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localhost.localdomain ➜ APIcast git:(THREESCALE-5098) ✗ oc exec -ti ncat -- sh
/ # printf 'GET https://endpoint-service:443/ HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: endpoint-service:443\r\n\r\n' | ncat --ssl camel-proxy 8443 --no-shutdown
HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
content-length: 3690
Server: nginx/1.16.1
content-type: text/plain
connection: close
org.apache.camel.component.netty.http.NettyHttpOperationFailedException: Netty HTTP operation failed invoking https://endpoint-service:443/ with statusCode: 400
2020-05-19 13:43:11 [Camel Thread #5 - NettyServerTCPWorker] DEBUG o.a.c.c.n.h.HttpServerInitializerFactory - Server SSL handler configured and added as an interceptor against the ChannelPipeline: io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandler@63cb407e
2020-05-19 13:43:11 [Camel Thread #5 - NettyServerTCPWorker] DEBUG io.netty.handler.ssl.SslHandler - [id: 0x100ad447, L:/ - R:/] HANDSHAKEN: TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_256_GCM_SHA384
2020-05-19 13:43:11 [Camel (camel-1) thread #3 - NettyConsumerExecutorGroup] DEBUG o.a.c.c.netty.http.NettyHttpConsumer - Message received: HttpObjectAggregator$AggregatedFullHttpRequest(decodeResult: success, version: HTTP/1.1, content: CompositeByteBuf(ridx: 0, widx: 0, cap: 0, components=0))
GET https://endpoint-service/robots.txt HTTP/1.1
Host: endpoint-service
content-length: 0
2020-05-19 13:43:11 [Camel (camel-1) thread #3 - NettyConsumerExecutorGroup] DEBUG o.a.c.c.netty.http.NettyHttpConsumer - Message received: HttpObjectAggregator$AggregatedFullHttpRequest(d
localhost.localdomain ➜ camel-netty-proxy git:(master) ✗ java -version
openjdk version "14" 2020-03-17
OpenJDK Runtime Environment 19.9 (build 14+36)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 19.9 (build 14+36, mixed mode, sharing)
localhost.localdomain ➜ camel-netty-proxy git:(master) ✗ jenv doctor
[OK] JAVA_HOME variable probably set by jenv PROMPT
[OK] Java binaries in path are jenv shims
[OK] Jenv is correctly loaded
localhost.localdomain ➜ camel-netty-proxy git:(master) ✗ mvn -version
local co_wrap = coroutine.wrap
local co_yield = coroutine.yield
local open =
local read =
local function _file_reader_example(filename)
local chunk_size = 2^13 -- 8kb
return co_wrap(function(max_chunk_size)
15:26:58.024 [Camel (camel-1) thread #11 - NettyEventExecutorGroup] INFO route1 - incoming request
15:26:58.042 [Camel Thread #14 - NettyClientTCPWorker] ERROR o.a.c.p.e.DefaultErrorHandler - Failed delivery for (MessageId: ID-s3scale-proxy-5-cbj6f-1588212741109-0-72 on ExchangeId: ID-s3scale-proxy-5-cbj6f-1588212741109-0-71). Exhausted after delivery attempt: 1 caught: org.apache.camel.component.netty.http.NettyHttpOperationFailedException: Netty HTTP operation failed invoking with statusCode: 503
Message History
RouteId ProcessorId Processor Elapsed (ms)
[route1 ] [route1 ] [from[proxy://] ] [ 18]
[route1 ] [log1 ] [log
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: client
app: client
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 0
Message History (complete message history is disabled)
RouteId ProcessorId Processor Elapsed (ms)
[route1 ] [route1 ] [from[proxy://] ] [ 5231]
[route1 ] [toD1 ] [netty-http:${headers.CamelHttpScheme}://${headers.CamelHttpHost}:${headers.Cam] [ 0]
localhost.localdomain ➜ camel-netty-proxy git:(master) oc new-project eloy-camel-http
Now using project "eloy-camel-http" on server "".
You can add applications to this project with the 'new-app' command. For example, try:
oc new-app centos/ruby-25-centos7~
to build a new example application in Ruby.
localhost.localdomain ➜ camel-netty-proxy git:(master) ./mvnw -Popenshift package
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
// +build
package main
import (