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Created November 2, 2019 07:59
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Save HugsLibRecordKeeper/f0a1e5f5e5798ac1cc3070498e2e2453 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Rimworld output log published using HugsLib
Log uploaded on Saturday, November 02, 2019, 2:59:15 AM
Loaded mods:
Startup impact: 0Harmony(, StartupImpact(1.1.7027.12912)
Core: (no assemblies)
HugsLib[ov:6.1.3]: 0Harmony(, HugsLib(av:,fv:6.1.3)
Camera+: 0Harmony(, CameraPlus(
Character Editor: 0Harmony(, CharacterEditor(
MaliBody: GenderDistinction(
Baby and Children: RimWorldChildren(1.0.6985.5907)
RimJobWorld: $HugsLibChecker(, 0Harmony(, 0MultiplayerAPI(, RJW(
Better ModMismatch Window: 0Harmony(, ModMisMatchWindowPatch(
Active Harmony patches:
<MakeNewToils>c__Iterator0.MoveNext: TRANS: RimWorldChildren.Wear_Override.JobDriver_Wear_MoveNext_Transpiler
CameraDriver.ApplyPositionToGameObject: TRANS: CameraPlus.CameraDriver_ApplyPositionToGameObject_Patch.Transpiler
CameraDriver.OnGUI: TRANS: CameraPlus.CameraDriver_OnGUI_Patch.Transpiler
CameraDriver.Update: post: CameraPlus.CameraDriver_Update_Patch.Postfix TRANS: CameraPlus.CameraDriver_Update_Patch.Transpiler
CameraDriver.get_CurrentViewRect: TRANS: CameraPlus.CameraDriver_CurrentViewRect_Patch.Transpiler
CameraDriver.get_CurrentZoom: PRE: CameraPlus.CameraDriver_CurrentZoom_Patch.Prefix
CharacterCardUtility.DrawCharacterCard: TRANS: rjw.SexcardPatch.Transpiler
DebugWindowsOpener.DevToolStarterOnGUI: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.DevToolStarterOnGUI_Patch.ExtendButtonsWindow
DebugWindowsOpener.DrawButtons: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.DebugWindowsOpener_Patch.DrawAdditionalButtons
DeepProfiler.End: PRE: StartupImpact.Patch.DeepProfilerEnd.Prefix
DeepProfiler.Start: PRE: StartupImpact.Patch.DeepProfilerStart.Prefix
Dialog_AdvancedGameConfig.DoWindowContents: post: CharacterEditor.PRMod.AddMapSizeSlider
Dialog_Options.DoWindowContents: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.Dialog_Options_Patch.ReplaceModOptionsButton
DirectXmlLoader.DefFromNode: PRE: StartupImpact.Patch.DirectXmlLoaderDefFromNode.Prefix post: StartupImpact.Patch.DirectXmlLoaderDefFromNode.Postfix
EditWindow_Log.DoMessagesListing: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.EditWindow_Log_Patch.ExtraLogWindowButtons
FloatMenuMakerMap.CanTakeOrder: post: rjw.disable_FloatMenuMakerMap.this_is_postfix
Game.DeinitAndRemoveMap: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_DeinitAndRemoveMap_Patch.MapRemovalHook
Game.FillComponents: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.Game_FillComponents_Patch.GameInitializationHook
Game.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Game_FinalizeInit_Patch.WorldLoadedHook, CameraPlus.Game_FinalizeInit_Patch.Postfix
GenMapUI.DrawPawnLabel: PRE: [10000]CameraPlus.GenMapUI_DrawPawnLabel_Patch.Prefix
GenMapUI.DrawThingLabel: PRE: [10000]CameraPlus.GenMapUI_DrawThingLabel_Patch.Prefix TRANS: CameraPlus.GenMapUI_DrawThingLabel_Patch.Transpiler
Hediff_Pregnant.DoBirthSpawn: PRE: rjw.PATCH_Hediff_Pregnant_DoBirthSpawn.on_begin_DoBirthSpawn
Hediff_Pregnant.Tick: PRE: rjw.PATCH_Hediff_Pregnant_Tick.on_begin_Tick
Hediff_SimpleBaby.PostMake: PRE: RimWorldChildren.Harmony.Optional.rjw_Patches.PostMake_Pre
ITab_Pawn_Gear.InterfaceDrop: PRE: rjw.PATCH_ITab_Pawn_Gear_InterfaceDrop.drop_locked_apparel
JobDriver.Cleanup: PRE: rjw.PATCH_JobDriver_DubsBadHygiene.on_cleanup_driver, rjw.PATCH_JobDriver_Loving_Cleanup.on_cleanup_driver
JobDriver_Lovin.MakeNewToils: PRE: rjw.PATCH_JobDriver_Lovin_MakeNewToils.on_begin_lovin
JobDriver_Mate.MakeNewToils: PRE: rjw.PATCH_JobDriver_Mate_MakeNewToils.on_begin_matin
JobGiver_Mate.TryGiveJob: post: rjw.PATCH_JobGiver_Mate_TryGiveJob.Postfix
JobGiver_PrisonerGetDressed.FindGarmentCoveringPart: PRE: rjw.PATCH_JobGiver_PrisonerGetDressed_FindGarmentCoveringPart.prevent_locked_apparel_conflict
JobGiver_SocialFighting.TryGiveJob: post: RimWorldChildren.JobGiver_SocialFighting_TryGiveJob_Patch.TryGiveJob_Postfix
LanguageDatabase.SelectLanguage: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.LanguageDatabase_Patch.ForceRestartAfterLangChange
LoadedModManager.LoadModXML: PRE: StartupImpact.Patch.LoadedModManagerLoadModXML.Prefix post: StartupImpact.Patch.LoadedModManagerLoadModXML.Postfix
LordJob_AssaultColony.CreateGraph: post: rjw.Patches_AssaultColonyForRape.Postfix
MainMenuDrawer.Init: post: CameraPlus.CrossPromotion.MainMenuDrawer_Init_Postfix
Map.ConstructComponents: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_ConstructComponents_Patch.MapComponentsInitHook
Map.FinalizeInit: post: HugsLib.Patches.Map_FinalizeInit_Patch.MapLoadedHook
MapComponentUtility.MapGenerated: post: HugsLib.Patches.MapComponentUtility_MapGenerated_Patch.MapGeneratedHook
ModContentPack.<ReloadContent>m__1: PRE: StartupImpact.Patch.ModContentPackReloadContentm__1.Prefix
