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elskwid / ps_template_parser.rb
Created January 31, 2012 22:41 — forked from Alfaj0r/ps_template_parser.rb
Powerscribe templates XML parsing
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require 'rexml/document'
include REXML
#open the XML file exported from Powerscribe
# Ruby lets us open the file in a block (thereby closing it when it's done)"Voice.xml") do |file|
# The "block" is that do ... end syntax and |file| is a reference to the file we've opened
doc =
# Version 0 (original)
def to
unless name.nil?
name=name+" "+self.last_name
elskwid / gist:658965
Created November 1, 2010 22:10 — forked from brianjlandau/gist:176754
Useful gist for cap deploy gh style
# you'd obviously have more settings somewhere
set :scm, :git
set :repository, ""
set :branch, "origin/master"
set :migrate_target, :current
set :use_sudo, false
set :ssh_options, {:forward_agent => true}
set :rails_env, 'production'
set(:latest_release) { fetch(:current_path) }
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# Update JIRA with git commit messages
# == Usage ==
# To update a JIRA issue, prepend the first line of your git commit message
# with the issue key and a colon:
# $ git commit -m "GIT-1: Updates something"
task :do_a_thing => :environment do
@zh_cn = " 联想"
@zh_tw = " 聯想"
%w( zh-cn zh-tw ).each do |chinese|
lang = Language.find_by_language_code(chinese)
LocalizedString.all(:conditions => ["language_id = ? and string_value like '%FindMe%'",]).each do |loc|
loc.string_value.gsub!('FindMe', instance_variable_get("@#{chinese.underscore}"))
# config.gem "rspec", :lib => false, :version => ">=1.2.6" unless, 'vendor/plugins/rspec'))
# config.gem "rspec-rails", :lib => 'spec/rails', :version => ">=1.2.6" unless, 'vendor/plugins/rspec-rails'))
Experiments in revision control: Curry recipe.
My personal recipe for Japanese curry, which has mutated over the years and is
now open-source thanks to github, hot damn. Some of the ingredients are not
very Japanese, but curry came to Japan from England which got it from India to
begin with, so whatever.
1.5 - 2 lbs. of meat, prefer thin-sliced beef (komagire), pork works, too.
Thin-sliced stuff is always best, but in a pinch stewing beef works. Bacon
works surprisingly well. Chicken will work, technically, but if you must,