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Michael Erb erbmicha

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schacon /
Created November 12, 2010 20:48
RubyConf Talk
natesilva / markdown.vim
Created May 6, 2011 23:44
Vim: Preview a Markdown document in the default browser on Windows or Mac OS X
" While editing a Markdown document in Vim, preview it in the
" default browser.
" Author: Nate Silva
" To install: Place markdown.vim in ~/.vim/ftplugin or
" %USERPROFILE%\vimfiles\ftplugin.
" To use: While editing a Markdown file, press ',p' (comma p)
# These are my notes from the PragProg book on CoffeeScript of things that either
# aren't in the main CS language reference or I didn't pick them up there. I wrote
# them down before I forgot, and put it here for others but mainly as a reference for
# myself.
# assign arguments in constructor to properties of the same name:
class Thingie
constructor: (@name, @url) ->
# is the same as:
HatemMahmoud / Ubuntu rbenv
Created September 7, 2011 12:56
Installing Ruby 1.9.2 with OpenSSL on Ubuntu 11.04 using ruby-build and rbenv
# for more info:
wayneeseguin / gist:1203167
Created September 8, 2011 11:12
Fission for VMWare Fusion with RVM

Fission for VMWare Fusion with RVM

If you use VMWare Fusion on OSX and would like to control it on the command line then fission by @thbishop is worth trying out!

Fission is new and only only has a few features but looks very promising to me, I will be keeping an eye on it for one.

Creating an RVM Wrapper for fission

ryanb / spec_helper.rb
Created September 12, 2011 21:29
Focus on specific specs in RSpec
# add this to your spec helper
RSpec.configure do |config|
config.treat_symbols_as_metadata_keys_with_true_values = true
config.filter_run :focus => true
config.run_all_when_everything_filtered = true
# and then use the :focus tag in your specs
it "does something awesome", :focus do
nono / redis2txt.rb
Created November 28, 2011 23:29
Export data from redis to a plain text files
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "redis"
redis =
redis.keys("*").each do |key|
val = case redis.type(key)
when "string"
redis.get key
when "list"


Fibur is a library that allows concurrency during Ruby I/O operations without needing to make use of callback systems. Traditionally in Ruby, to achieve concurrency during blocking I/O operations, programmers would make use of Fibers and callbacks. Fibur eliminates the need for wrapping your I/O calls with Fibers and a callback. It allows you to write your blocking I/O calls the way you normally would, and still have concurrent execution during those I/O calls.


Say you have a method that fetches data from a network resource:

seanlilmateus / gist:1536136
Created December 29, 2011 20:51
macruby core animation Fireworks, have a nice macruby new year
framework 'Cocoa'
framework 'QuartzCore'
framework 'CoreGraphics' # Mountain Lion Update
class FireworkDelegate
attr_accessor :window
def initWithURL(url)
case url
burke /
Created January 27, 2012 13:44 — forked from funny-falcon/cumulative_performance.patch
ruby-1.9.3-p327 cumulative performance patch for rbenv

ruby-1.9.3-p327 cumulative performance patch for rbenv

This installs a patched ruby 1.9.3-p327 with various performance improvements and a backported COW-friendly GC, all courtesy of funny-falcon.


You will also need a C Compiler. If you're on Linux, you probably already have one or know how to install one. On OS X, you should install XCode, and brew install autoconf using homebrew.