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eramdam / babel.config.js
Last active May 1, 2020 01:30
module.exports = {
overrides: [
include: [/react-pose/, /stylefire/],
plugins: ['./plugin-transform.js']
eramdam / mastodon-scrollbars-firefox.css
Last active January 1, 2019 04:34
Add styled scrollbars to Firefox 64+ on Mastodon (if for some reason your instance isn't on mainline Mastodon)
.scrollable {
/* Replace the color by the color of column headers for a better effect. */
scrollbar-color: #313543 transparent;
/* This is optional but I find the default scrollbars way too fat. */
scrollbar-width: thin;
eramdam / old-font.css
Created August 28, 2018 17:32
Old-ass font TweetDeck userstyle
html, html .system-font-stack {
font-family: HelveticaNeue,Helvetica Neue,Helvetica,Arial,Verdana,sans-serif;
eramdam / index.js
Created August 12, 2018 20:02
A small script to unfollow non-mutuals on Mastodon (useful if you need to do some cleaning)
const Masto = require('mastodon');
const fs = require('fs')
const M = new Masto({
access_token: 'ACCESS_TOKEN',
api_url: 'https://YOUR-INSTANCE.TLD/api/v1/'
function getNextPage(req) {
return (req.headers && &&'rel="next"')) ?<([^>]+)>/)[1] : null;
const getSelector = el => {
let sel = [];
let currEl = el;
while (!!currEl) {
sel = [`${currEl.tagName.toLowerCase()}.${currEl.className.trim().replace(/\s+/g, '.')}`, ;
currEl = currEl.parentElement;
@-moz-document url("") {
html.dark .is-inverted-dark .stream-item{background-color:#fff}
html.dark body{background-color:#1c6399}
html.dark body:before{background-image:radial-gradient(circle,#1c6399,#274256)}
html.dark a{color:#8bd}
html.dark a:hover,html.dark a:focus,html.dark a:active{color:#8bd}
html.dark .txt-mute{color:#8899a6}
eramdam / background-color-iterm2.jpg
Last active August 20, 2018 22:59
Get A Nice iTerm2/zsh Config With These Easy Tricks! (random emoji goodness)
eramdam /
Last active December 30, 2016 05:15
Scrambled Eggs: hide "eggs" accounts from notifications


This is just a proof of concept, nowhere complete. I will probably implement this as its own Chrome extension and/or add it to Better TweetDeck.

What's this?

It's a simple userscript that simply hides tweets, likes and retweets from "eggs" accounts on Twitter Web in your Notifications page. That's it. Install it and enjoy.

As said in the disclaimer, it's just a proof of concept. If proven actually useful/efficient it could be turned into a browser extension but will most likely be integrated into Better TweetDeck first.

Twitter ~ GitHub

command: (callback) => {
const apple = require('./lib/applescript.js');
callback(null, 'apple');
render: () => `
<div id="player">
<span class="title"></span>
eramdam / 01-browser.js
Last active April 8, 2024 06:00
Downloading FB stickers
// Open and the stickers pop-up, click on a Facebook Sticker set, open up your JS console and paste this
function dumpStickers() {
URLs = [];
[]'._5r8h')).forEach(function (el) {
return URLs;