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Created July 1, 2024 22:12
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zener limiting protection for solar panel output, ensure capacitor doesn't exceed ~5.5V
$ 65 0.000005 382.76258214399064 81 5 50 5e-11
c 352 432 352 320 0 0.00009999999999999999 -5.468785364956499 0
v 64 432 64 320 0 0 40 7 0 0 0.5
w 272 320 352 320 1
O 352 320 416 320 1 0
w 176 432 272 432 0
g 176 432 176 448 0 0
w 112 432 176 432 0
d 144 320 176 320 2 1N5712
w 176 320 208 320 2
O 64 320 32 320 1 0
34 zener-5.5 1 1.7143528192810002e-7 0 2.0000000000000084 5.5 1
z 112 432 112 320 2 zener-5.5
w 272 432 352 432 0
w 112 432 64 432 0
r 64 320 112 320 0 100
w 144 320 112 320 2
w 208 320 272 320 0
x 125 382 255 385 4 24 Zener\s(5.5v)
o 2 64 0 4099 10 0.00009765625 0 2 2 3
38 1 F1 0 0 7 -1 Voltage
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