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bm2ilabs/ Secret

Created November 12, 2018 17:40
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Installing Webpack 4 in Laravel and activate the Chunk function and ServiceWorker

I am huge fan of Webpack and Mix from @jefferyWay. Lately I wanted wanted to get the latest and the greatest release of Webpack 4 up and running in the my Laravel project , The struggle it has been is the issue in GitHub for implementing the new version has been put on hold for some times now #1495.

I started today searching in a way of implementing the new Webpack using the webpack.config.js and I stumbled in the new npm package from Spatie and it laid the essence in building my config file .

The first thing to know that this config file it has tailwind preconfigure . So if you don’t need it you could fork the project and remove it , but why would you (Tailwind is the greatest css framework ever built) . And second it has no scss loader as well , so you might need it . For my case I needed only Tailwind and Vue and this package has this two out of the box .

To install it you might find yourself updating some packages like @blade/core , vue-loader, and if you use the Sass loader , you need to update node-sass as well

The run


yarn add @spatie/webpack

Then create the webpack.config.js with

Then in your package.json update the path to your webpack.config.js With some minor tweaks adding the webpack mode param in the scripts like

Now let’s play with Webpack .

The Chunk functionality

Splitting the code is great way to reduce the size of your bundle and make you app fast . With Webpack 4 has this feature and its really handy

In your Vue app.js you could make a chunk for all your components this way they wouldn’t be loaded in all pages but only the pages that need them . To do so you just add the webpack chunk name

And you will see the that when you visit a page with the component it will load example-component-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.js


The service worker is huge step in the direction of PWA (Progressive web applications) this feature is in the standers of Http2 so to make to work you have to enable ssl and use https .

To add this feature I upped to use Workbox from google that provide caching and prefetch Workbox .

First step is to install workbox-webpack-plugin

Then Add the service worker checker to make sure that the browser support the service worker

After that you just need to setup your webpack.config.js and add what you need to be cached like Images , Api calls , js , css and other resources that will help the website to load as fast as possible

My webpack.config.js look like this

Now your website is running the latest features that the Webpack and the browser can offer.

I hope you like my first tutorial . And Build amazing apps ;)

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