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elisedeux / Linkurious_SDK_Ex1.js
Last active April 4, 2017 08:37
Querying the Linkurious Graph API and displaying the result as a graph visualization with Ogma.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src="./lib/ogma.min.js"></script>
<script src="./lib/jquery-3.1.1.min.js"></script>
#graph-container {
width: 300px;
elisedeux / Linkurious_SDK_Ex2.js
Last active April 4, 2017 08:38
A query to find and display the shortest path between two nodes using Linkurious REST API.
// Use the REST API to get the shortest path between two customers and render in Ogma
function shortestPath(customer1, customer2) {
// Configure and send the Ajax query asynchronously.
type: "GET",
// Define the authentication information.
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Authorization": "Basic " + btoa('')
elisedeux / Linkurious_SDK_Ex3.js
Last active April 4, 2017 08:38
Retrieving nodes list and displaying the result
// Use the REST API to search for a term
function searchCustomer(term) {
// Configure and send the Ajax query asynchronously.
type: "GET",
// REST method url
url: "http://localhost:3000/api/1cf9e65b/search/nodes/full",
// Define the authentication information.
headers: {
// Create the class with a low opacity value
ogma.createClass('faded', {
nodeAttributes: { opacity: 0.2 },
edgeAttributes: { opacity: 0.2 }
// Select the nodes and edges that must be faded
const nodesToFade = ogma.getNodes().filter(node => node.getData('type') === 'INVESTOR');
const edgesToFade = nodesToFade.getAdjacentEdges();
MATCH (c1:Customer)-[r*1..4]-(c2:Customer)
WHERE ID(c1) = {{"customer":node:"Customer"}}
return c1, r, c2
elisedeux / Query template used to expand a person's bank account node and its ten highest associated transactions.
Last active May 8, 2018 07:57
Query template used to expand a person's bank account node and its ten highest associated transactions.
WHERE ID(c) = {{"PERSON":node:"PERSON"}}
RETURN c, e1, cc, e2, t
ORDER BY t.amount DESC
elisedeux / gist:23954c8932ccfe94be7126a240688a82
Created August 2, 2018 12:19
// Create node events
load csv with headers from "file:///bdd.csv" as row
merge(e:Event {id: row.eventid})
set e.nature=row.attacktype1_txt
set e.year=row.iyear
set e.month=row.imonth
Set e.latitude=row.latitude
Set e.longitude=row.longitude
elisedeux / Guest Mode URL Parameters
Created November 9, 2018 13:19
Guest Mode URL Parameters
# Load a node by node ID
# Load an edge and its source and target nodes by edge ID
# Load a node and its neighbors by node ID
# Load nodes (by search query)
// 1) match all disputed transactions
match (p:person)-[b:HAS_BOUGHT_AT {status: "Disputed"}]->(m:merchant)
collect(p) as disputer, // list of persons with disputed transactions
collect(b) as disputed, // list disputed transactions
collect(m) as merchants // list merchants with disputed transactions
// 2) match all undisputed transactions
match (p:person)-[b:HAS_BOUGHT_AT {status: "Undisputed"}]->(m:merchant)
where p in disputer // keep only transactions where the buyer is a disputer
with // group undisputed transactions by merchant
MATCH p=(a:Company)-[rs:SELLS_TO*]->(c:Company)
WITH p, a, c, rs, nodes(p) AS ns
WITH p, a, c, rs, filter(n IN ns WHERE n.epoch - 1383123473 < (90*60*60*24)) AS bs
WITH p, a, c, rs, head(bs) AS b
WITH p, a, b, c, head(rs) AS r1, last(rs) AS rn
WITH p, a, b, c, r1, rn, rn.epoch - r1.epoch AS d
WHERE d < (15*60*60*24)
RETURN a, b, c, d, r1, rn