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from contextlib import contextmanager
def assert_change_by(fn, delta):
original = fn()
final = fn()
assert final - original == delta
exupero /
Last active March 29, 2024 21:10
Alias a domain to a local port (Mac)

I run a lot of web servers for different projects, all of them on different ports. Generally I start with port 8000 and increment from there as I spin up new servers, but it became tiresome to remember what projects were running on which ports and what the next available port was.

/etc/hosts won't let you specify a port, but a combination of aliasing to 127.0.0.X, forwarding ports from 8000 to 80, and adding the 127.0.0.X IP under an alias in /etc/hosts did work.

This script finds the next available value of X, aliases it with ifconfig, forwards the given port to port 80 with ipfw, and adds a new entry to /etc/hosts that aliases the IP to the domain you want.

Now I can add a server alias with sudo domain-alias funproject 8000, run the web server at 127.0.0.X:8000, and load up http://funproject/ in my browser.

(Because I needed it to work on a Mac, I couldn't use iptables. pfctl seems to work.)

exupero / pool.go
Created July 19, 2012 00:59
Passing channels over channels to create a connection pool
package main
import (
type Request struct {}
exupero /
Created May 5, 2011 18:31
CoffeeScript function to create a long-polling server
http = require 'http'
createLongPollingServer = (interval, {getData, returnData}) ->
http.createServer (request, response) ->
poll = ->
data = getData request
return setTimeout poll, interval if not data
response.writeHead 200, 'Content-Type': 'text/plain'