ModContentPack.LoadDefs: post: StartupImpact.Patch.ModContentPackLoadDefs.Postfix
ModContentPack.LoadPatches: PRE: StartupImpact.Patch.ModContentPackLoadPatches.Prefix post: StartupImpact.Patch.ModContentPackLoadPatches.Postfix
ModMetaData.get_VersionCompatible: post: MultiVersionModFix.VersionCompatible_Postfix
ModsConfig.RestartFromChangedMods: PRE: HugsLib.Patches.ModsConfig_RestartFromChangedMods_Patch.QuickRestartInDevMode
MoteMaker.ThrowText: PRE: CameraPlus.MoteMaker_ThrowText_Patch.Prefix
OptionListingUtility.DrawOptionListing: PRE: StartupImpact.Patch.OptionListingUtilityDrawOptionListing.Prefix
Page_ConfigureStartingPawns.DrawPortraitArea: post: CharacterEditor.PRMod.AddCharacterEditorButton
Page_ModsConfig.DoWindowContents: TRANS: CameraPlus.CrossPromotion.Page_ModsConfig_DoWindowContents_Transpiler
Page_ModsConfig.PostClose: post: CameraPlus.CrossPromotion.Page_ModsConfig_PostClose_Postfix
PatchOperation.Apply: PRE: StartupImpact.Patch.PatchOperationApply.Prefix post: StartupImpact.Patch.PatchOperationApply.Postfix
Pawn.GetGizmos: post: rjw.disable_Gizmos.this_is_postfix, rjw.Rjw_buttons.this_is_postfix, rjw.submit_button.this_is_postfix, rjw.Patch_AddGizmo.Postfix
PawnGenerator.GenerateNewPawnInternal: PRE: rjw.Patch_PawnGenerator_GenerateNewNakedPawn.OnBegin_GenerateNewNakedPawn
PawnGenerator.GenerateTraits: post: rjw.PawnGenerator_GenitaliaPatch.AddGenitalia, rjw.Patch_PawnGenerator_GenerateTraits.After_GenerateTraits
PawnGraphicSet.ResolveAllGraphics: post: genderdistinction.GenderDistinction+PawnGraphicSet_ResolveAllGraphics_Patch.ResolveAllGraphics_Patch, RimWorldChildren.PawnGraphicSet_ResolveAllGraphics_Patch.ResolveAllGraphics_Patch
PawnGraphicSet.ResolveApparelGraphics: TRANS: genderdistinction.GenderDistinction+PawnGraphicSet_ResolveApparelGraphics_Patch.ResolveApparelGraphics_Transpiler
PawnRenderer.RenderPawnAt: PRE: [10000]CameraPlus.PawnRenderer_RenderPawnAt_Patch.Prefix post: CameraPlus.PawnRenderer_RenderPawnAt_Patch.Postfix
PawnWoundDrawer.RenderOverBody: post: rjw.patch_semenOverlay.Postfix
Pawn_ApparelTracker.ApparelChanged: post: RimWorldChildren.Pawn_ApparelTracker_ApparelChanged_Patch.ApparelChanged_Postfix
Pawn_ApparelTracker.Notify_ApparelRemoved: post: rjw.PATCH_Pawn_ApparelTracker_Remove.on_remove
Pawn_ApparelTracker.TryDrop: PRE: rjw.PATCH_Pawn_ApparelTracker_TryDrop.prevent_locked_apparel_drop
Pawn_ApparelTracker.Wear: PRE: rjw.PATCH_Pawn_ApparelTracker_Wear.prevent_wear_by_gear post: rjw.PATCH_Pawn_ApparelTracker_Wear.on_wear
Pawn_RelationsTracker.AddDirectRelation: post: RimWorldChildren.Give_Hediff_Lacrating.AddDirectRelation_GiveLacrating
PlayDataLoader.DoPlayLoad: post: HugsLib.Patches.PlayDataLoader_Patch.InitModsHook
PlaySettings.DoPlaySettingsGlobalControls: post: rjw.RJW_corner_toggle.adding_RJW_toggle
Root.Update: post: HugsLib.Patches.Root_Patch.UpdateHook
Root_Play.SetupForQuickTestPlay: TRANS: HugsLib.Patches.RootPlay_TestPlay_Patch.InjectCustomQuickstartSettings
ScribeMetaHeaderUtility.TryCreateDialogsForVersionMismatchWarnings: PRE: ModMisMatchWindowPatch.HarmonyPatches.Prefix
Selector.Select: PRE: rjw.PawnSelect.pawnSelect
SkillRecord.CalculateTotallyDisabled: PRE: rjw.Patches_SkillRecordDebug.Prefix
SocialCardUtility.DrawDebugOptions: TRANS: rjw.SocialCardUtilityPatch+Patch_SocialCardUtility_DrawDebugOptions.Transpiler
StaticConstructorOnStartupUtility.CallAll: PRE: StartupImpact.Patch.StaticConstructorOnStartupUtilityCallAll.Prefix
ThoughtUtility.CanGetThought: post: RimWorldChildren.ThoughtUtility_CanGetThought_Patch.CanGetThought_Patch
TimeControls.DoTimeControlsGUI: PRE: CameraPlus.TimeControls_DoTimeControlsGUI_Patch.Prefix
UIRoot.UIRootOnGUI: post: HugsLib.Patches.UIRoot_Patch.OnGUIHook
WITab_Caravan_Gear.TryEquipDraggedItem: PRE: rjw.PATCH_WITab_Caravan_Gear_TryEquipDraggedItem.prevent_locked_apparel_conflict
Workshop.SetWorkshopItemDataFrom: post: MultiVersionModFix.SetWorkshopItemDataFrom_Postfix
WorkshopItems.Notify_Subscribed: post: CameraPlus.CrossPromotion.WorkshopItems_Notify_Subscribed_Postfix
Harmony versions present: com.github.automatic1111.startupimpact, UnlimitedHugs.HugsLib,, multiversionmodfix, brrainz-crosspromotion, rimworld.gender_distinction, HugsLib.BabyAndChildren, rimworld.baby_and_children, rimworld.baby_and_children.rjw_patch, rjw, Madeline; rimworld.mod.charactereditor
Platform information: (hidden, use publishing options to include)
Log file contents:
Initialize engine version: 5.6.5f1 (2cac56bf7bb6)
GfxDevice: [Renderer information redacted]
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\NAudio.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\NVorbis.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\TextMeshPro- into Unity Child Domain
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/VR/BlitCopyFromTexArray' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/VR/BlitCopyFromTexArray' - Setting to default shader.
