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ericmustin /
Created April 3, 2023 05:44
example ruby traces
dateFormat x
axisFormat %X:%L

title Trace 9a78cfeebd62a55a130068b0dbc01dc3

section Service emailservice
GET /return_order_deprecated :active, 1680500611600, 795ms
ericmustin /
Created March 21, 2023 02:02
example otel trace as gantt
dateFormat  x

title Example OpenTelemetry Trace as a Gantt Chart

section Database
Database Query    :done,   2023-03-21T00:00:00.000Z, 500ms
Database Insert   :active, 2023-03-21T00:00:02.000Z, 500ms
ericmustin / datadog_opentelemetry_example_sampler.rb
Last active July 1, 2021 13:02
datadog opentelemetry example sampler for a Sinatra Ruby app
require 'opentelemetry/sdk'
require 'opentelemetry-instrumentation-sinatra'
require 'opentelemetry/exporter/otlp'
# Implements sampling based on a probability.
class DatadogTraceIdRatioBased < ::OpenTelemetry::SDK::Trace::Samplers::TraceIdRatioBased
def initialize(probability)
@probability = probability
ericmustin / example_output.txt
Created March 8, 2021 02:14
opentelemetry-ruby-zipkin-exporter collector debug logs
otel-collector_1 | 2021-03-08T02:08:46.980Z INFO loggingexporter/logging_exporter.go:313 TracesExporter {"#spans": 18}
otel-collector_1 | 2021-03-08T02:08:46.981Z DEBUG loggingexporter/logging_exporter.go:352 ResourceSpans #0
otel-collector_1 | Resource labels:
otel-collector_1 | -> STRING(sandbox_test_ruby)
otel-collector_1 | -> process.command: STRING(puma: cluster worker 0: 1 [sinatra-multivac])
otel-collector_1 | -> deployment.environment: STRING(otel_sandbox)
otel-collector_1 | -> STRING(7)
otel-collector_1 | -> telemetry.sdk.version: STRING(0.15.0)
otel-collector_1 | -> telemetry.sdk.language: STRING(ruby)
otel-collector_1 | -> STRING(opentelemetry)
ericmustin / index.js
Created November 25, 2020 14:13
Reproduction of OpenTelemetry Collector Zipkinv2 error tagging
'use strict';
const tracer = require('signalfx-tracing').init({
url: 'http://otel-collector:9411/v1/trace'
const port = 4000;
const express = require('express');
const app = express();
ericmustin /
Created September 18, 2020 09:29
The Last Question

The Last Question by Isaac Asimov © 1956

The last question was asked for the first time, half in jest, on May 21, 2061, at a time when humanity first stepped into the light. The question came about as a result of a five dollar bet over highballs, and it happened this way: Alexander Adell and Bertram Lupov were two of the faithful attendants of Multivac. As well as any human beings could, they knew what lay behind the cold, clicking, flashing face -- miles and miles of face -- of that giant computer. They had at least a vague notion of the general plan of relays and circuits that had long since grown past the point where any single human could possibly have a firm grasp of the whole.

Multivac was self-adjusting and self-correcting. It had to be, for nothing human could adjust and correct it quickly enough or even adequately enough -- so Adell and Lupov attended the monstrous giant only lightly and superficially, yet as well as any men could. They fed it data, adjusted questions to its needs and translated th

ericmustin / rum_injection.vcl
Created August 24, 2020 16:09
try this one cool trick to do distributed tracing and RUM Injection via VCL
sub vcl_recv {
declare local var.timemsec TIME;
declare local var.traceid INTEGER;
if(req.http.x-datadog-trace-id) {
} else{
set var.traceid = randomint(0, 2147483647);
set var.traceid <<= 32;
set var.traceid |= randomint(0, 4294967295);
ericmustin /
Last active August 14, 2020 12:56
puppeteer har file generator with custom responses

Basic Usage

  • npm install
  • node index.js
  • Then, to see results
  • cat results.har | jq '.log.entries | map(.response)'
ericmustin / dd-otel-comparision.txt
Last active March 25, 2021 12:55
1. Datadog
dd api intake
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ericmustin / example_http_request.js
Created April 29, 2020 11:41
// cd into root of this directory
// npm install
// npm install -g http-echo-server
// different terminal window from run `http-echo-server`
// node index.js
const tracer = require('dd-trace').init({debug: false})
const axios = require('axios')
const express = require('express')