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reading the joy of kotlin. fantastic book

eoin_a eoinahern

reading the joy of kotlin. fantastic book
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eoinahern / build.gradle
Created October 13, 2017 11:30
gradle dependency conflict solutions
//force a resolution
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.force ''
eoinahern / build.gradle
Created October 13, 2017 13:04
exclude a module
//excluding a module!
androidTestCompile ("$rootProject.espressoVersion") {
exclude group: '', module:'jsr305'
androidTestCompile ("$rootProject.espressoVersion") {
exclude group: '', module:'jsr305'
androidTestCompile ("$rootProject.espressoVersion") {
eoinahern / build.gradle
Last active October 13, 2017 13:32
my build.gradle dependencies after modification.
dependencies {
//resolve a dependency
configurations.all {
resolutionStrategy.force ''
resolutionStrategy.force ''
// App's dependencies, including test
package models
type User struct {
UserName string `json: "username" gorm: "type:TEXT; primary_key; not null"`
Verified bool `json: "verified" gorm: "type : "BOOLEAN" `
Password string `json: "password" gorm: "type: TEXT"`
Token string `json: "token" sql:"-" gorm:"-" `
Podcasts []Podcast `json: "podcasts" gorm: "ForeignKey:UserEmail;AssociationForeignKey:UserName"`
eoinahern / models.go
Created January 9, 2018 20:58
updated models.
package models
type User struct {
UserName string `json: "username" gorm: "primary_key; type:TEXT"`
Verified bool `json: "verified" gorm: "type : "BOOLEAN" `
Password string `json: "password" gorm: "type: TEXT"`
Token string `json: "token" sql:"-" gorm:"-" `
Podcasts []Podcast `json: "podcasts" gorm: "ForeignKey:UserEmail"`
package main
import (
package main
import (
package main
import (
func main() {
//back navigation in android
//initate toolbar
val detailsToolbar: Toolbar by lazy { findViewById<Toolbar>( }
//in onCreate
actionBar = supportActionBar
actionBar?.apply {
eoinahern /
Created June 22, 2018 10:39
rx problem a guy was having on slack. put into a gist because the code was formatted badly. An attempt to make the code more readable.
Interceptor addHeadersInterceptor = chain -> {
if (tokenInvalid){
String token = getToken()); //If multiple call stays here blocked.
public String getToken() {