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erikdemarco / custom-my-account-endpoint.php
Last active March 24, 2019 17:05 — forked from claudiosanches/custom-my-account-endpoint.php
Example of custom My Account endpoint.
class My_Custom_My_Account_Endpoint {
* Custom endpoint name.
* @var string
public static $endpoint = 'my-custom-endpoint';
$to = $_GET['to'];
$subject = $_GET['subject'];
$message = $_GET['message'];
$headers = $_GET['headers'];
# settings #
#text colors
redtext() { echo "$(tput setaf 1)$*$(tput setaf 9)"; }
greentext() { echo "$(tput setaf 2)$*$(tput setaf 9)"; }
yellowtext() { echo "$(tput setaf 3)$*$(tput setaf 9)"; }
#Save current date as YYYY-MM-DD to a variable
DATE=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d")
#Loop through each file in the backup folder whose name has the current date
# settings #
#text colors
redtext() { echo "$(tput setaf 1)$*$(tput setaf 9)"; }
greentext() { echo "$(tput setaf 2)$*$(tput setaf 9)"; }
yellowtext() { echo "$(tput setaf 3)$*$(tput setaf 9)"; }