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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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Carte de la Francophonie

Modifying renecn's visualization based on Mike Bostock's D3 World Tour. I am making an interactive map of La Francophonie for a french teacher (my mom) to use in classes.

In order to use this code yourself to make a similar map, change the francophonie.csv file to be a file with the data of the countries you wish to highlight. All you need is an id, name, language, population, and note column. You can find the id for countries here. The id is a magic number that gets crosslisted with the map, so the number must correspond to the correct country. You can make a csv file using excel or another spreadsheet program (just "save as -> csv"). Then, in the tour.js file, just change "francophonie.csv" to the new file name (or you can just save your new file as francophonie.csv to save yourself the trouble).

id name nativeName tld cca2 ccn3 cca3 currency callingCode capital altSpellings relevance region subregion language languageCodes translations population latlng demonym borders Note
108 Burundi Burundi .bi BI 108 BDI BIF 257 Bujumbura BI,Republic of Burundi,Republika y'Uburundi,République du Burundi 0 Africa Eastern Africa Kirundi,French fr,rn Burundi,Burundi,Burundi,Burundi,ブルンジ,Burundi,Burundi 10163000 -3.5,30 Burundian COD,RWA,TZA
174 Comoros Komori .km KM 174 COM KMF 269 Moroni KM,Union of the Comoros,Union des Comores,Udzima wa Komori,al-Ittiḥād al-Qumurī 0 Africa Eastern Africa Comorian,Arabic,French ar,fr Union der Komoren,Comoras,Comores,Comore,コモロ,Comoren,Komori 724300 -12.16666666,44.25 Comoran
262 Djibouti Djibouti .dj DJ 262 DJI DJF 253 Djibouti DJ,Jabuuti,Gabuuti,Republic of Djibouti,République de Djibouti,Gabuutih Ummuuno,Jamhuuriyadda Jabuuti 0 Africa Eastern Africa French,Arabic fr,ar Dschibuti,Yibuti,Djibouti,Gibuti,ジブチ,Djibouti,Džibuti 864618 11.5,43 Djibouti ERI,ETH,SOM
450 Madagascar Madagasikara .mg MG 450 MDG MGA 261 Antananarivo MG,Republic of Madagascar,Repoblikan'i Madagasikara,République de Madagascar 0 Africa Eastern Africa Malagasy,French fr,mg Madagaskar,Madagascar,Madagascar,Madagascar,マダガスカル,Madagaskar,Madagaskar 20696070 -20,47 Malagasy
175 Mayotte Mayotte .yt YT 175 MYT EUR 262 Mamoudzou YT,Department of Mayotte,Département de Mayotte 0 Africa Eastern Africa French fr Mayotte,Mayotte,Mayotte,Mayotte,マヨット,Mayotte,Mayotte 212600 -12.83333333,45.16666666 French
638 Réunion La Réunion .re RE 638 REU EUR 262 Saint-Denis RE,Reunion 0 Africa Eastern Africa French fr Réunion,Reunión,Réunion,Riunione,レユニオン,Réunion,Réunion 821136 -21.15,55.5 French
646 Rwanda Rwanda .rw RW 646 RWA RWF 250 Kigali RW,Republic of Rwanda,Repubulika y'u Rwanda,République du Rwanda 0 Africa Eastern Africa Kinyarwanda,French,English rw,en,fr Ruanda,Ruanda,Rwanda,Ruanda,ルワンダ,Rwanda,Ruanda 10537222 -2,30 Rwandan BDI,COD,TZA,UGA
