I hereby claim:
- I am erkin on github.
- I am erkinb (https://keybase.io/erkinb) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASAc4RSCeufWknLV_H9Cmb6bYPis3q4Pab6z7vRxfvBX8go
To claim this, I am signing this object:
[H[2J | |
This is \l on [35m\n[0m, running [36m\s on \m[0m, | |
with kernel [94m\r[0m. | |
[93m\\ / | |
-->*<-- | |
[92;42m/[31mo[92m\\[0m | |
[92;42m/_\\_\\[0m | |
[92;42m/_/_[34m0[92m_\\[0m | |
[92;42m/_[31mo[92m_\\_\\_\\[0m | |
[92;42m/_/_/_/_/[34mo[92m\\[0m |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#lang racket/base | |
(define-syntax-rule (assert expr) | |
(unless expr | |
(raise-user-error "Assertion failed: " (quote expr)))) | |
(define (factorial n) | |
(if (zero? n) | |
1 | |
(* n (factorial (sub1 n))))) |
#lang racket/base | |
(provide | |
(except-out | |
(all-from-out racket/base) | |
set! | |
set!-values | |
box-cas! | |
bytes-copy! | |
bytes-fill! | |
bytes-set! |
version: "3.3" | |
services: | |
bbs: | |
image: erkin/schemebbs | |
container_name: sbbs | |
labels: | |
- "traefik.enable=true" | |
- "traefik.http.services.bbs.loadbalancer.server.port=80" | |
- "traefik.http.routers.bbs.rule=Host(`example-bbs.org`)" | |
- "traefik.http.routers.bbs.entrypoints=websecure" |
version: "3.3" | |
services: | |
bbs: | |
image: erkin/schemebbs | |
container_name: sbbs | |
ports: | |
- '8080' | |
volumes: | |
- ${SBBS_DATADIR}:/opt/schemebbs/data | |
proxy: |
#lang racket | |
(define (gopher host (port "70") (path "/")) | |
(define-values (in out) (tcp-connect host (string->number port))) | |
(display (string-append path "\r\n") out) | |
(flush-output out) | |
(for-each displayln (port->lines in #:line-mode 'return-linefeed)) | |
(close-output-port out)) | |
(module+ main |
#lang racket/base | |
(require net/http-client json) | |
(define webhook-id "foo") | |
(define webhook-token "bar") | |
(module+ main | |
(http-conn-send! | |
(http-conn-open "discord.com" #:ssl? #t) | |
(string-append "/api/webhooks/" webhook-id "/" webhook-token) |
;;; Chez Scheme clone of Python `getpass' | |
;;; Based on github.com/smitchell556/get-pass | |
(library (get-pass) | |
(export get-pass) | |
(import (chezscheme)) | |
;;; FFI portion | |
;;; See termios(3) for more info | |
(define-ftype termios | |
(struct |
#lang racket | |
(module amb racket/base | |
(provide amb assert!) | |
(define-syntax-rule (pop! stack) | |
(begin0 (car stack) (set! stack (cdr stack)))) | |
(define-syntax-rule (push! v stack) | |
(set! stack (cons v stack))) | |
(define (U f) (f f)) |