desktop: 1920x1080 60Hz; virtual: 3520x1080 at 0,0
RimWorld 1.0.2408 rev747
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Advanced Shelf Stocking from FuriouslyEloquent/JohnSmith "1.0.2231" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers CUSTOM from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Combat Extended from CE Team "0.18.1722" - parsed as "0.18"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Children and Pregnancy - Cheran from Thirite "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] cooler mini patch from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Low standards from Malistaticy aka An Ol' Spicy Keychain "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM) from Neon1028, Malistaticy "1.0.2059" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Respect Your Master from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod tidd mod from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Advanced Shelf Stocking from FuriouslyEloquent/JohnSmith "1.0.2231" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers CUSTOM from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Combat Extended from CE Team "0.18.1722" - parsed as "0.18"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Children and Pregnancy - Cheran from Thirite "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] cooler mini patch from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Low standards from Malistaticy aka An Ol' Spicy Keychain "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM) from Neon1028, Malistaticy "1.0.2059" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Respect Your Master from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod tidd mod from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
[HugsLib] version 6.1.3
Tried to use an uninitialized DefOf of type StatDefOf. DefOfs are initialized right after all defs all loaded. Uninitialized DefOfs will return only nulls. (hint: don't use DefOfs as default field values in Defs, try to resolve them in ResolveReferences() instead)
CombatExtended :: Harmony_GenRadial_RadialPatternCount :: Info: Post GenRadial patch maximum radius: 119.4194
Combat Extended :: initialized
Tried to use an uninitialized DefOf of type SoundDefOf. DefOfs are initialized right after all defs all loaded. Uninitialized DefOfs will return only nulls. (hint: don't use DefOfs as default field values in Defs, try to resolve them in ResolveReferences() instead)
ConsolidatedTraits Harmony Patches:
Dubs Paint Shop 1.0.208
Fluffy Breakdowns :: Initialized
[RuntimeGC] Mod settings loaded.
Ugh You Got Me: Trying to patch MentalState_SocialFighting.ShouldStop.get.
Ugh You Got Me: Patched MentalState_SocialFighting.ShouldStop.get.
Ugh You Got Me: Trying to patch JobGiver_SocialFighting.TryGiveJob
Ugh You Got Me: Patched JobGiver_SocialFighting.TryGiveJob.
[RenameColony] Postfixed
Graphics Setter - Loaded
Cannot find field Stdfld rootSize in CameraDriver.Update
Extended Storage - Harmony patches successful
BadHygiene 2.5.1002
From Nature Is Beautiful: "Impassable Chest-deep Water" not detected, using default patch values.
Parsed 11.3 as int.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Knowledge data was missing key GUC_Animal_Handling. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key GuestBeds. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key RecruitGuest. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key GuestWork. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key Hospitality. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Hacking. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Platform. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Modification. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Caravanning. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Maintenance. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Power. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Concept_MechanoidParts. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Concept_RogueAI. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Concept_RogueAI_LevelUp. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Concept_RogueAI_Mood. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key BuildersTryMine. Adding it...
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Knowledge data was missing key GUC_Animal_Handling. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key GuestBeds. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key RecruitGuest. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key GuestWork. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key Hospitality. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Hacking. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Platform. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Modification. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Caravanning. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Maintenance. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Power. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Concept_MechanoidParts. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Concept_RogueAI. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Concept_RogueAI_LevelUp. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key WTH_Concept_RogueAI_Mood. Adding it...
Knowledge data was missing key BuildersTryMine. Adding it...
BodyDef AndroidM7Mech has BodyPartRecord of MechanicalChassis whose children have more coverage than 1.
BodyDef Fish has BodyPartRecord of Body whose children have more coverage than 1.
BodyDef Squid has BodyPartRecord of SquidBody whose children have more coverage than 1.
Config error in Orbital_Rare: Shell_AntigrainWarhead tradeability doesn't allow traders to sell this thing
Config error in Cooler: is minifiable but not in any thing category
Config error in Cooler: is haulable, but does not have an authored mass value
Config error in Cooler_Over: is minifiable but not in any thing category
Config error in Cooler_Over: is haulable, but does not have an authored mass value
Config error in Cooler_Over2W: is minifiable but not in any thing category
Config error in Cooler_Over2W: is haulable, but does not have an authored mass value
Config error in Cooler: is minifiable but not in any thing category
Config error in Cooler: is haulable, but does not have an authored mass value
Config error in Cooler_Over: is minifiable but not in any thing category
Config error in Cooler_Over: is haulable, but does not have an authored mass value
Config error in Cooler_Over2W: is minifiable but not in any thing category
Config error in Cooler_Over2W: is haulable, but does not have an authored mass value
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Translation data for language English has 1386 errors. Generate translation report for more info.
