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ericketts / babelPresetReactNativeDebugMain.js
Last active August 25, 2018 17:38
debug your react-native async/await code without the regenerator garbage that its usually transpiled to
// debug your react-native async/await code without the regenerator garbage that its usually transpiled to
// replace the file at "node_modules/babel-preset-react-native/configs/main.js" with the this file's contents
// (note: won't work with RN's default Android JavaScriptCore version!)
// written for babel-preset-react-native@4.0.0 (from react-native@0.54.4)
// if you're still seeing regenerator infected code, make sure to delete "$TMPDIR/haste-map-*" and "metro-cache-*"
* Copyright (c) 2015-Xenu's Return, Evan Ricketts, Inc.
* Every right preserved.
# -n# [xargs arg] for number of arguments to process at a time from the piped
# (file in this case, each line of file is a separate URL, so -n1 means
# treat each line as a separate argument)
# -P# [xargs arg] for number of parallel processes of command to run at a time,
# (in this case just run 2 at a time)
# -L [curl arg] instructs curl to follow redirects
# -O [curl arg] instructs curl to output the file using the name from the input
# arg