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function binaryAgent(str) {
var binArr = [];
str = str.split(" ");
for (var i = 0; i < str.length; i++) {
binArr.push(String.fromCharCode(parseInt(str[i], 2)));
str = binArr.join("");
function ajDiamond(input) {
input = input.toUpperCase();
var standardInput = ["A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J"];
var spacer = " ";
var index = standardInput.indexOf(input);
var halfArr = [];
var tempArr = [];
var sessionArr = function(index) {
var arr = [];
for (var i = 0; i < index; i ++) {
processing infiles/all.sct
processing infiles/attrs.sct
processing infiles/cf_blocks.sct
processing infiles/cf_byname.sct
processing infiles/cf_byprog.sct
processing infiles/cf_general.sct
processing infiles/cf_types.sct
processing infiles/cf_variables.sct
processing infiles/config.sct
processing infiles/confindex.sct
title:hl:/Dig | Home
<h2 align="center">
<a href="">hl://Dig</a> is a fork of <a href="">ht://Dig</a>, a world-wide-web search system for an intranet or small internet.
hl://Dig Copyright &copy; 2017<br>
Please see the file <a href="">COPYING</a> for
license information.
//Commonly streaming list
var streamers = ["ESL_SC2", "OgamingSC2", "cretetion", "freecodecamp", "storbeck", "habathcx", "RobotCaleb", "noobs2ninjas"];
//Now to begin with the coding
//This function tests to see if a stream is active
//This is where the bug is, I think...
var pullJSON;
function viewAllStreams() {
for (i = 0; i < streamers.length; i++) {