690 Seychelles Seychelles .sc SC 690 SYC SCR 248 Victoria SC,Republic of Seychelles,Repiblik Sesel,République des Seychelles 0.5 Africa Eastern Africa French,English,Seychellois Creole fr,en Seychellen,Seychelles,Seychelles,Seychelles,セーシェル,Seychellen,Sejšeli 90945 -4.58333333,55.66666666 Seychellois
120 Cameroon Cameroon .cm CM 120 CMR XAF 237 Yaoundé CM,Republic of Cameroon,République du Cameroun 0 Africa Middle Africa French,English en,fr Kamerun,Camerún,Cameroun,Camerun,カメルーン,Kameroen,Kamerun 20386799 6,12 Cameroonian CAF,TCD,COG,GNQ,GAB,NGA
140 Central African Republic Ködörösêse tî Bêafrîka .cf CF 140 CAF XAF 236 Bangui CF,Central African Republic,République centrafricaine 0 Africa Middle Africa Sango,French fr,sg Zentralafrikanische Republik,República Centroafricana,République centrafricaine,Repubblica Centrafricana,中央アフリカ共和国,Centraal-Afrikaanse Republiek,Srednjoafrička Republika 4616000 7,21 Central African CMR,TCD,COD,COG,SSD,SDN
148 Chad Tchad .td TD 148 TCD XAF 235 N'Djamena TD,Tchad,Republic of Chad,République du Tchad 0 Africa Middle Africa French,Arabic fr,ar Tschad,Chad,Tchad,Ciad,チャド,Tsjaad,Čad 12825000 15,19 Chadian CMR,CAF,LBY,NER,NGA,SSD
178 Republic of the Congo République du Congo .cg CG 178 COG XAF 242 Brazzaville CG,Congo-Brazzaville 0 Africa Middle Africa French fr,ln Kongo,Congo,Congo,Congo,コンゴ共和国,Congo [Republiek],Kongo 4448000 -1,15 Congolese AGO,CMR,CAF,COD,GAB
180 Democratic Republic of the Congo République démocratique du Congo .cd CD 180 COD CDF 243 Kinshasa CD,DR Congo,Congo-Kinshasa,DRC 0 Africa Middle Africa French fr,ln,kg,sw,lu Kongo (Dem. Rep.),Congo (Rep. Dem.),Congo (Rép. dém.),Congo (Rep. Dem.),コンゴ民主共和国,Congo [DRC],Kongo, Demokratska Republika 67514000 0,25 Congolese AGO,BDI,CAF,COG,RWA,SSD,TZA,UGA,ZMB
226 Equatorial Guinea Guinea Ecuatorial .gq GQ 226 GNQ XAF 240 Malabo GQ,Republic of Equatorial Guinea,República de Guinea Ecuatorial,République de Guinée équatoriale,República da Guiné Equatorial 0 Africa Middle Africa Spanish,French,Portuguese es,fr Äquatorial-Guinea,Guinea Ecuatorial,Guinée-Équatoriale,Guinea Equatoriale,赤道ギニア,Equatoriaal-Guinea,Ekvatorijalna Gvineja 1622000 2,10 Equatorial Guinean CMR,GAB
266 Gabon Gabon .ga GA 266 GAB XAF 241 Libreville GA,Gabonese Republic,République Gabonaise 0 Africa Middle Africa French fr Gabun,Gabón,Gabon,Gabon,ガボン,Gabon,Gabon 1672000 -1,11.75 Gabonese CMR,COG,GNQ
204 Benin Bénin .bj BJ 204 BEN XOF 229 Porto-Novo BJ,Republic of Benin,République du Bénin 0 Africa Western Africa French fr Benin,Benín,Bénin,Benin,ベナン,Benin,Benin 10323000 9.5,2.25 Beninese BFA,NER,NGA,TGO
854 Burkina Faso Burkina Faso .bf BF 854 BFA XOF 226 Ouagadougou BF 0 Africa Western Africa French fr,ff Burkina Faso,Burkina Faso,Burkina Faso,Burkina Faso,ブルキナファソ,Burkina Faso,Burkina Faso 17322796 13,-2 Burkinabe BEN,CIV,GHA,MLI,NER,TGO
324 Guinea Guinée .gn GN 324 GIN GNF 224 Conakry GN,Republic of Guinea,République de Guinée 0 Africa Western Africa French fr,ff Guinea,Guinea,Guinée,Guinea,ギニア,Guinee,Gvineja 10824200 11,-10 Guinean CIV,GNB,LBR,MLI,SEN,SLE
