes and implements that have served humanity thus far. Most significantly, the concept of money has recently been radically altered, not only in its physical representation (Bitcoin) but in its function (Vow) -- an incident with extraordinary implications for human organisation

This paper proposes a new organisational structure we believe shall serve as the edifice upon which the next phase of human activity can be built

ekkis / ricard
Created January 13, 2020 22:37
EOS tools
#!/usr/bin/env node
const fs = require('fs');
const d = 'ricardian';
if (!fs.existsSync(d)) fs.mkdirSync(d);
args().forEach(fn => doc(fn));
function args() {
var ret = process.argv.slice(2);
ekkis / get_table_rows
Created June 17, 2019 20:16
Retrieving data from EOS tables
table: async (table, opts = {}) => {
var eos = await self.init(opts);
var r, next = 0, ret = [];
do {
r = await eos.rpc.get_table_rows({
code: opts.code || CONTRACT,
scope: opts.scope || ACCT,
limit: opts.limit || 100,
lower_bound: next,
ekkis / run
Last active April 24, 2023 10:38
EOS scripts
CMD=$1; shift
isRunning() {
s=$(echo $1 |sed 's/./[&]/') # this trick prevents grep from finding itself
ps aux |grep --silent $s
[ $? -eq 0 ] && echo Y || echo N