[RealRuins][System]: RealRuins started patching at 11/1/2019 9:40:23 PM
[RealRuins][System]: RealRuins finished patching at 11/1/2019 9:40:23 PM (33.0019 msec)
MoreTraitSlots Harmony Patches:
PawnGenerator.GenerateTraits [HarmonyPriority(Priority.VeryHigh)]
CharacterCardUtility.DrawCharacterCard [HarmonyPriority(Priority.VeryHigh)]
PickUpAndHaul v0.1.0.5¼ welcomes you to RimWorld with pointless logspam.
[TransportDownedPawns] Initialized
Alien race successfully completed 130 patches with harmony.
PES: Try to patch RimQuest
[Bubbles v1.5] Initialized
EnhancedOptions.Patcher.Patcher(): Starting Patching.
EnhancedOptions.Patcher.Patcher(): Completed Patching.
MineItAll injected.
[ColorCodedMoodBar] initialized
Path Avoid: Adding Harmony Postfix to PawnUtility.GetAvoidGrid()
Cannot find field Stdfld rootSize in CameraDriver.Update
[IncidentPersonStat] injected.
RimFridge Harmony Patches:
CompTemperatureRuinable.DoTicks - Will return false if within a RimFridge
[From BnC] Humanoid Alien Races 2.0 Detected
[From BnC] ** If you use Alien Race, plz use - BnC Alien Support - together.
Or If you don't use Alien Race, take it out. Now that's not necessary anymore. **
[From BnC] RimJobWorld Detected
Facial Stuff successfully completed 1445 patches with harmony.
[RJW]RomanceDiversified is detected.
[RJW]Consolidated Traits found, adding trait compatibility.
[RJW]Humanoid Alien Races 2.0 is detected. Xenophile and Xenophobe traits active.
[RJW]SimpleSlavery is detected.
[RJW]Dubs Bad Hygiene is detected.
[RJW]Children&Pregnancy is detected.
[RJW]Combat Extended is detected. Current compatibility unknown, use at your own risk.
[RJWEx] [RJWEx] Patching...
[RJWEx] Gag graphics patch applied @ Verse.PawnGraphicSet.ResolveApparelGraphics as Transpiler
[RJWEx] ...done
[Readable SaveModList] Patching Save Load window...
Type TextureChooser probably needs a StaticConstructorOnStartup attribute, because it has a field LeftArrow of type Texture2D. All assets must be loaded in the main thread.
Type MyWidgets probably needs a StaticConstructorOnStartup attribute, because it has a field RedTexture of type Texture2D. All assets must be loaded in the main thread.
OnLevelWasLoaded was found on ModInitializerComponent
This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
(Filename: Line: 376)
[RealRuins][Loader]: Exception during loading map by link E8C550DF-703B-4209-9344-4ED90AA7E63B: System.Exception: timed out
at RealRuins.APIService+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<AwaitUnityDataWebResponse>b__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Combat Extended :: Ammo injected
Combat Extended :: Bounds pre-generated
[ModMetaDataCleaner] Removed 113 Metadata and cleaned 308 PreviewImage.
Removed: Prison Labor 0.9 (Outdated), Power Logic, [JPT] Soft Warm Beds, Mercenaries For Me, FemaleBB BodyType Support, Kijin Race, Mechanoids Extraordinaire, Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network, Harvest Everything!, [CP] Rimmu-Nation - Gloves N' Boots (1.0), Xeva FB Pack, gloomy_face, [KV] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats - 1.0, UnderWhere, Multiplayer Compatibility, Multiplayer, EdB Prepare Carefully, Sometimes Raids Go Wrong, [XND] Carpenter Tables, Real Fog of War, Westerado, RimFlix, [SYR] Individuality, Advanced Shelf Stocking, [1.0] Small Shelf, Plasteel Surgery, RIMMSLoadUp, Stockpile Stack Limit, Advanced Biomes, Fences And Floors, Prepare Landing, WM Smarter food selection, Simple sidearms, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Combat Training, Nature's Pretty Sweet, Medieval Times, Dismiss Trader, Tilled Soil, ED-Embrasures, Psychology, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], [RF] Faction Control [b18], Terra Project (Core), Set-Up Camp, Chemfuel cant melt steel beams, Prison Labor 0.9 (Outdated), Power Logic, [JPT] Soft Warm Beds, Mercenaries For Me, FemaleBB BodyType Support, Kijin Race, Mechanoids Extraordinaire, Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network, Harvest Everything!, [CP] Rimmu-Nation - Gloves N' Boots (1.0), Xeva FB Pack, gloomy_face, [KV] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats - 1.0, UnderWhere, Multiplayer Compatibility, Multiplayer, EdB Prepare Carefully, Sometimes Raids Go Wrong, [XND] Carpenter Tables, Real Fog of War, Westerado, RimFlix, [SYR] Individuality, Advanced Shelf Stocking, [1.0] Small Shelf, Plasteel Surgery, RIMMSLoadUp, Stockpile Stack Limit, Advanced Biomes, Fences And Floors, Prepare Landing, WM Smarter food selection, Simple sidearms, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Combat Training, Nature's Pretty Sweet, Medieval Times, Dismiss Trader, Tilled Soil, ED-Embrasures, Psychology, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], [RF] Faction Control [b18], Terra Project (Core), Set-Up Camp, Chemfuel cant melt steel beams, tidd mod, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, Xeva FB pack for Gender Distinction, testapp, Children and Pregnancy - Cheran, Children and Pregnancy - v0.5c, Combat Extended, [1.0] Android tiers, [1.0] Android tiers CUSTOM, [1.0] Android tiers