384 Ivory Coast Côte d'Ivoire .ci CI 384 CIV XOF 225 Yamoussoukro CI,Ivory Coast,Republic of Côte d'Ivoire,République de Côte d'Ivoire 0 Africa Western Africa French fr Elfenbeinküste,Costa de Marfil,Côte d'Ivoire,Costa D'Avorio,コートジボワール,Ivoorkust,Obala Bjelokosti 22400835 8,-5 Ivorian BFA,GHA,GIN,LBR,MLI
466 Mali Mali .ml ML 466 MLI XOF 223 Bamako ML,Republic of Mali,République du Mali 0 Africa Western Africa French fr Mali,Mali,Mali,Mali,マリ,Mali,Mali 15302000 17,-4 Malian DZA,BFA,GIN,CIV,MRT,NER,SEN
562 Niger Niger .ne NE 562 NER XOF 227 Niamey NE,Nijar,Republic of Niger,République du Niger 0 Africa Western Africa French fr Niger,Níger,Niger,Niger,ニジェール,Niger,Niger 17129076 16,8 Nigerian DZA,BEN,BFA,TCD,LBY,MLI,NGA
686 Senegal Sénégal .sn SN 686 SEN XOF 221 Dakar SN,Republic of Senegal,République du Sénégal 0 Africa Western Africa French fr Senegal,Senegal,Sénégal,Senegal,セネガル,Senegal,Senegal 13567338 14,-14 Senegalese The Gambia,GIN,GNB,MLI,MRT French is the official language, but Wolof is widely spoken, as well as Pulaar and several other African langauges. Most people study French in school and many are bilingual.
768 Togo Togo .tg TG 768 TGO XOF 228 Lomé TG,Togolese,Togolese Republic,République Togolaise 0 Africa Western Africa French fr Togo,Togo,Togo,Togo,トーゴ,Togo,Togo 6191155 8,1.16666666 Togolese BEN,BFA,GHA
312 Guadeloupe Guadeloupe .gp GP 312 GLP EUR 590 Basse-Terre GP,Gwadloup 0 Americas Caribbean French fr Guadeloupe,Guadalupe,Guadeloupe,Guadeloupa,グアドループ,Guadeloupe,Gvadalupa 403355 16.25,-61.583333 Guadeloupian
332 Haiti Haïti .ht HT 332 HTI HTG,USD 509 Port-au-Prince HT,Republic of Haiti,République d'Haïti,Repiblik Ayiti 0 Americas Caribbean French,Haitian Creole fr,ht Haiti,Haiti,Haïti,Haiti,ハイチ,Haïti,Haiti 10413211 19,-72.41666666 Haitian DOM
474 Martinique Martinique .mq MQ 474 MTQ EUR 596 Fort-de-France MQ 0 Americas Caribbean French fr Martinique,Martinica,Martinique,Martinica,マルティニーク,Martinique,Martinique 394173 14.666667,-61 French
652 Saint Barthélemy Saint-Barthélemy .bl BL 652 BLM EUR 590 Gustavia BL,St. Barthelemy,Collectivity of Saint Barthélemy,Collectivité de Saint-Barthélemy 0 Americas Caribbean French fr Saint-Barthélemy,San Bartolomé,Saint-Barthélemy,Antille Francesi,サン・バルテルミー,Saint Barthélemy,Saint Barthélemy 8938 18.5,-63.41666666 Saint Barthélemy Islander
663 Saint Martin Saint-Martin .mf,.fr,.gp MF 663 MAF EUR 590 Marigot MF,Collectivity of Saint Martin,Collectivité de Saint-Martin 0 Americas Caribbean French en,fr,nl Saint Martin,Saint Martin,Saint-Martin,Saint Martin,サン・マルタン(フランス領),Saint-Martin,Sveti Martin 77741 18.08333333,-63.95 Saint Martin Islander SXM,NLD
124 Canada Canada .ca CA 124 CAN CAD 1 Ottawa CA 2 Americas Northern America English,French en,fr Kanada,Canadá,Canada,Canada,カナダ,Canada,Kanada 35158304 60,-95 Canadian USA The province of Quebec, with a population of 8 million people, is primarily French speaking.
