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[{"name": "Spring Hill", "postcode": 4000, "state": {"name": "Queensland", "abbreviation": "QLD"}, "locality": "BRIS CITY CNTRY", "latitude": -27.465, "longitude": 153.02340000000001}, {"name": "Brisbane Adelaide Street", "postcode": 4000, "state": {"name": "Queensland", "abbreviation": "QLD"}, "locality": "BRIS CITY CNTRY", "latitude": -27.465, "longitude": 153.02340000000001}, {"name": "Brisbane", "postcode": 4000, "state": {"name": "Queensland", "abbreviation": "QLD"}, "locality": "BRIS CITY CNTRY", "latitude": -27.4846, "longitude": 153.02010000000001}]
# For ubuntu 14.x, the g++ may be too old to make the cmake, we need to update that
sudo apt-get install g++-4.7
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.9 20
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.9 20
# Install the cmake.
cd ~
tar -xf cmake-3.8.1.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.8.1
"OriginLocation": "AU",
"Destinations": [{
"Rank": 1,
"Destination": {
"DestinationLocation": "SEL",
"CountryCode": "KR",
"CountryName": "Korea - Republic Of",
"RegionName": "Asia Pacific",
"MetropolitanAreaName": "Bali",
"OriginLocation": "AU",
"Destinations": [{
"Rank": 1,
"Destination": {
"DestinationLocation": "SEL",
"CountryCode": "KR",
"CountryName": "Korea - Republic Of",
"RegionName": "Asia Pacific",
"MetropolitanAreaName": "Seoul",
ericatsydney / .eslintrc
Last active June 19, 2017 07:11
Some config files
arrowFunctions: true
blockBindings: true
defaultParams: true
forOf: true
jsx: true
modules: true
objectLiteralShorthandMethods: true
objectLiteralShorthandProperties: true
templateStrings: true