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evaristoc /
Created January 2, 2016 20:37 — forked from jasondavies/.block
Parallel Coordinates

This is a version of Mike Bostock’s parallel coordinates example, modified to include reorderable axes.

This parallel coordinates visualization of cars from the ‘70s and ‘80s demonstrates one of D3 2.5.0’s new interactive features: the brush component. By clicking and dragging along any axis, you can specify a filter for that dimension. The brush component is also used in the updated scatterplot matrix example.

evaristoc / C_FCC.csv
Last active January 17, 2016 19:09
FCC: Parallel Coordinates
country sessions int pop (DES) ses/intpop ses/(48%*pop) connectivity rankingcampersite finalscore
Afghanistan 10 30 16 6 6 2 29.5
Albania 28 29 48 63 77 2 35.33333333
Algeria 51 67 28 17 12 4 45.66666667
Argentina 86 98 47 60 72 5 57.16666667
Armenia 31 20 64 64 51 2 41.5
Australia 113 89 107 110 94 11 75.83333333
Austria 68 69 75 81 93 2 53.5
Azerbaijan 33 63 11 30 71 2 31.16666667
Bahrain 2 17 21 55 109 1 17.66666667
evaristoc / FCC_country_art_scatplot.csv
Last active January 22, 2016 22:15
FCC scatterplot countries' sessions vs demographics (test)
country ISO3136 contrcamsit contrses internetusers engprof engsep engint1 engint2
Kazakhstan KZ 0.413758185 0.935519875 9577924 47 1 1 0
Bangladesh BD 0.413758185 1.853657363 10637566 40 1 1 0
Nepal NP 0.674810535 1.367781217 10690000 35 1 1 0
Uzbekistan UZ 0.26105235 0.281855838 10948745 30 1 1 0
Venezuela VE 0.5221047 1.527202441 15624038 46 1 1 0
Saudi Arabia SA 0.5221047 1.206181693 16298448 40 1 1 0
Morocco MA 0.413758185 1.017622359 18283513 47 1 1 0
Thailand TH 0.413758185 1.446168863 19533675 45 1 1 0
Colombia CO 0.827516371 1.776714746 23650570 47 1 1 0
evaristoc / camperpath.json
Last active February 21, 2016 14:34
Sankey Diagram for camper curriculum paths (Feb-Mar 2015)
{"links": [{"target": "32_VUTN", "source": "31_MtD", "value": 3}, {"target": "27_M", "source": "26_Dilih", "value": 1}, {"target": "7_CtE", "source": "6_RLNiA", "value": 82}, {"target": "19_SaD", "source": "18_STC", "value": 1}, {"target": "31_EBT", "source": "30_BA", "value": 1}, {"target": "24_SCM", "source": "23_SAP", "value": 12}, {"target": "20_CHE", "source": "19_SU", "value": 3}, {"target": "3_FaN", "source": "2_CfP", "value": 1}, {"target": "26_SCM", "source": "25_SAP", "value": 24}, {"target": "4_FtLWiaS", "source": "3_FaN", "value": 1}, {"target": "28_BA", "source": "27_S", "value": 6}, {"target": "0_MB", "source": "_", "value": 267}, {"target": "16_Wat", "source": "15_FB", "value": 1}, {"target": "10_CtE", "source": "9_SAP", "value": 2}, {"target": "34_EBT", "source": "33_Nrp", "value": 1}, {"target": "36_SD", "source": "35_P", "value": 1}, {"target": "22_M", "source": "21_STC", "value": 2}, {"target": "25_CHE", "source": "24_SU", "value": 1}, {"target": "18_DTA", "source": "17_SANiaR", "value": 35
evaristoc /
Last active June 10, 2016 23:27
reddit base
evaristoc / hcm_kaggle.json
Last active September 19, 2016 17:47
