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How to install Minecraft natively on Apple Silicon, the easiest way possible

1 - Download MultiMC from here

2 - Download Azul Zulu JDK from here (The version you want is Java 17, arm64, macOS, and you download the ZIP file.) Extract the ZIP file, open the folder and copy "zulu-17.jdk" to your home folder.

3 - Download tanmayb123's Minecraft on Apple Silicon package from here. Extract the ZIP and from the folder you are going to copy two files. One, the folder "lwjglnatives", and two, open the Libraries folder and copy "lwjglfat.jar". Move these to your home folder.

4 - Open MultiMC and create a new instance. Right click your instance and click edit instance. Make the following changes:

estyseesghosts / Optimizing
Last active July 14, 2021 22:21
Making your favourite LWJGL game run better on low-end hardware

Optimizing Minecraft 1.16

Got bored and decided to make this d:

Minecraft is a pretty badly optimized game, especially on lower end or older machines. Thank God it has an active modding community (:

These steps are for 1.16.5, if you play an older version they may or may not work for you, YMMV

Device I made and tested this on is a Surface Go 2 with an m3-8100Y (Fanless dual core) and 8GB RAM.