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emanuer / center-middle
Last active December 15, 2015 07:40
3 elements — needs 2 wrap elements: .table_wrap --› (child-node) .center-middle_wrap --› (child-node) .target-element
.table_wrap { display:table; }
.center-middle_wrap { display:table-cell; text-align:center; vertical-align:middle; }
emanuer / inset_text
Last active December 15, 2015 07:48
text gets an "inset" style resets the color of the text only for modern browsers > ie8 the order of the text-shadow properties is essential: "inner shadow" -› "text color" -› "drop shadow"
.inset_text { color: hsla(0,0%,0%,0); /* color reset */
text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px hsla(0,0%,100%,.4), /* inner shadow */
0 0 hsla(0,0%,0%,.9), /* text color */
1px 1px hsla(0,0%,100%,.5); /* drop shadow */
.outset_text { color: hsla(0,0%,0%,0); /* color reset */
text-shadow: 0 0 hsla(0,0%,0%,.4), /* text-color - combines with drop-shadow */
-1px -1px hsla(0,0%,100%,.8), /* top left bright bevel - brighter than background */
1px 1px hsla(0,0%,0%,.2);} /* bottom right drop-shadow - brighter than text-color */
floating_box: {
box-shadow: 0px 0px 0 1px hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 0.7), /*white border around element*/
1px 1px 0px 2px hsl(0, 0%, 92%), /*gray 3D side*/
2px 2px 0px 2px hsla(0, 100%, 100%, 0.5), /*white border below 3D side*/
9px 9px 7px 0px hsla(0, 0%, 0%, 0.1);} /*wide shadow — floating apprearance*/
emanuer / detect-scroll-to-bottom.html
Last active April 30, 2017 06:02
Detect if user scrolled to the bottom of an element
<div (scroll)="onScroll($event)">
emanuer / setHeight
Last active May 3, 2020 23:26
In Angular4: set height of elements after the page was initialized
import {Component, ElementRef, AfterViewInit, QueryList, ViewChild, ViewChildren} from '@angular/core';
selector: 'app-something',
templateUrl: '<section #fa1><div #fa1View></div><div #fa1View></div></section>',
styleUrls: ['']
export class AppComponent implements AfterViewInit {
@ViewChild('fa1') fa1: ElementRef;
@ViewChildren('fa1View') fa1Views: QueryList<ElementRef>;
.slanted-container {
.slanted-box {
--slant: 20px;
--border: 1px;
--border-color: #4de;
--diagonal: calc(var(--slant) * .7071067812);
.slanted-svg {
background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml;charset=utf8,<svg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 100 100' preserveAspectRatio='none'><style>.strk {stroke:black;stroke-width:2px;vector-effect:non-scaling-stroke;} .slant{stroke-width:1px}</style><line x1='0' y1='0' x2='100' y2='0' class='strk'/><line x1='100' y1='0' x2='100' y2='90' class='strk'/><line x1='100' y1='90' x2='90' y2='100' class='strk slant'/><line x1='90.5' y1='100' x2='0' y2='100' class='strk'/><line x1='0' y1='100' x2='0' y2='0' class='strk'/></svg>");