666 Saint Pierre and Miquelon Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon .pm PM 666 SPM EUR 508 Saint-Pierre PM,Collectivité territoriale de Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon 0 Americas Northern America French fr Saint-Pierre und Miquelon,San Pedro y Miquelón,Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon,Saint-Pierre e Miquelon,サンピエール島・ミクロン島,Saint Pierre en Miquelon,Sveti Petar i Mikelon 6081 46.83333333,-56.33333333 French
254 French Guiana Guyane française .gf GF 254 GUF EUR 594 Cayenne GF,Guiana,Guyane 0 Americas South America French fr Französisch Guyana,Guayana Francesa,Guayane,Guyana francese,フランス領ギアナ,Frans-Guyana,Francuska Gvajana 229040 4,-53 BRA,SUR
422 Lebanon لبنان .lb LB 422 LBN LBP 961 Beirut LB,Lebanese Republic,Al-Jumhūrīyah Al-Libnānīyah 0 Asia Western Asia Arabic,French ar,fr Libanon,Líbano,Liban,Libano,レバノン,Libanon,Libanon 4822000 33.83333333,35.83333333 Lebanese ISR,SYR
831 Guernsey Guernsey .gg GG 831 GGY GBP 44 St. Peter Port GG,Bailiwick of Guernsey,Bailliage de Guernesey 0.5 Europe Northern Europe English,French en,fr Guernsey,Guernsey,Guernesey,Guernsey,ガーンジー,Guernsey,Guernsey 62431 49.46666666,-2.58333333 Channel Islander
832 Jersey Jersey .je JE 832 JEY GBP 44 Saint Helier JE,Bailiwick of Jersey,Bailliage de Jersey,Bailliage dé Jèrri 0.5 Europe Northern Europe English,French en,fr Jersey,Jersey,Jersey,Isola di Jersey,ジャージー,Jersey,Jersey 97857 49.25,-2.16666666 Channel Islander
56 Belgium België .be BE 56 BEL EUR 32 Brussels BE,België,Belgie,Belgien,Belgique,Kingdom of Belgium,Koninkrijk België,Royaume de Belgique,Königreich Belgien 1.5 Europe Western Europe Dutch,French,German nl,fr,de Belgien,Bélgica,Belgique,Belgio,ベルギー,België,Belgija 11175653 50.83333333,4 Belgian FRA,DEU,LUX,NLD
250 France France .fr FR 250 FRA EUR 33 Paris FR,French Republic,République française 2.5 Europe Western Europe French fr Frankreich,Francia,France,Francia,フランス,Frankrijk,Francuska 65806000 46,2 French AND,BEL,DEU,ITA,LUX,MCO,ESP,CHE
442 Luxembourg Luxembourg .lu LU 442 LUX EUR 352 Luxembourg LU,Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,Grand-Duché de Luxembourg,Großherzogtum Luxemburg,Groussherzogtum Lëtzebuerg 0 Europe Western Europe French,German,Luxembourgish fr,de,lb Luxemburg,Luxemburgo,Luxembourg,Lussemburgo,ルクセンブルク,Luxemburg,Luksemburg 537000 49.75,6.16666666 Luxembourger BEL,FRA,DEU
492 Monaco Monaco .mc MC 492 MCO EUR 377 Monaco MC,Principality of Monaco,Principauté de Monaco 0 Europe Western Europe French fr Monaco,Mónaco,Monaco,Principato di Monaco,モナコ,Monaco,Monako 36136 43.73333333,7.4 Monegasque FRA
756 Switzerland Schweiz .ch CH 756 CHE CHE,CHF,CHW 41 Bern CH,Swiss Confederation,Schweiz,Suisse,Svizzera,Svizra 1.5 Europe Western Europe German,French,Italian,Romansh de,fr,it Schweiz,Suiza,Suisse,Svizzera,スイス,Zwitserland,Švicarska 8085300 47,8 Swiss AUT,FRA,ITA,LIE,DEU
540 New Caledonia Nouvelle-Calédonie .nc NC 540 NCL XPF 687 Nouméa NC 0.5 Oceania Melanesia French fr Neukaledonien,Nueva Caledonia,Nouvelle-Calédonie,Nuova Caledonia,ニューカレドニア,Nieuw-Caledonië,Nova Kaledonija 258958 -21.5,165.5 New Caledonian
548 Vanuatu Vanuatu .vu VU 548 VUT VUV 678 Port Vila VU,Republic of Vanuatu,Ripablik blong Vanuatu,République de Vanuatu 0 Oceania Melanesia Bislama,French,English bi,en,fr Vanuatu,Vanuatu,Vanuatu,Vanuatu,バヌアツ,Vanuatu,Vanuatu 264652 -16167 Ni-Vanuatu
