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You gotta hang on the trip you' re on

Matthias Evering ewingson

You gotta hang on the trip you' re on
View GitHub Profile
"@context": "^7.0.0/components/context.jsonld",
"import": [

v7.0.0 New features

The minimum supported Node version is now v18.
Account management and everything related to it have been drastically changed, see the usage documentation for an overview of the new features, and the architecture documentation for an overview of the new structure. On a default server, the entry point for everything related to accounts is http://localhost:3000/.account/. Creating an account now requires multiple steps, but allows you to have multiple pods or WebIDs for 1 account. The architecture has been updated to be more easily extensible.
Pod seeding has been updated to account for the new account management, with an updated CLI parameter --seedConfig, see the updated documentation for more details.
Migration was added to update account data automatically from previous versions. See below for more details.

Due to the changes in account management, setup has been removed completely. The *-no-setup.json configurations have been renamed to *-root.json to indicate their

New features
The minimum supported Node version is now v18.
Account management and everything related to it have been drastically changed, see the usage documentation for an overview of the new features, and the architecture documentation for an overview of the new structure. On a default server, the entry point for everything related to accounts is http://localhost:3000/.account/. Creating an account now requires multiple steps, but allows you to have multiple pods or WebIDs for 1 account. The architecture has been updated to be more easily extensible.
Pod seeding has been updated to account for the new account management, with an updated CLI parameter --seedConfig, see the updated documentation for more details.
Migration was added to update account data automatically from previous versions. See below for more details.
Due to the changes in account management, setup has been removed completely. The *-no-setup.json configurations have been renamed to *-root.json to indicate their

gesundheit coordination klinke lorenz

  1. Gesundheit
  2. Körper
  3. Geld

  1. Seit 12 Jahren habe ich keinen Fuss in die Psychiatrie gesetzt. Leichte depressive Verstimmungen gehören zum Alltagsbild. Das Praktikum ist 6 Wochen absolviert worden und geht weitere 6 Wochen. Vom 4.7. bis zum 25.7. ist eine Rehabilitation in Bad Kreuznach geplant. Zwischendurch findet noch der Jahresurlaub statt. Ein Zahnarzttermin ist Ende des Monats anberaumt. Psychiaterkontakte finden quartalsweise statt. Vater ist am 9.10. 2022 verstorben und Mutter steht ihren Alltag verhältnismäßig gut durch inklusive Behandlungen, Einkaufsfahrten mit dem Auto und Gartenarbeit. Der Bruder verwaltet das Erbe.

    • Zahngesundheit schlecht
  • Darmkrebs überwunden
ewingson / dc
Last active May 21, 2023 12:09
version: "3"
image: ewingson/rpio-solidos:12
- ""
command: "-c config-mashlib.json -f /data -b"
- 3000 # magic nginx, make nginx proxy know on what port our service is running internally
networks: # magic nginx, we need to be in nginx's docker network so it can forward requests to >
FROM node:16
# Container config & data dir for volume sharing
# Defaults to filestorage with /data directory (passed through CMD below)
RUN mkdir /config /data
# Create app directory
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Install app dependencies
# Build stage
FROM node:lts-alpine AS build
# Set current working directory
WORKDIR ./ #changed here
# Copy the dockerfile's context's community server files
COPY . .
# Install and build the Solid community server (prepare script cannot run in wd)

public PEST-method

tags: political economical social technical


  • nicht interessiert
  • Basisdemokrat
  • Burroughs-influenced


  • geplanter Jahresumsatz: 11.463,78


tags: meisdata index
<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8"/>
    <title>SolidOS Web App</title>


  • structure:
  1. a week
  2. die Pflichten
  3. the learning curve
  4. Substanzen
  5. Tafel
  6. die House-community
  7. die Solid-community