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eyston / gist:1034701
Created June 19, 2011 20:21
Message Bus Blog Example
module MessageBus
class MessageBus
@handlers = {}
def self.subscribe message, handler, method
@handlers[message] ||= []
@handlers[message] << { :handler => handler, :method => method }
def self.send message, args
eyston / gist:1016863
Created June 9, 2011 14:45
Ruby Events? Maybe?
class EventBus
def self.publish event args
@subscribers[event].each do |sub|
# whatever meta stuff sends event to method on object (handler) :p
def self.subscribe event, handler, method
@subscribers[event] = { :handler => handler, :method => method }
// Scala's for comprehensions can be used like Haskell's do notation for monadic code, ie. its a compact way to string together computations sequentially.
val f = for {
a <- Future(10 / 2) // 10 / 2 = 5
b <- Future(a + 1) // 5 + 1 = 6
c <- Future(a - 1) // 5 - 1 = 4
} yield b * c // 6 * 4 = 24
val result = f.get()
struct foo {
float *stuff;
int offset;
float operator[](size_t i) const
return stuff[i + offset];
float &operator[](size_t i)
(def graph {:roots {} :nodes {}})
;; end up wit ha structure like this after adding a node
(def graph {:roots {} :nodes {'Organization {:fields {:id {}}}}})
;; do I do this?
(let [field (get-in graph [:nodes 'Organization :fields :id])]
;; ...
(defn paged-http-get
(paged-http-get url 1))
([url page]
(let [sink (s/stream)]
(d/loop [page page]
(d/chain (http-get url {:query-params {"page" page}})
(fn [response]
(let [body (:body response)]
(if (seq body)
{:name nil
:description nil
:email nil
:repositories {:count nil
:filters {:first {:count 50}
:after {:cursor 22046023}}
:edges {:cursor nil
:node {:id nil
:name nil
:full_name nil
// is there a way to make this an awesome for comprehension or whatever?
// or maybe a built in Map method to do what I want? ;p
val codes: List[String] = ...
val configs: Map[String, Configuration] = ...
val defaultConfig: Configuration = ...
val config: Configuration = codes
.find(configs.contains) // find the first code that the configs map contains
.flatMap(configs.get) // grab the config for that first code