258 French Polynesia Polynésie française .pf PF 258 PYF XPF 689 Papeetē PF,Polynésie française,French Polynesia,Pōrīnetia Farāni 0 Oceania Polynesia French fr Französisch-Polynesien,Polinesia Francesa,Polynésie française,Polinesia Francese,フランス領ポリネシア,Frans-Polynesië,Francuska Polinezija 268270 -15,-140 French Polynesian
876 Wallis and Futuna Wallis et Futuna .wf WF 876 WLF XPF 681 Mata-Utu WF,Territory of the Wallis and Futuna Islands,Territoire des îles Wallis et Futuna 0.5 Oceania Polynesia French fr Wallis und Futuna,Wallis y Futuna,Wallis-et-Futuna,Wallis e Futuna,ウォリス・フツナ,Wallis en Futuna,Wallis i Fortuna 13135 -13.3,-176.2 Wallis and Futuna Islander
260 French Southern and Antarctic Lands Territoire des Terres australes et antarctiques françaises .tf TF 260 ATF EUR Port-aux-Français TF 0 French fr Französische Süd- und Antarktisgebiete,Tierras Australes y Antárticas Francesas,Terres australes et antarctiques françaises,Territori Francesi del Sud,フランス領南方・南極地域,Franse Gebieden in de zuidelijke Indische Oceaan,Francuski južni i antarktički teritoriji 140 -49.25,69.167 French
504 Morocco المغرب .ma MA 504 MAR MAD 212 Rabat MA,Kingdom of Morocco,Al-Mamlakah al-Maġribiyah 0 Africa Northern Africa Arabic,Berber ar Marokko,Marruecos,Maroc,Marocco,モロッコ,Marokko,Maroko 33087700 32,-5 Moroccan DZA,ESH,ESP The official languages of Morocco are Arabic and Berber. French is required in all schools in the country, and in 2012 Morocco had an estimated 10 million French speakers.
12 Algeria الجزائر .dz DZ 12 DZA DZD 213 Algiers DZ,Dzayer,Algérie 0 Africa Northern Africa Arabic ar Algerien,Argelia,Algérie,Algeria,アルジェリア,Algerije,Alžir 37900000 28,3 Algerian TUN,LDY,NER,ESH,MRT,MLI,MAR
788 Tunisia تونس .tn TN 788 TUN TND 216 Tunis TN,Republic of Tunisia,al-Jumhūriyyah at-Tūnisiyyah 0 Africa Northern Africa Arabic ar Tunesien,Túnez,Tunisie,Tunisia,チュニジア,Tunesië,Tunis 10833431 34,9 Tunisian DZA,LBY
258 French Polynesia Polynésie française .pf PF 258 PYF XPF 689 Papeetē PF,Polynésie française,French Polynesia,Pōrīnetia Farāni 0 Oceania Polynesia French fr Französisch-Polynesien,Polinesia Francesa,Polynésie française,Polinesia Francese,フランス領ポリネシア,Frans-Polynesië,Francuska Polinezija 268270 -15,-140 French Polynesian
254 French Guiana Guyane française .gf GF 254 GUF EUR 594 Cayenne GF,Guiana,Guyane 0 Americas South America French fr Französisch Guyana,Guayana Francesa,Guayane,Guyana francese,フランス領ギアナ,Frans-Guyana,Francuska Gvajana 229040 4,-53 BRA,SUR
704 Vietnam Việt Nam .vn VN 704 VNM VND 84 Hanoi VN,Socialist Republic of Vietnam,Cộng hòa Xã hội chủ nghĩa Việt Nam 1.5 Asia South-Eastern Asia Vietnamese vi Viêt Nam,Vietnam,Vietnam,Vietnam,ベトナム,Vietnam,Vijetnam 90388000 16.16666666,107.83333333 Vietnamese KHM,CHN,LAO
418 Laos ສປປລາວ .la LA 418 LAO LAK 856 Vientiane LA,Lao,Lao People's Democratic Republic,Sathalanalat Paxathipatai Paxaxon Lao 0 Asia South-Eastern Asia Lao lo Laos,Laos,Laos,Laos,ラオス人民民主共和国,Laos,Laos 6580800 18,105 Laotian MMR,KHM,CHN,THA,VNM
116 Cambodia Kâmpŭchéa .kh KH 116 KHM KHR 855 Phnom Penh KH,Kingdom of Cambodia 0 Asia South-Eastern Asia Khmer km Cambodge,Cambodja,Kambodscha,Cambogia,カンボジア,Camboya,Kambodža 15135000 13,105 Cambodian LAO,THA,VNM
