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Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am elight on github.
  • I am elight ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 8703 624F D1B7 770A 84F3 A591 29B3 FA30 A4C6 9DC2

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Hi Andre,

If you recall, we've met a few times. I believe we bumped into each other at RubyConf this past year but were hanging out at the same table in the quieter room at Ales in 2013.

I'm reaching out to you because I have an OSS project that I'd like to build. It's heavily dependent upon Bundler. I wouldn't be troubling you but, after speaking with Larry Marburger at length, it sounds like bundler is in for some big changes in the near future that may throw a wrench in this idea.

Let me get to the point.


elight / dcamp_proposal.markdown
Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
Building Community by Intent and Accident in Two Movements

the final version

elight / whitelist_github.js
Last active January 2, 2016 23:19
Only getting dem Github notification emails on weekdays
function whitelistGithub() {
if (isWeekend() || isEvening()) { return; }
var label = GmailApp.getUserLabelByName("github");
var threads = label.getThreads();
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
if (threads[i].isUnread()) {
login_info = login_information
username =
password = login_info.password
compute =
:provider => "OpenStack",
# Appears to require Rackspace user password and *not* API key :-(
:openstack_api_key => ENV["OS_PASSWORD"],
:openstack_username => ENV["OS_USERNAME"],
:openstack_auth_url => AUTH_URL,
:openstack_region => "IAD"
context "when I create a server" do
Given { pending "we're having a timeout issue here'" }
Given(:private_key) { home.join '.ssh/id_rsa' }
Given do
FileUtils.mkdir_p private_key.dirname, mode: 0700
`echo -e "y\n" | ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "" -N "testing" -f "#{private_key}"`
When {VCR.use_cassette('servers/create') {run "rumm create server --name silly-saffron"}}
Then {all_stdout =~ /created server/}
And {last_exit_status.should eql 0}
desc 'Run mocked tests for a specific provider'
task :mock, :provider do |t, args|
if args.to_a.size != 1
fail 'USAGE: rake mock[<provider>]'
provider = args[:provider]
sh("export FOG_MOCK=true && bundle exec shindont tests/#{provider}")
end, username, credentials).run([
%{mkdir .ssh},
%{echo "#{public_key}" >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys},
%{passwd -l #{username}},
%{echo "#{Fog::JSON.encode(attributes)}" >> ~/attributes.json},
%{echo "#{Fog::JSON.encode(metadata)}" >> ~/metadata.json}
require 'fog/core/collection'
require 'fog/rackspace/models/monitoring/entity'
require 'fog/rackspace/models/monitoring/check'
module Fog
module Rackspace
class Monitoring
class Entities < Fog::Collection
model Fog::Rackspace::Monitoring::Entity