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Oleg Tsarev excavador

View GitHub Profile
COMMAND = """#!/bin/bash
set -x
ls -al
docker load --input {server_source} | awk '{{print $3}}' > {server_result}
docker load --input {client_source} | awk '{{print $3}}' > {client_result}
def _clickhouse_export_impl(ctx):
server_source = ctx.attr.server.files.to_list()[0]
client_source = ctx.attr.client.files.to_list()[0]
import os
import sys
import queue
import threading
import re
import requests
import logging
import colorlog
import hashlib
load("//bzl:fmt.bzl", "fmt")
excavador / dummy constants columns for FOREIGN KEY
Last active August 11, 2017 18:57
Annoying PostgreSQL limitations
[jenkins@ci-slave-1:Ireland oleg]$ grep -A 1 -B 1 error_log /home/jenkins/backend-ci/bin/nginx.conf
pid /home/jenkins/backend-ci/bin/;
error_log /dev/stderr error;
access_log /dev/stderr combined_plus;
error_log /dev/stderr error;
[jenkins@ci-slave-1:Ireland oleg]$ /sbin/nginx -c /home/jenkins/backend-ci/bin/nginx.conf
nginx: [alert] could not open error log file: open() "/var/log/nginx/error.log" failed (13: Permission denied)
$(FMT).state: bin/xargs-if-changed
rm -f $@
touch $@
$(FMT): bin/xargs-if-changed bin/gofmt $(FMT).state $(SIGN__GO__SOURCE) $(SIGN__GO__TEST) $(SIGN__GO__GENERATED)
$(info [fmt])
make/ | XARGS_STATE=$(FMT).state XARGS_WRAP_OUTPUT=0 bin/xargs-if-changed bin/gofmt -l -s -w
make/ | XARGS_STATE=$(FMT).state XARGS_WRAP_OUTPUT=0 bin/xargs-if-changed bin/gofmt -l -s -w
touch $@
fmt: $(FMT)
@touch $@
$(VET): bin/xargs-if-changed bin/vet $(VET).state $(SIGN__GO__SOURCE) $(SIGN__GO__TEST) $(SIGN__GO__GENERATED)
$(info [vet])
@(make/; make/ | XARGS_STATE=$(VET).state XARGS_WRAP_OUTPUT=0 bin/xargs-if-changed bin/vet
@touch $@
vet: $(VET)
➜ make/ | XARGS_STATE=bin/make/fmt XARGS_WRAP_OUTPUT=0 bin/xargs-if-changed bin/gofmt -l -s -w
➜ bin/xargs-if-changed --help
Usage: xargs-if-changed <tool with arguments>
1. reads file paths from stdin
2. reads content of every file and calculate MD5
3. checks MD5 for this file in <XARGS_STATE>
4. if file was changed executes "<tool with arguments> <file path>"
5. if execution was successfull writes actual MD5 for <file path> to <XARGS_STATE>
ifeq ($(STAGE),initial)
.PHONY: everything
$(MAKE) STAGE=bootstrap bootstrap $(MAKECMDFLAGS)
$(MAKE) STAGE=execute bootstrap $(MAKECMDFLAGS)
$(MAKECMDGOALS): everything
excavador /
Last active November 6, 2022 21:48
automatically add alias ip address to loopback


You often have several docker containers and applications which work together in the locel development environment. You need the following communications:

  • docker container to localhost
  • localhost to docker container
  • docker container to docker container

You have a way to connect localhost-to-docker using -p (port-mapping) docker option. For instance, you can start PostgreSQL container using -p and then connect like to normal PostgreSQL