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Overthinking about overthinking

Emad Ehsan emadehsan

Overthinking about overthinking
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Processing 1 images
image shape: (425, 640, 3) min: 0.00000 max: 255.00000 uint8
molded_images shape: (1, 1024, 1024, 3) min: -123.70000 max: 151.10000 float64
image_metas shape: (1, 93) min: 0.00000 max: 1024.00000 float64
anchors shape: (1, 261888, 4) min: -0.35390 max: 1.29134 float32
async function takePhoto(quality) {
// create html elements
const div = document.createElement('div');
const video = document.createElement('video'); = 'block';
// request the stream. This will ask for Permission to access
// a connected Camera/Webcam
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({video: true});
from IPython.display import display, Javascript
from google.colab.output import eval_js
from base64 import b64decode
def take_photo(filename='photo.jpg', quality=0.8):
js = Javascript('''
// ...
// JavaScript code here <<==
// ...
import IPython
import time
import sys
import numpy as np
import cv2
import base64
import logging
from google.colab import output
from PIL import Image
# register this function, so JS code could call this
output.register_callback('notebook.run_algo', run_algo)
# put the JS code in cell and run it