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root@ubuntu:/usr/local/DRAKBUF/drakvuf# sudo find . \( -name "*.cpp" -o -name "*.h" -o -name "*.ac" -o -name "*.am" \) -print | xargs grep -i "msrmon"
./ [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-plugin-msrmon],
./ [Enable the MSRMON example plugin @<:@yes@:>@])],
./ [plugin_msrmon="$enableval"],
./ [plugin_msrmon="yes"])
./[PLUGIN_MSRMON], [test x$plugin_msrmon = xyes])
./ test x$plugin_msrmon = xyes; then
./ $plugin_msrmon
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
DRAKVUF v0.5-a642efc
Socketmon plugin requires the Rekall profile for tcpip.sys!
poolmon,0,0xed1b85e0,notepad.exe,1,IoUs,unknown_pool_type,16,nt!io,I/O SubSystem completion Context Allocation
syscall,1 0xed1b81e0,svchost.exe,0,ntoskrnl.exe,NtQuerySystemInformation,4,IN,SYSTEM_INFORMATION_CLASS,SystemInformationClass,0x2,,,OUT,PVOID,SystemInformation,0x3c7fc18,,,IN,ULONG,SystemInformationLength,0x158,,,OUT,PULONG,ReturnLength,0x0,,
syscall,1 0xed1b81e0,svchost.exe,0,ntoskrnl.exe,NtCreateFile,11,OUT,PHANDLE,FileHandle,0x3c7fa24,,,IN,ACCESS_MASK,DesiredAccess,0x100080,,,IN,POBJECT_ATTRIBUTES,ObjectAttributes,0x3c7fa58,,,OUT,PIO_STATUS_BLOCK,IoStatusBlock,0x3c7fa30,,,IN,PLARGE_INTEGER,AllocationSize,0x0,,,IN,ULONG,FileAttributes,0x0,,,IN,ULONG,ShareAccess,0x3,,,IN,ULONG,CreateDisposition,0x1,,,IN,ULONG,CreateOptions,0x60,,
import time
import argparse
import subprocess
import commands
ip_addr = ""
netmask = ""
gateway = ""
dns_addr = ""
import time
import socket
from stem import Signal
from stem.control import Controller
password= 'password'
domain = ''
domain_dic = {domain:['','']}
correct = 0
import requests
import time
import json
from datetime import datetime
slacl_server_url = ''
camera_server_url = ''
token = 'slack api token'
''''''',,,,,,,,,,,,,,:c:cccdc;;:lcl:;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;. .c,oodll.                 ..''',,
:;',,;,,,,,,,''',,,,,,,,,,;::;:;::cc;;coxkO0KK00Oxd:... .c,oodll.   ...''',,
kxooddoooc:cl..;l:::colll;;:::;;;:lxOKKKXXKXXXXNNNNNXXKOxc,;c;dddll. ....................''',,
kxxxddxxxxxxxdxdddolcloddolodxxkO0KKXXXXXXXXXXNNNNNNNNNNNNXK0xkxdol. ............. ......'''',,
,;::;:ccdxxxxxdddddddxxxxxxxkO0KXXXXKKXXXXXXXNNNNNNNNNNNNNNXXK0kkdl. ........... .....'''',,
[ 2786.576349] start_pt_with_ioctl is called
[ 2786.576353] val 0
[ 2786.576354] oldval 0
[ 2786.576404] start_pt_with_ioctl is called
[ 2786.576406] start_pt_with_ioctl is called
[ 2786.576408] start_pt_with_ioctl is called
[ 2786.576410] start_pt_with_ioctl is called
[ 2786.576411] start_pt_with_ioctl is called
[ 2786.576412] start_pt_with_ioctl is called
[ 2786.576413] start_pt_with_ioctl is called
root@ubuntu:# ../../simple-pt/sptdump
cpu 0 offset 0, 0 KB, writing to ptout.0
cpu 1 offset 0, 0 KB, writing to ptout.1
cpu 2 offset 0, 0 KB, writing to ptout.2
cpu 3 offset 1904, 2048 KB, writing to ptout.3
cpu 4 offset 0, 0 KB, writing to ptout.4
cpu 5 offset 0, 0 KB, writing to ptout.5
cpu 6 offset 0, 0 KB, writing to ptout.6
cpu 7 offset 0, 0 KB, writing to ptout.7
cpu 8 offset 0, 0 KB, writing to ptout.8
epcnt19 /
Created October 23, 2018 16:20
drakvuf trace script
import re
import sys
import time
import argparse
import subprocess
import commands
dname_to_id = "xl domid %s"
get_pid = "vmi-process-list %s | grep %s"
var RollingSpider = require('rolling-spider');
var temporal = require('temporal');
var keypress = require('keypress');
var record = require('node-record-lpcm16');
var Julius = require('julius-net');
var rollingSpider = new RollingSpider();
console.log("[drone event] connecting to rolling spider...");