Cleaned: Preemptive Strike, Romance Tweaks, Dubs Bad Hygiene, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, Tech Advancing, Real Ruins, Snap Out!, Roads of the Rim, RimCities, Go Explore!, CodeOptimist's Assorted Alterations, Character Editor, Questionable Ethics Enhanced, Crude Bionics, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production, Better ModMismatch Window, Micro Designations, Android Tiers Unfeeling Patch, Please Haul Perishables, Hospitality, Giddy-up! Ride and Roll, Better Pawn Control, Common Sense, Vanilla Fences, Brrr and Phew, TD Enhancement Pack, ZARS Tribalism, ZARS Production Spots, ResearchPal, TribalInstruments, [Core] MDK Terrain Patch, ZARS Core, Dress Patients, [RF] Tribal Pawn Names [1.0], Realistic Darkness 1.0, [RF] Rational Romance [1.0], Camera+, Baby and Children, RimFace for Facial Stuff 1.0, Harvest Organs Post Mortem, Life Support, SF Grim Reality, Nature is Beautiful v2.5 [1.0], Vanilla Furniture Expanded, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module, Simple Search Bar, Work Tab, [Ods] Womens Hair , [Ods] Mens Hair , Incident Person Stat, Big Bakas No Research, [1.0] Android tiers - Gynoids, Bionic icons, Moloy Traits, Sparkling Worlds - CE Patch [1.0] - Combat Extendend Compatibility, Map Edit Tools, Desynchronized: Tales and News (v1.7.0), Blueprints, MendAndRecycle, QualityBuilder, Quest Tab, RIMMSAssemble, More Faction Interaction, Giddy-up! Core, Dub's Paint Shop, Combat Extended, Quick Stockpile Creation, RenameColony, P-Music, Smart Medicine, Hunt for Me, Replace Stuff, Build From Inventory, FashionRIMsta, [1.0] Android tiers, Designator Shapes, What the hack?!, Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod, Fluffy Breakdowns, Graphics Setter, Combat Extended Guns, Variable Population, Android tiers CE Patch, HugsLib, Giddy-up! Caravan, Pick Up And Haul, [SYR] Set Up Camp, Let's Trade! [1.0], [SYR] Doormats, Simple Slavery[1.0], Change map edge limit, Better Vanilla Masking, Transport Downed Pawns, Ugh You Got Me, Wall Light, Animals Logic, Share The Load, Apparello 2, RuntimeGC, Startup impact, Ground Scanner Redesign, AnimalCollabProj, Turn It On and Off v1.3 [1.0], Rimsenal - Rimhair, Metal Doesn't Burn, Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.0], Spoons Hair Mod, FrameRateControl, [KV] Path Avoid - 1.0, Mass Graves, Facial Stuff 1.0, Where is my weapon?, Simple Polygamy Beds, Color Coded Mood Bar, Progress Renderer, [KV] RimFridge - 1.0, RimQuest, [RF] Pawns are Capable! [1.0], [RF] Realistic Planets [1.0], JecsTools, [KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0, FishIndustry, [KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0, Map Reroll, Safely Hidden Away, Save Our Ship (Reloaded), [KV] Faction Control - 1.0, ED-EnhancedOptions, MineItAll - unofficial, More Harvest Designators!, Bad People, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering, Allow Tool, [RF] Tribal Raiders [1.0], Interaction Bubbles, While You're Up [1.0], Locks, Just Ignore Me Passing, Realistic Starvation, Extended Storage, Preemptive Strike, Romance Tweaks, Dubs Bad Hygiene, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, Tech Advancing, Real Ruins, Snap Out!, Roads of the Rim, RimCities, Go Explore!, CodeOptimist's Assorted Alterations, Character Editor, Questionable Ethics Enhanced, Crude Bionics, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production, Better ModMismatch Window, Micro Designations, Android Tiers Unfeeling Patch, Please Haul Perishables, Hospitality, Giddy-up! Ride and Roll, Better Pawn Control, Common Sense, Vanilla Fences, Brrr and Phew, TD Enhancement Pack, ZARS Tribalism, ZARS Production Spots, ResearchPal, TribalInstruments, [Core] MDK Terrain Patch, ZARS Core, Dress Patients, [RF] Tribal Pawn Names [1.0], Realistic Darkness 1.0, [RF] Rational Romance [1.0], Camera+, Baby and Children, RimFace for Facial Stuff 1.0, Harvest Organs Post Mortem, Life Support, SF Grim Reality, Nature is Beautiful v2.5 [1.0], Vanilla Furniture Expanded, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module, Simple Search Bar, Work Tab, [Ods] Womens Hair , [Ods] Mens Hair , Incident Person Stat, Big Bakas No Research, [1.0] Android tiers - Gynoids, Bionic icons, Moloy Traits, Sparkling Worlds - CE Patch [1.0] - Combat Extendend Compatibility, Map Edit Tools, Desynchronized: Tales and News (v1.7.0), Blueprints, MendAndRecycle, QualityBuilder, Quest Tab, RIMMSAssemble, More Faction Interaction, Giddy-up! Core, Dub's Paint Shop, Combat Extended, Quick Stockpile Creation, RenameColony, P-Music, Smart Medicine, Hunt for Me, Replace Stuff, Build From Inventory, FashionRIMsta, [1.0] Android tiers, Designator Shapes, What the hack?!, Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod, Fluffy Breakdowns, Graphics Setter, Combat Extended Guns, Variable Population, Android tiers CE Patch, HugsLib, Giddy-up! Caravan, Pick Up And Haul, [SYR] Set Up Camp, Let's Trade! [1.0], [SYR] Doormats, Simple Slavery[1.0], Change map edge limit, Better Vanilla Masking, Transport Downed Pawns, Ugh You Got Me, Wall Light, Animals Logic, Share The Load, Apparello 2, RuntimeGC, Startup impact, Ground Scanner Redesign, AnimalCollabProj, Turn It On and Off v1.3 [1.0], Rimsenal - Rimhair, Metal Doesn't Burn, Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.0], Spoons Hair Mod, FrameRateControl, [KV] Path Avoid - 1.0, Mass Graves, Facial Stuff 1.0, Where is my weapon?, Simple Polygamy Beds, Color Coded Mood Bar, Progress Renderer, [KV] RimFridge - 1.0, RimQuest, [RF] Pawns are Capable! [1.0], [RF] Realistic Planets [1.0], JecsTools, [KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0, FishIndustry, [KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0, Map Reroll, Safely Hidden Away, Save Our Ship (Reloaded), [KV] Faction Control - 1.0, ED-EnhancedOptions, MineItAll - unofficial, More Harvest Designators!, Bad People, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering, Allow Tool, [RF] Tribal Raiders [1.0], Interaction Bubbles, While You're Up [1.0], Locks, Just Ignore Me Passing, Realistic Starvation, Extended Storage, UnderWhere, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], Romance Tweaks More Options, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld Extension, Respect Your Master, Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM), Don't Judge Us!, MaliBody, Low standards, [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], EdB Prepare Correctly, Core, [1.0] cooler mini patch, apparelno, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Advanced Shelf Stocking, ===Traits===, ===Special Cases===, ===Races and Animals===, ===Pawn Behavior===, ===Medical===, ===Mapgen===, ===Items===, ===Game and UI===, ===Factions===, ===Androids===, Milkable Colonists
[LanguageDataCleaner] Removed 32 LoadedLanguages and cleaned 169 DefInjectionPackages.
