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Eugeniu Botnaru evb-gh

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evb-gh /
Created January 10, 2019 19:32 — forked from bricewge/
ft_ls test
diff -u <(LC_ALL=C ls -lR /usr/bin) <(LC_ALL=C ./ft_ls -lR /usr/bin)
touch -t 999912312459 future ls -lt
ls -l ~/ ''
ls - auteur
ls ////dev///urandom
ls -j ./
ls -- -j ./
ls -aR /Library/Scripts/42/munki
ls -lt /dev
evb-gh /
Last active February 1, 2019 02:02
add multiple pushurls for a given remote
# add multiple pushurls for a given remote
git remote set-url origin --push --add <a remote>
git remote set-url origin --push --add <another remote>
`export HOMEBREW_CASK_OPTS="--appdir=~/Applications"`
# general settings
auto-reload yes
max-items 50
# externel browser
browser "/usr/local/bin/w3m %u"
macro m set browser "/usr/local/bin/mpv %u"; open-in-browser ; set browser "/usr/local/bin/w3m %u"
macro l set browser "/usr/local/bin/firefox %u"; open-in-browser ; set browser "/usr/local/bin/w3m %u"
evb-gh / config
Created February 2, 2020 20:48 — forked from cirrusUK/config
newsboat config
# ░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ░░ ░░ ░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ░░ ░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ░░ ░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░░
# ███╗ ██╗███████╗██╗ ██╗███████╗██████╗ ███████╗██╗ ██╗████████╗███████╗██████╗
# ████╗ ██║██╔════╝██║ ██║██╔════╝██╔══██╗██╔════╝██║ ██║╚══██╔══╝██╔════╝██╔══██╗
# ██╔██╗ ██║█████╗ ██║ █╗ ██║███████╗██████╔╝█████╗ ██║ ██║ ██║ █████╗ ██████╔╝
# ██║╚██╗██║██╔══╝ ██║███╗██║╚════██║██╔══██╗██╔══╝ ██║ ██║ ██║ ██╔══╝ ██╔══██╗
# ██║ ╚████║███████╗╚███╔███╔╝███████║██████╔╝███████╗╚██████╔╝ ██║ ███████╗██║ ██║
# ╚═╝ ╚═══╝╚══════╝ ╚══╝╚══╝ ╚══════╝╚═════╝ ╚══════╝ ╚═════╝ ╚═╝ ╚══════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝
# ░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ░░ ░░ ░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ░░ ░░░░░░░░ ░░░░░░ ░░ ░░ ░░░░░ ░░░░░░
# ▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓▓
# ░▓ author ▓ cirrus <>
evb-gh / log.txt
Created February 24, 2020 02:05
docker logs -f plex
[s6-init] making user provided files available at /var/run/s6/etc...exited 0.
[s6-init] ensuring user provided files have correct perms...exited 0.
[fix-attrs.d] applying ownership & permissions fixes...
[fix-attrs.d] done.
[cont-init.d] executing container initialization scripts...
[cont-init.d] 01-envfile: executing...
[cont-init.d] 01-envfile: exited 0.
[cont-init.d] 10-adduser: executing...
evb-gh / kitty.conf
Created March 22, 2020 22:31 — forked from maxdevjs/kitty.conf
Kitty terminal - one dark theme [~/.config/kitty/kitty.conf]
# vim:fileencoding=utf-8:ft=conf:foldmethod=marker
#: Fonts {{{
#: kitty has very powerful font management. You can configure
#: individual font faces and even specify special fonts for particular
#: characters.
font_family Fira Code
# bold_font auto
Error (use-package): Failed to parse package which-key: Invalid function: ((bytecomp "Symbol's function definition is void: gv-setter" :error "*Compile-Log*")) Disable showing Disable logging
Error (use-package): Failed to parse package hl-line: Invalid function: ((bytecomp "Symbol's function definition is void: gv-setter" :error "*Compile-Log*")) Disable showing Disable logging
Error (use-package): Failed to parse package winner: Invalid function: ((bytecomp "Symbol's function definition is void: gv-setter" :error "*Compile-Log*")) Disable showing Disable logging
Error (use-package): Failed to parse package paren: Invalid function: ((bytecomp "Symbol's function definition is void: gv-setter" :error "*Compile-Log*")) Disable showing Disable logging
Error (use-package): Failed to parse package all-the-icons: Invalid function: ((bytecomp "Symbol's function definition is void: gv-setter" :error "*Compile-Log*")) Disable showing Disable logging
Error (use-package): Failed to parse package highlight-numbers: Inval