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Emil Lundberg emlun

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# Utility script for making it easier to sign stuff for with an
# airgapped offline key.
# Usage:
# 1. Set the `REMOVABLE_DEVICE_UUID` below (see `$ lsblk -o +FSTYPE,UUID`)
# 2. Go to and add a new key or proof, track someone etc.
# 3. Choose to sign manually
# 4. Copy the script to the Xorg primary clipboard (should be enough to just
# select it all - triple-clicking the text box does the trick in Firefox)
# Author: Emil Lundberg <> <>
# This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
# See for the full license.
# Usage:
# $ confgit ls # List git repositories in ~/.config/
# $ confgit foo init # Clone 'foo.git' from remote into ~/.config/foo/
emlun / gitalias
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
My git alias configuration
# This is free and unencumbered text released into the public domain.
# For more information, please refer to <>
a = add -up
aa = !yes a | git a
amend = commit --amend -C HEAD
d = diff
di = diff --ignore-all-space
emlun / .bash_alias
Last active February 3, 2016 11:20
Bare minimum Bash settings
alias ls="ls -h --color=auto"
alias ll="ls -lh"
alias la="ls -lah"
var _ = require('underscore');
var list1 = [{ id: 0, a: 'a0', b: 'b0' }, { id: 1, a: 'a1', c: 'c1' }];
var list2 = [{ id: 0, c: 'c0', d: 'd0' }, { id: 1, a: 'A1', b: 'b1' }];
var merged = _(list1).chain()
.map(function(group, id) {
return _(group).reduce(function(result, next) {
# Clean out Syncthing *.sync-conflict-* files from Password Store
# Usage: Run the script from anywhere with no parameters.
# The script will remove all conflict files in `~/.password-store` for which
# the plaintext contents of the original file and the conflict file have the
# same SHA256 checksum. I.e. if `foo.sync-conflict-20151115-205258.gpg` and
# `foo.gpg` have the same checksums after decrypting, then the former will be
# removed.
emlun / .gitconfig
Last active June 22, 2016 08:08
Git config
autocrlf = input
editor = vim
default = simple
ui = true
emlun / two-combinations.clj
Last active April 9, 2017 13:51
(defn pair-with-all-in
{ :test #(let [f pair-with-all-in]
(is (= [] (f 0 [])))
(is (= [ [0 1] ] (f 0 [1])))
(is (= [ [0 1] [0 2] ] (f 0 [1 2])))
[ x ys ]
(map (fn [y] [x y]) ys))
emlun /
Last active June 4, 2017 21:00
GRand Unified Storage system
from binascii import hexlify, unhexlify
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.backends import default_backend
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives import hashes
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric import ec
sig_alg = ec.ECDSA(hashes.SHA256())