countries found in Hillary Clinton correspondence from a dataset found at; data later obtained based on
[{"ct": {}, "dt": "2013-12-01"}, {"ct": {"KEN": 1, "BRA": 2, "WSM": 1, "FRA": 1, "PAK": 6, "CHN": 2, "NIC": 1, "CZE": 3, "AFG": 6, "IRQ": 5, "ARM": 2, "CYP": 1, "SWE": 1, "SDN": 4, "PRI": 2, "SRB": 1, "CUB": 2, "ZAF": 1, "DEU": 2, "ANT": 1, "TUR": 1, "EGY": 2, "IRL": 4, "BEL": 1, "UGA": 1, "SGP": 1, "GBR": 2, "NOR": 2, "POL": 2, "HND": 2, "ISR": 4, "LUX": 2, "PAN": 2, "BRB": 1, "LKA": 8, "NLD": 1, "AGO": 1, "PER": 4, "BTN": 1, "NER": 1, "GRC": 1, "SLE": 3, "MLI": 1, "NGA": 1, "MRT": 3, "AUT": 1, "ESP": 1, "LVA": 1, "PHL": 2, "VNM": 1, "IND": 2, "IDN": 3, "CAN": 1, "NA": 1, "PRK": 1, "BGD": 3}, "dt": "2009-10-01"}, {"ct": {}, "dt": "2011-12-01"}, {"ct": {"MNG": 1, "EGY": 1, "IRQ": 1, "LBY": 7, "FRA": 2, "CHN": 1, "ARM": 1, "ISR": 1, "TCD": 1, "AFG": 1}, "dt": "2011-03-01"}, {"ct": {}, "dt": "2011-01-01"}, {"ct": {"EST": 2, "BRA": 1, "MNP": 2, "LBY": 2, "FRA": 4, "PAK": 12, "CHN": 8, "NIC": 5, "AZE": 1, "LBR": 1, "AFG": 8, "QAT": 1, "SOM": 1, "JPN": 1, "JAM": 1, "ECU": 1, "VIR": 1, "YEM": 1, "ARM": 1, "GUY": 1,
evaristoc / data_temp.csv
Last active April 9, 2017 11:29
temperature analysis task
Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec J-D D-N DJF MAM JJA SON
1880 -.29 -.20 -.18 -.27 -.14 -.28 -.23 -.07 -.16 -.16 -.18 -.21 -.20 *** *** -.19 -.19 -.17
1881 -.10 -.13 .01 -.03 -.04 -.28 -.06 -.02 -.08 -.18 -.25 -.15 -.11 -.11 -.15 -.02 -.12 -.17
1882 .10 .10 .03 -.20 -.17 -.24 -.10 .04 .00 -.22 -.20 -.25 -.09 -.08 .02 -.11 -.10 -.14
1883 -.33 -.41 -.17 -.24 -.25 -.11 -.08 -.12 -.18 -.11 -.19 -.18 -.20 -.20 -.33 -.22 -.10 -.16
1884 -.18 -.11 -.33 -.35 -.31 -.37 -.33 -.25 -.23 -.21 -.29 -.28 -.27 -.26 -.15 -.33 -.32 -.24
1885 -.64 -.29 -.23 -.44 -.41 -.50 -.28 -.27 -.19 -.19 -.22 -.05 -.31 -.33 -.41 -.36 -.35 -.20
1886 -.42 -.45 -.41 -.29 -.27 -.39 -.16 -.31 -.19 -.25 -.26 -.25 -.30 -.29 -.31 -.32 -.28 -.23
1887 -.66 -.47 -.31 -.37 -.33 -.20 -.18 -.27 -.19 -.31 -.25 -.37 -.33 -.32 -.46 -.33 -.22 -.25
1888 -.42 -.41 -.47 -.28 -.22 -.20 -.09 -.11 -.07 .02 .00 -.12 -.20 -.22 -.40 -.32 -.13 -.02
evaristoc / data_dolphins.json
Created April 15, 2017 12:35
data about dolphins for the tutorial
{"nodes":[{"id": 0,"label":"Beak"},{"id": 1, "label":"Beescratch"},{ "id": 2 , "label": "Bumper" }, { "id": 3 , "label": "CCL" }, { "id": 4 , "label": "Cross" }, { "id": 5 , "label": "DN16" }, { "id": 6 , "label": "DN21" }, { "id": 7 , "label": "DN63" }, { "id": 8 , "label": "Double" }, { "id": 9 , "label": "Feather" }, { "id": 10 , "label": "Fish" }, { "id": 11 , "label": "Five" }, { "id": 12 , "label": "Fork" }, { "id": 13 , "label": "Gallatin" }, { "id": 14 , "label": "Grin" }, { "id": 15 , "label": "Haecksel" }, { "id": 16 , "label": "Hook" }, { "id": 17 , "label": "Jet" }, { "id": 18 , "label": "Jonah" }, { "id": 19 , "label": "Knit" }, { "id": 20 , "label": "Kringel" }, { "id": 21 , "label": "MN105" }, { "id": 22 , "label": "MN23" }, { "id": 23 , "label": "MN60" }, { "id": 24 , "la