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emaloney /
Last active August 1, 2023 00:24
A simplified notation for avoiding the weak/strong dance with closure capture lists

Simplified notation for avoiding the [weak self]/strongSelf dance with closures

  • Proposal: TBD
  • Author: Evan Maloney
  • Status: Draft
  • Review manager: TBD


Frequently, closures are used as completion callbacks for asynchronous operations, such as when dealing with network requests. It is quite common to model these sorts of operations in such a way that an object instance represents a request/response transaction, for example:

emaloney /
Last active March 9, 2018 20:12
Allow using optional binding to upgrade a weakly-captured self to a strong reference

Allow using optional binding to upgrade self from a weak to strong reference

  • Proposal: TBD
  • Author: Evan Maloney
  • Status: Draft
  • Review manager: TBD


When working with escaping Swift closures, it is a common pattern to have the closure capture self weakly to avoid creating an object reference cycle.

emaloney /
Created February 24, 2016 22:30
Allow declaration of abstract functions and properties on Swift classes

Allow declaration of abstract functions and properties on classes

  • Proposal: SE-NNNN
  • Author: Evan Maloney
  • Status: Draft
  • Review manager: TBD


Swift protocols are useful for the declaring interfaces that must be provided by conforming entities (in other words: structs, classes and enums). Adopters of a given protocol are free to provide any implementation they wish, so long as it supplies the necessary interfaces.