Removed Languages: TranslateTemplate, Ukranian, Keyed, Sample, SimplifiedChinese, KoreanFastChannel, Українська, Türkçe, Svenska, Español(Latinoamérica), Español(Castellano), Slovenčina, Русский, Română, Português Brasileiro, Português, Polski (1.0 beta), Norsk Bokmål, 한국어, 日本語, Italiano, Magyar, Deutsch, Français, Suomi, Eesti, Nederlands, Dansk, Čeština, 繁體中文, 简体中文, Català
[RuntimeGC] Detour completed: MuteGC
ResearchPal :: Preparing research nodes
ResearchPal :: redundant prerequisites for Crude bionics: Microelectronics
ResearchPal :: redundant prerequisites for Reconnaissance drones: Radio detection and ranging
ResearchPal :: Reducing crossings
ResearchPal :: Finalizing layout
ResearchPal :: Restoring queue
|| Setting up Editable Backstories (REB)
|| Backstories Added by REB:
|| Childhood Backstories (shuffleable): 150
|| Childhood Backstories (non-shuffleable): 0
|| Adulthood Backstories (shuffleable): 178
|| Adulthood Backstories (non-shuffleable): 0
|| Backstories Added by Other Mods:
|| Childhood Backstories (shuffleable): 107
|| Childhood Backstories (non-shuffleable): 3
|| Adulthood Backstories (shuffleable): 33
|| Adulthood Backstories (non-shuffleable): 1
|| Names Added by REB:
|| First Names (Female): 2508
|| First Names (Male): 2305
|| Nicknames (Female): 146
|| Nicknames (Male): 179
|| Nicknames (Unisex): 1542
|| First/Nick Sets (Female): 1486
|| First/Nick Sets (Male): 1052
|| Last Names: 10092
|| Full Names (without bios): 45
|| Full Names (with bios): 10
|| FilterSet Name Lists:
|| FS1 First Names (Female): 146
|| FS1 First Names (Male): 140
|| FS1 Last Names: 222
|| FS2: No Names Defined
|| FS3: No Names Defined
|| FS4: No Names Defined
|| FS5: No Names Defined
|| FS6: No Names Defined
|| FS7: No Names Defined
|| FS8: No Names Defined
|| FS9: No Names Defined
Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 1.0.2282 rev726, we are running version 1.0.2408 rev747.
Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 1.0.2282 rev726, we are running version 1.0.2408 rev747.
[HugsLib] Quickstarter generating map with scenario: Crashlanded
[HugsLib][ERR] Failed to apply Harmony patches for HugsLib.BabyAndChildren. Exception was: System.FormatException: Method Verse.PawnGraphicSet.ResolveApparelGraphics() cannot be patched. Reason: Invalid IL code in (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGraphicSet:ResolveApparelGraphics_Patch2 (object): IL_0058: call 0x0000001b
at Harmony.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, Harmony.PatchInfo patchInfo, System.String instanceID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Harmony.PatchProcessor.Patch () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Harmony.HarmonyInstance.<PatchAll>b__9_0 (System.Type type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Harmony.CollectionExtensions.Do[Type] (IEnumerable`1 sequence, System.Action`1 action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Harmony.HarmonyInstance.PatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at HugsLib.ModBase.ApplyHarmonyPatches () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[HugsLib] initializing GiddyUpCore, GiddyUpCaravan, GiddyUpRideAndRoll, RealRuins, MapReroll, BetterPawnControl, WhileYoureUp, COAssortedAlterations, Autopsy, Hospitality, SimpleSlavery, AllowTool, WhatTheHack, ShipInteriorMod, com.vectorial1024.rimworld.desynchronized, TurnItOnandOff, ChangeMapEdge, VariablePopulation, RomanceTweaks, RomanceTweaksMoreOptions, MilkableColonists, MURWallLight, BabyAndChildren, RJW, CharacterEditor
Injecting guest beds into the following facilities: EndTable, Dresser, VitalsMonitor, AndroidOperationKit, Table_Wardrobe, Table_RoyalEndTable, Table_RoyalDresser, Facility_VitalsCentre, Facility_IVDrip
Created guest beds for the following beds: SleepingSpot, DoubleSleepingSpot, Bed, DoubleBed, RoyalBed, HospitalBed, Bedroll, BedrollDouble, AndroidOperationBed, TempSleepSpot, Bed_StoneSlab, Bed_Simple, Bed_Ergonomic, Bed_DoubleErgonomic, Bed_Kingsize, Bed_OperatingTable, Bed_CryptoBed, RoyalBedForThree, TripleBed, QuadBed, PentaBed, GlitterworldHospitalBedSW, Crib, ImprovedSleepingSpot, RJW_Bed, RJW_DoubleBed, RJW_RoyalBed
[AllowTool] Applied compatibility patch for "Pick Up And Haul"
[TurnItOnandOff] Initialized Components
[TurnItOnandOff] Registered instance
System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for Mono.CSharp.CSharpCodeCompiler ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Windows mono path not found: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\mono\mono\mini\mono.exe
at Mono.CSharp.CSharpCodeCompiler..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider.CreateCompiler () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.GenerateSerializers (System.Xml.Serialization.GenerationBatch batch, System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters cp) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.RunSerializerGeneration (System.Object obj) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[TurnItOnandOff] Loaded 0 of 0 mod support defs.
