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Creating Shazam in Java
A couple of days ago I encountered this article: How Shazam Works
This got me interested in how a program like Shazam works… And more importantly, how hard is it to program something similar in Java?

Make it real

Ideas are cheap. Make a prototype, sketch a CLI session, draw a wireframe. Discussions around concrete examples, not handy-waving abstractions. Don't say you did something, provide a URL that proves it.

Ship it

Nothing is real until it's being used by a real user. This doesn't mean you make a prototype in the morning and blog about it in the evening. It means you find one person you believe your product will help and try to get them to use it.

Do it with style

Before you start

Make sure you have python, OpenFace and dlib installed. You can either install them manually or use a preconfigured docker image that has everying already installed:

docker pull bamos/openface
docker run -p 9000:9000 -p 8000:8000 -t -i bamos/openface /bin/bash
cd /root/openface