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Edmund Hart emhart

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emhart / refexp.r
Created November 16, 2012 21:23
Blog post on random effects in mixed models
#create some levels
levs <- as.factor(c("l1","l2","l3","l4","l5"))
#set the factor means
f_means <- c(6,16,2,10,13)
# set individual as a factor
emhart / server.R
Created December 10, 2012 21:22
rOpenSci rgbif shiny app test
## Set up server output
shinyServer(function(input, output) {
# define function for server plot output
output$gbifplot <- reactivePlot(function() {
splist <- input$spec
import csv
dat = ['one potato','two potato']
dat2 = ['3 potato','four']
dat3 = ['8 potatos','9 potatoes']
mydat = [dat,dat2,dat3]
with open("test.csv","a") as csvfile:
mywriter = csv.writer(csvfile, delimiter=",")
for x in mydat:
emhart / theme_blank.R
Last active December 22, 2017 07:56
A blank ggplot2 theme
theme.blank = function(size=12) {
# axis.ticks=element_blank(),
axis.ticks.length=unit(0.1, "lines"),
axis.ticks.margin=unit(0.5, "lines"),
emhart / loops_vs_apply.R
Last active December 14, 2015 20:59
timing in loops vs apply functions...
# n is the number of iterations for the test
# j is the number of matrices to create
# m is the size of the square matrix to solve
loops <- function(n,j,m){
for(i in 1:n){
mylist <- list()
for(x in 1:j){mylist[[x]]<- matrix(rnorm(m^2),nrow=m,ncol=m)}
for(x in 1:j) {z <- solve(mylist[[x]])}
emhart / ecoODE.R
Created March 28, 2013 20:49
Examples of ODE's in R from classic ecological models with a simple M-W extension on I
#' Description: Code using deSolve for some simple ecological ODE models
#' There are 3 examples, one is a simple LV Pred-Prey example with plots
#' The next is a Macarthur-Wilson model with plots of both the species curve and the equlibrium points
#' The last plot is a quick crack at putting stochasticity into the model by adding oscillations in I with t.
#' LV code is modified from a blog post here:
#' Other additions are my own
#' Author: Edmund Hart
#' Date: 3/28/2013
#' E-mail:
emhart /
Last active December 17, 2015 06:19
This is a function I worked on with a student at the Vancouver Ladies Learning Code workshop in Vancouver on May 11th, 2013. I added the docstring, and cleaned up a few things, but most of the work was done by June Yakavonis.
import random as rn
from ipythonblocks import BlockGrid
def draw_srpk_tri(dim = 100, iterations = 1000, background_color = (255,255,255), triangle_color = (0,0,0) ,block_size = 3):
Draws a Sierpinski triangle using the chaos game approach (
dim -- integer, the dimensions of the square to draw the triangle in, default is 100
iterations -- integer, the number of points to create the triangle with, the higher the value, the more resolution, default is 1000
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emhart / xtable_raw_text.R
Created June 12, 2013 04:32
For Scott so he can make html tables.
insane <- data.frame(Name=c("Ampersand","Greater than","Less than","Underscore","Per cent","Dollar","Backslash","Hash", "Caret", "Tilde","Left brace","Right brace"), Character = I(c("&",">", "<", "_", "%", "$", "\\", "#", "^", "~","{","}")))
colnames(insane)[2] <- paste(insane[,2],collapse="")
print( xtable(insane),type='html',sanitize.text.function = function(x){x})
emhart / gbif_climatemap.R
Created July 23, 2013 20:46
gbif data and climate maps.
splist <- c("Junco hyemalis", "Aix sponsa")
out <- occurrencelist_many(splist, coordinatestatus = TRUE, maxresults = 20)
options(kmlpath = "/Users/edmundhart/kmltemp") <- create_map_df(c("USA","MEX")) <- ggplot(,aes(x=long,y=lat,group=group))+geom_polygon(fill="white",colour="black")+xlim(-130,-65)+ylim(12,50) + geom_point(data=gbifdata(out),aes(y=decimalLatitude,x=decimalLongitude,group=taxonName,colour=taxonName))