[RealRuins][Loader]: Exception during loading map by link 095B8648-354F-4FF8-8FC3-AE23C1D10A91: System.Exception: timed out
at RealRuins.APIService+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<AwaitUnityDataWebResponse>b__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
QualityBuilder added property to '312' things
Unloading 537 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 19676.
Total: 684.772705 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.933127 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.101653 ms MarkObjects: 677.988037 ms DeleteObjects: 1.748757 ms)
Initializing new game with mods Startup impact, Core, HugsLib, RIMMSAssemble, JecsTools, EdB Prepare Correctly, Giddy-up! Core, Giddy-up! Caravan, Giddy-up! Ride and Roll, ZARS Core, Combat Extended, ===Mapgen===, [Core] MDK Terrain Patch, Real Ruins, Map Reroll, [RF] Realistic Planets [1.0], RimCities, ===Factions===, [KV] Faction Control - 1.0, [RF] Tribal Raiders [1.0], [KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0, [KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0, More Faction Interaction, ===Pawn Behavior===, Pick Up And Haul, Share The Load, Just Ignore Me Passing, Better Pawn Control, Transport Downed Pawns, While You're Up [1.0], Work Tab, [RF] Pawns are Capable! [1.0], CodeOptimist's Assorted Alterations, Common Sense, Snap Out!, Build From Inventory, Please Haul Perishables, ===Androids===, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, [1.0] Android tiers, [1.0] Android tiers - Gynoids, Android Tiers Unfeeling Patch, ===Traits===, Moloy Traits, Low standards, ===Medical===, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Harvest Organs Post Mortem, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering, Smart Medicine, Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM), Life Support, Crude Bionics, ===Special Cases===, Hospitality, Simple Slavery[1.0], ===Game and UI===, Preemptive Strike, Allow Tool, Locks, P-Music, Roads of the Rim, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], Interaction Bubbles, [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], Tech Advancing, What the hack?!, Save Our Ship (Reloaded), Let's Trade! [1.0], Safely Hidden Away, [SYR] Set Up Camp, FishIndustry, ED-EnhancedOptions, MineItAll - unofficial, Where is my weapon?, More Harvest Designators!, Desynchronized: Tales and News (v1.7.0), Bad People, Designator Shapes, Dub's Paint Shop, Turn It On and Off v1.3 [1.0], Color Coded Mood Bar, FrameRateControl, Progress Renderer, Hunt for Me, MendAndRecycle, SF Grim Reality, Animals Logic, Nature is Beautiful v2.5 [1.0], [KV] Path Avoid - 1.0, Metal Doesn't Burn, Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.0], [1.0] cooler mini patch, Fluffy Breakdowns, RuntimeGC, Replace Stuff, Ground Scanner Redesign, Blueprints, Change map edge limit, Advanced Shelf Stocking, Better Vanilla Masking, Quick Stockpile Creation, Ugh You Got Me, Variable Population, Brrr and Phew, Quest Tab, Go Explore!, Simple Search Bar, TD Enhancement Pack, Incident Person Stat, [RF] Tribal Pawn Names [1.0], Romance Tweaks, Romance Tweaks More Options, [RF] Rational Romance [1.0], Don't Judge Us!, Big Bakas No Research, RenameColony, Milkable Colonists, ResearchPal, Dress Patients, Graphics Setter, Camera+, Realistic Starvation, Respect Your Master, ===Items===, Bionic icons, Extended Storage, [KV] RimFridge - 1.0, [SYR] Doormats, Mass Graves, Vanilla Furniture Expanded, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production, ZARS Production Spots, ZARS Tribalism, Simple Polygamy Beds, TribalInstruments, Vanilla Fences, Combat Extended Guns, Apparello 2, UnderWhere, Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod, Android tiers CE Patch, Sparkling Worlds - CE Patch [1.0] - Combat Extendend Compatibility, FashionRIMsta, Rimsenal - Rimhair, [Ods] Mens Hair , [Ods] Womens Hair , Spoons Hair Mod, Wall Light, Realistic Darkness 1.0, QualityBuilder, apparelno, RimQuest, Micro Designations, ===Races and Animals===, Baby and Children, AnimalCollabProj, Dubs Bad Hygiene, Facial Stuff 1.0, RimFace for Facial Stuff 1.0, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld Extension, Questionable Ethics Enhanced, Character Editor, MaliBody, Better ModMismatch Window, Map Edit Tools
[CE] Deflection for Instigator:Robin Target: DamageDef:Bite Weapon: has null verb, overriding AP.
[V1024-DESYNC] The TNDBS is unexpectedly null, cancelling creation of TaleNews. This may happen because the map is still being set up (or, alternatively, you are using Prepare Carefully), but otherwise, this is a bug.
[V1024-DESYNC] The TNDBS is unexpectedly null, cancelling creation of TaleNews. This may happen because the map is still being set up (or, alternatively, you are using Prepare Carefully), but otherwise, this is a bug.
[V1024-DESYNC] The TNDBS is unexpectedly null, cancelling creation of TaleNews. This may happen because the map is still being set up (or, alternatively, you are using Prepare Carefully), but otherwise, this is a bug.
[AnimalVariations] Loading XML data from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\949283405/Textures/Things/Pawn/Animal/Weasels/Ferret/ACPFerret_SkinSet.xml
[AnimalVariations] Loading XML data from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\949283405/Textures/Things/Pawn/Animal/Horses/Horse/ACPHorse_SkinSet.xml
Cleaned up 0 depricated records from Giddy-up!
