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<title>Bootstrap 101 Template</title>
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<title>visa issued by indian embassy</title>
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elon- /
Created May 3, 2016 22:03
block wall: filter user
elon- / enron.ipynb
Created February 14, 2016 00:58
enron ml
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elon- / xml
Created November 18, 2015 07:14
osm data
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<osm version="0.6" generator="CGImap 0.3.3 (28791" copyright="OpenStreetMap and contributors" attribution="" license="">
<bounds minlat="41.9704500" minlon="-87.6928300" maxlat="41.9758200" maxlon="-87.6894800"/>
<node id="261114295" visible="true" version="7" changeset="11129782" timestamp="2012-03-28T18:31:23Z" user="bbmiller" uid="451048" lat="41.9730791" lon="-87.6866303"/>
<node id="261114296" visible="true" version="6" changeset="8448766" timestamp="2011-06-15T17:04:54Z" user="bbmiller" uid="451048" lat="41.9730416" lon="-87.6878512"/>
<node id="261114299" visible="true" version="5" changeset="8581395" timestamp="2011-06-29T14:14:14Z" user="bbmiller" uid="451048" lat="41.9729565" lon="-87.6939548"/>
<node id="261146436" visible="true" version="5" changeset="8581395" timestamp="2011-06-29T14:14:14Z" user="bbmiller" uid="451048" lat="41.9707380" lon="-8
elon- / osm
Created November 18, 2015 07:11
{'address': {}}
{'address': {'city': 'Chicago'}}
{'address': {'housenumber': '5157'}}
{'address': {'postcode': '60625'}}
{'address': {'street': 'North Lincoln Ave'}}
{'address': {}}
{'address': {}}
{'address': {}}
{'address': {}}
{'address': {}}
def shape_element(element):
node = {}
if element.tag == "node" or element.tag == "way" :
node["created"]={c:node[c] for c in CREATED}
for k in element.iter():