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Last active October 19, 2019 00:33
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Example of using Tea
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
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"# Tea\n",
"Tea requires users to describe their data, variables, study design, assumptions about the data, and hypotheses at a high-level. Tea combines computed properties about the data (e.g., normal distribution) with users' assumptions and hypotheses to infer a set of valid statisitcal analyses that test users' hypotheses. Unlike other statistical analysis tools, Tea focuses on capturing users' *explicit* hypotheses and assumptions about the data and does *not* require users to specify the specific statistical tests. \n",
"Tea is designed for non-statistical experts!!"
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"## Example\n",
"Let's walk through an example! Make sure to [install Tea before]( :)"
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"## 1. Import tea"
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"import tea"
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"## Data\n",
"**Load data.**\n",
"This example is taken from Ehrlich[1] and Vandaele[2]. The data set comes as part of the MASS package in R.\n",
"Let's say you're a historical criminologist who wants to know \"Is there a significant difference in imprisonment probabilities between Southern and non-Southern states?\"\n",
"[1] Isaac Ehrlich. 1973. Participation in illegitimate activities: A theoretical and empirical investigation. Journal of political Economy. 81, 3 (1973), 521–565.\n",
"[2] Walter Vandaele. 1987. Participation in illegitimate activities: Ehrlich revisited, 1960. Vol. 8677. Inter-university Consortium for Political and Social Research."
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"## Variables\n",
"**Declare and annotate the variables of interest.**\n",
"There are two variables: `So` and `Prob`. \n",
"`So` is a binary nominal variable where `So=1` means the state is *Southern* and `So=0` means the state is *non-Southern*.\n",
"`Prob` is a ratio variable for the probability of imprisonment in each state."
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"variables = [\n",
" {\n",
" 'name' : 'So',\n",
" 'data type' : 'nominal', # Options: 'nominal', 'ordinal', 'interval', 'ratio'\n",
" 'categories' : ['0', '1']\n",
" },\n",
" {\n",
" 'name' : 'Prob',\n",
" 'data type' : 'ratio', # Options: 'nominal', 'ordinal', 'interval', 'ratio'\n",
" 'range' : [0,1] # optional\n",
" }\n",
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"## Assumptions\n",
"**OPTIONAL: Declare any assumptions you may have about the data based on prior visualization or domain knowledge.**\n",
"Based on prior knowledge in historical criminology, you might assume that probability of imprisonment is normally distributed in Southern and non-Southern states (the two groups of interest).\n",
"If no Type I Error Rate (or \"significance threshold\") is specified, Tea will use .05."
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"assumptions = {\n",
" 'groups normally distributed': [['So', 'Prob']],\n",
" 'Type I (False Positive) Error Rate': 0.05,\n",
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"## Study Design\n",
"**Express how the data were collected.**"
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"experimental_design = {\n",
" 'study type': 'observational study', # 'study type' could be 'experiment'\n",
" 'contributor variables': 'So', # 'experiment's have 'independent variables'\n",
" 'outcome variables': 'Prob', # 'experiment's have 'dependent variables'\n",
" }\n",
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"## Hypothesis\n",
"**Explicitly state a hypothesis about the relationship between the variables in the data.**\n",
"Based on your domain knowledge, you might hypothesize that there is a relationship between a state being Southern/non-Southern (`So`) and the probability of imprisonment (`Prob`).\n",
"In particular, you might hypothesize that Southern states (`So = 1`) have higher (`>`) imprisonment probabilities than non-Southern states (`So = 0`)."
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"tea.hypothesize(['So', 'Prob'], ['So:1 > 0'])"
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"# Hope that was as fun and easy as a cup of tea! ;)\n",
"If you have any **COMMENTS OR FEEDBACK** please do not hesitate to get in touch: emjun [at] cs dot washington dot edu or join us in the [Tea Room]("
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