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> Some of the
> requirement makes no sense, such as develop clients for all
> architectures (Linux, Windows, Java) since the client will be a Java
> application.
An architecture is not the same as an OS, we only target x86 and x86_64. We list different OS since the client program uses native OpenGL binaries which are not platform independent. Within the same OS we might still need different code paths for when a computer does not support a GL function (common on Linux with open-source drivers) or has a badly implemented GPU driver (somewhat common on laptops).
Even the standard java awt library is broken on some linux distros and therefore the client program needs to automatically work around such problems. OS X also has problems with its java runtime since they moved away from Apple supplied java.
> Also, there is a
// See GlyphLayout::setText and BitmapFont$BitmapFontData::getGlyphs
fun getFontWidth(font: BitmapFont, text: String): Float {
var width = 0f
var prevGlyph: Glyph? = null
for (char in text) {
var glyph =
if (glyph == null) {
<thing Class="ZombieLand.Zombie">
<pos>(285, 0, 158)</pos>
<boughtItems />