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Asteroid City is a huge city floating in space on top of an asteroid. It has a huge glass dome all
around it so everyone can breathe, and the city is home of all kinds of aliens. There are shops and
businesses and houses all throughout the city.
In the center of Asteroid City is a huge park, Starview Park, where the people of Asteroid City love
to go for picnics, splash in the water pools, and climb trees.
At the north end of Starview Park lies a huge hill, and at the top of the hill is Starview Castle,
the home of Jack and Batabamh. Jack and Batabamh are twin brothers, and they are princes! They live in
the castle with their parents, King Botar and Queen Sheila, and their baby sister Ella.
Who Taught You To Live Like That?
Green Gardens, Cold Montreal
Pretty Voice
The Lines You Amend
The Good In Everyone
Money City Maniacs
evilchili /
Created March 28, 2016 23:19
dynamic loading of modules at test time
def load_all_submodules():
checks = []
for module in os.listdir(pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, '../this_package/submodules')):
if module == '' or module[-3:] != '.py':
return checks
def all_subclasses(myclass):
def get(c):
evilchili /
Created February 3, 2016 19:05
bash function to implement a non-destructive git rebase
# Like git-rebase -i, but without touching the index or working tree.
function git-squash() {
if [ "$1" == "" ]; then
echo "usage: git-squash <number_of_commits_to_squash>"
# note the current HEAD commit
old_head=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
echo "Current HEAD: $old_head"
evilchili /
Created January 6, 2016 18:26
A Minimalist webserver that listens on 8000, handles gets, and renders markdown if the request asks for a file ending in .md. Requires mistune.
#!/usr/bin/env python -u
A Minimalist webserver that listens on 8000, handles gets, and renders markdown if the request asks for a file ending in .md.
import os
import SimpleHTTPServer
import mistune
renderer = mistune.Renderer(hard_wrap=True)
markdown = mistune.Markdown(renderer=renderer)
evilchili /
Created September 3, 2015 03:45
redirect STDIN to a file on the host where your current SSH session originated. put it in your .bashrc!
# Example 1:
# laptop% ssh remotehost
# remotehost% uptime | laptop remote_uptime
# remotehost% exit
# laptop% cat remote_uptime
# 20:41:11 up 9 days, 4:02, 20 users, load average: 0.02, 0.01, 0.00
# In other words, it's like starting this:
# laptop% ssh remotehost uptime > remote_uptime
Several years ago I worked for a company that had a lot of very senior engineers, many of whom had worked quite closely for many years. When the company started hiring new talent, many of whom were younger, frictions arose. One such problem was the ongoing, entrenched issue of tab widths. The senior engineers, true to their idiosyncratic nature, preferred three spaces for tabs. The newer engineers generally preferred four, and being young, often held an attitude of superiority and a certain contempt for their elders. They continually committed changes with tabs four spaces wide, which the senior engineers would revert. Tensions flared, increasingly antagonistic commit messages were logged, and flamewars erupted between proponents of three-wide tabs ("the threes") and those of four-wide tabs ("the 4ists").
This went on for some time, until at last an exasperated engineering manager called an all-hands meeting, and got everyone in a room. He said that they would put it to a vote, and sure enough, when he asked
evilchili /
Created February 5, 2015 05:16
coffee module for hubot
# Description:
# Drink better coffee.
# Commands:
# hubot make me some coffee - Serve up a cup of joe
# hubot get coffee <name> from <roaster> @ <url> - add a coffee to the bar
# hubot sell me that coffee - provide source URL for the last coffee served
sizes = ['6oz','8oz','12oz','16oz','24oz']
evilchili /
Created December 9, 2014 15:28
execute a command n times and report the percentage of success
bc <<< "scale=$SCALE; $(for i in `seq 1 $ITER`; do $CMD &>/dev/null && echo $?; sleep 1; done | wc -l)/$ITER * 100"
evilchili /
Created December 8, 2014 15:31
load django fixtures into memory
from django.core import serializers
from import Command as LoadDataCommand
import os
def read_fixture(file_name):
Read a fixture and return a list of objects without updating the database.
This method is derived from,