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rodw /
Last active June 4, 2024 16:06
A simple script to backup an organization's GitHub repositories, wikis and issues.
# A simple script to backup an organization's GitHub repositories.
# * Under the heading "CONFIG" below you'll find a number of configuration
# parameters that must be personalized for your GitHub account and org.
# Replace the `<CHANGE-ME>` strings with the value described in the comments
# (or overwrite those values at run-time by providing environment variables).
howlingblast / gist:5814547
Created June 19, 2013 14:00
CoffeeScript: getter/setter example
Function::property = (prop, desc) ->
Object.defineProperty @prototype, prop, desc
class Person
constructor: (@firstName, @lastName) ->
@property 'fullName',
get: -> "#{@firstName} #{@lastName}"
set: (name) -> [@firstName, @lastName] = name.split ' '
p = new Person 'Leroy', 'Jenkins'
addyosmani /
Last active April 2, 2024 20:18 — forked from 140bytes/LICENSE.txt
108 byte CSS Layout Debugger

CSS Layout Debugger

A tweet-sized debugger for visualizing your CSS layouts. Outlines every DOM element on your page a random (valid) CSS hex color.

One-line version to paste in your DevTools

Use $$ if your browser aliases it:

~ 108 byte version