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Enrico Simonetti esimonetti

Open to new opportunities
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esimonetti / config_override_custom.php
Last active February 6, 2020 07:52
Add on SugarDockerized data/app/configs/config_override_custom.php
$config_override = [];
$config_override['passwordsetting']['minpwdlength'] = 1;
$config_override['passwordsetting']['oneupper'] = 0;
$config_override['passwordsetting']['onelower'] = 0;
$config_override['passwordsetting']['onenumber'] = 0;
$config_override['passwordsetting']['onespecial'] = 0;
$config_override['passwordsetting']['SystemGeneratedPasswordON'] = 0;
$config_override['passwordsetting']['forgotpasswordON'] = 0;
$config_override['moduleInstaller']['packageScan'] = true;
esimonetti / custominitsystem.php
Last active April 20, 2020 05:39
Add on SugarDockerized data/app/custominitsystem.php
// Enrico Simonetti
// settings
$set = [
'email-admin' => '',
'email-user' => '',
'tzone' => 'Australia/Sydney',
esimonetti / csv_to_sugar_php_dropdown.php
Created December 2, 2019 23:29
Script to convert a csv file into Sugar php dropdowns
// example dropdowns.csv content
// "ddname","key1","value1"
// "ddname","key2","value2"
$fileName = 'dropdowns.csv';
if (file_exists($fileName)) {
$file = fopen($fileName, 'r');
$dd = [];
$sugar_config['metrics_enabled'] = 1;
$sugar_config['metric_providers']['SugarMetric_Provider_Newrelic'] = 'include/SugarMetric/Provider/Newrelic.php';
$sugar_config['metric_settings']['SugarMetric_Provider_Newrelic']['applicationname'] = 'Sugar';
esimonetti / cacheOnSugar.php
Last active November 13, 2019 00:10
With the new PSR-16 compatible caching engine we introduced recently, the new way to get the caching object is with something like this sample code
// remember to set redis on config_override.php
$sugar_config['external_cache_disabled'] = false;
$sugar_config['external_cache_disabled_redis'] = false;
$sugar_config['external_cache']['redis']['host'] = 'sugar-redis';
// to test the simplest standalone script
esimonetti / extractMetadata.php
Last active October 30, 2019 08:13
Utility to extract Sugar's metadata content to be able to compare two different metadatas - USE TOOTHPASTE INSTEAD!
// Enrico Simonetti
// 2019-09-26 on Sugar 9.0.0
// Metadata extractor, to compare 2 metadatas with a diff command
// eg: diff -auNw file1.array file2.array)
esimonetti / createMissingTables.php
Last active October 30, 2019 08:13
Create missing tables - USE TOOTHPASTE INSTEAD!
// Enrico Simonetti
// 2019-09-24 Sugar 9.0.0
// create missing tables
function usage($error = '') {
if (!empty($error)) print(PHP_EOL . 'Error: ' . $error . PHP_EOL);
esimonetti / with_acl_team_set_id.php
Last active October 10, 2019 07:35
Find records across all tables with acl_team_set_id not null, and their teams
// Enrico Simonetti
// 2019-09-02 on Sugar 8.0.0
// CLI script to find records with acl_team_set_id
function usage($error = '') {
esimonetti / sugar-cli-fus.txt
Last active November 14, 2019 03:04
Useful sugar file system commands to analyse an instance
# Quick way to tell the difference of the modules dir of two instances
# 1 - from within the vanilla system module's dir
cd modules
ls -la | awk '{ print $9 }' | grep -v '\.' | grep -v '\.\.' > ~/core_modules_dir.txt
# 2 - from within the customer system module's dir
cd modules
ls -la | awk '{ print $9 }' | grep -v '\.' | grep -v '\.\.' > ~/customer.txt
# 3 - diff the twos and do some fus to get the actual differences
diff -auNw ~/core_modules_dir.txt ~/customer.txt | grep + | grep -v "@" | cut -c 2- | grep -v "\+\+" | grep -v "\-\-"
esimonetti / .htaccess
Last active August 27, 2019 10:17
Change sugar upload dir to another disk/mount
# file path will depend on the installation path or where the file should be
# if this needs to be executed everywhere (even from cron), consider setting it on php.ini instead of the .htaccess
php_value auto_prepend_file /var/www/html/sugar/prepend.php