478 Mauritania موريتانيا .mr MR 478 MRT MRO 222 Nouakchott MR,Islamic Republic of Mauritania,al-Jumhūriyyah al-ʾIslāmiyyah al-Mūrītāniyyah 0 Africa Western Africa Arabic ar Mauretanien,Mauritania,Mauritanie,Mauritania,モーリタニア,Mauritanië,Mauritanija 3461041 20,-12 Mauritanian DZA,MLI,SEN,ESH
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<h2 id="activeName"></h2>
<p><strong>Official Languages: </strong><p id="activeLanguages"> Loading...</p> </p>
<p><strong>Population: </strong><p id="activePopulation">Loading...</p></p>
<p><strong>Note: </strong><br><p id="activeNote">Loading...</p></p>
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var c = canvas.node().getContext("2d");
var path = d3.geo.path()
var activeName ="#activeName"),
activeLanguages ="#activeLanguages")
activePopulation ="#activePopulation")
activeNote ="#activeNote");
.defer(d3.json, "world-110m.json")
.defer(d3.csv, "francophonie.csv")
function ready(error, world, names) {
var globe = {type: "Sphere"},
land = topojson.feature(world,,
countries = topojson.feature(world, world.objects.countries).features,
francophoneCountries = topojson.feature(world, world.objects.countries),
borders = topojson.mesh(world, world.objects.countries, function(a, b) { return a !== b; }),
i = -1,
n = countries.length,
currentCountry = countries[0],
priorities = ["France","Canada","Senegal","Morocco","Belgium","Switzerland","Haiti"];
countries = countries.filter(function(d) {
return names.some(function(n) {
if ( == return =;
}).sort( function(a,b){
aPriority = priorities.indexOf(;
bPriority = priorities.indexOf(;
if (aPriority > -1 && bPriority > -1){
return aPriority - bPriority;
else if (aPriority > -1) {
return -1;
else if (bPriority > -1) {
return 1;
return < ? -1 : 1;
francophoneCountries.features = francophoneCountries.features.filter(function(d){
return names.some(function(n){
return ==;
.attr('class', function(d){return "li-" +\s+/g, "") ;} )
.attr('href', '#')
.attr('onClick', function(d){return "setCountry(\"" + + "\")";})
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function boldCountryName(dest){
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d3.selectAll('.active-country').classed({'active-country': false})}".li-" + dest).classed({'active-country': true});
function setContent(dest, cidx){
country = names[lookUp(dest, names)];
function generateLinks(languages){
langArr = languages.split(",");
linkArr ={return "<a href=\"" + d + "_language\" target=\"_blank\">" + d + "</a>";});
return linkArr.join(", ");
function numberWithCommas(x) {
return x.replace(/\B(?=(\d{3})+(?!\d))/g, ",");
function lookUp(countryName, arr){
var idx = -1;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
if (arr[i].name == countryName){
idx = i;
return idx;
return idx;
function transitionGlobe(dest) {
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return function(t) {
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c.fillStyle = "#46056F", c.beginPath(), path(countries[i]), c.fill();
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c.strokeStyle = "#464646", c.lineWidth = 2, c.beginPath(), path(globe), c.stroke();
setCountry("Senegal", countries);
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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