[AllowTool] Injected 6 designators
QualityBuilder added to orders category.
Cleaned up 0 depricated records from What the Hack!?
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Medband_Female, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Gas_Female, color=RGBA(0.502, 0.627, 0.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/BowlerHat/BowlerHat_Female, color=RGBA(0.298, 0.325, 0.388, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Medband_Thin, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Gas_Thin, color=RGBA(0.502, 0.627, 0.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/BowlerHat/BowlerHat_Thin, color=RGBA(0.900, 0.420, 0.230, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/PowerArmorHelmet/PowerArmorHelmet_Thin, color=RGBA(0.330, 0.330, 0.330, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/PowerArmorHelmet/PowerArmorHelmet_Male, color=RGBA(0.235, 0.235, 0.235, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Medband_Male, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Apparel/GasMask/GasMask_Male, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/Tuque/Tuque_Male, color=RGBA(0.863, 0.702, 0.518, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Thin, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Fat, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Fat, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Female, color=RGBA(0.000, 0.416, 0.494, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Female, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/BowlerHat/BowlerHat_Thin, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Fat, color=RGBA(0.900, 0.540, 0.150, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/BowlerHat/BowlerHat_Fat, color=RGBA(0.900, 0.540, 0.150, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
[AnimalVariations] Loading XML data from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\949283405/Textures/Things/Pawn/Animal/Weasels/Ferret/ACPFerret_SkinSet.xml
[AnimalVariations] Loading XML data from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\949283405/Textures/Things/Pawn/Animal/Horses/Horse/ACPHorse_SkinSet.xml
Unloading 4 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 25741.
Total: 865.355530 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.267492 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.051885 ms MarkObjects: 861.945251 ms DeleteObjects: 0.090168 ms)
Wolf_Timber6048 on unwalkable cell (10, 0, 121). Teleporting to (10, 0, 120)
The Android Cooperative are coming after 15.22202 days.
Distant Ocean Nation are coming after 36.23121 days.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Female, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/AdvancedHelmet/AdvancedHelmet_Thin, color=RGBA(0.650, 0.650, 0.650, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/AdvancedHelmet/AdvancedHelmet_Male, color=RGBA(0.900, 0.900, 0.900, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Gas_Male, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/AdvancedHelmet/AdvancedHelmet_Male, color=RGBA(0.650, 0.650, 0.650, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Batcap_Thin, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Gas_Thin, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Medband_Fat, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/AdvancedHelmet/AdvancedHelmet_Fat, color=RGBA(0.650, 0.650, 0.650, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/BowlerHat/BowlerHat_Male, color=RGBA(0.502, 0.627, 0.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Weld_Female, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Yipot_Thin, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Goggles/Shadess_Female, color=RGBA(0.523, 0.700, 0.717, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Goggles/Brimsk_Male, color=RGBA(0.795, 0.893, 0.695, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/SandTrader_Thin, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Hulk, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Hulk, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Headset_Thin, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Male, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/AdvancedHelmet/AdvancedHelmet_Thin, color=RGBA(0.900, 0.900, 0.900, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Thin, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Goggles/Goggles_Thin, color=RGBA(0.484, 0.318, 0.449, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/AdvancedHelmet/AdvancedHelmet_Male, color=RGBA(0.330, 0.330, 0.330, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Goggles/Shadess_Male, color=RGBA(0.327, 0.633, 0.463, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at Eyes/Male/Eye_SMP_Female_Left_south in any active mod or in base resources.
Facial Stuff: Failed to get front texture at Eyes/Male/Eye_SMP_Female_Left_south - Graphic_Multi_NaturalEyes
Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at Eyes/Male/Eye_SMP_Female_Right_south in any active mod or in base resources.
Facial Stuff: Failed to get front texture at Eyes/Male/Eye_SMP_Female_Right_south - Graphic_Multi_NaturalEyes
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/Tuque/Tuque_Thin, color=RGBA(0.650, 0.650, 0.650, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Goggles/Brimsk_Thin, color=RGBA(0.337, 0.830, 0.403, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/SandTrader_Male, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Thin, color=RGBA(0.000, 0.416, 0.494, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 5345 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 26019.
Total: 398.984009 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.940539 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.419809 ms MarkObjects: 383.018311 ms DeleteObjects: 11.604259 ms)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Advanced Shelf Stocking from FuriouslyEloquent/JohnSmith "1.0.2231" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers CUSTOM from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Combat Extended from CE Team "0.18.1722" - parsed as "0.18"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Children and Pregnancy - Cheran from Thirite "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] cooler mini patch from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Low standards from Malistaticy aka An Ol' Spicy Keychain "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM) from Neon1028, Malistaticy "1.0.2059" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Respect Your Master from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod tidd mod from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Advanced Shelf Stocking from FuriouslyEloquent/JohnSmith "1.0.2231" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers CUSTOM from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Combat Extended from CE Team "0.18.1722" - parsed as "0.18"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Children and Pregnancy - Cheran from Thirite "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] cooler mini patch from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Low standards from Malistaticy aka An Ol' Spicy Keychain "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM) from Neon1028, Malistaticy "1.0.2059" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Respect Your Master from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod tidd mod from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Reached max messages limit. Stopping logging to avoid spam.
Setting up 4 worker threads for Enlighten.
Thread -> id: 4eb8 -> priority: 1
Thread -> id: 1ae8 -> priority: 1
Thread -> id: 49e4 -> priority: 1
Thread -> id: 5308 -> priority: 1
Initialize engine version: 5.6.5f1 (2cac56bf7bb6)
GfxDevice: creating device client; threaded=1
Version: Direct3D 9.0c [nvd3dumx.dll]
Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti
Vendor: NVIDIA
VRAM: 3998 MB (via DXGI)
Caps: Shader=30 DepthRT=1 NativeDepth=1 NativeShadow=1 DF16=0 INTZ=1 NULL=1 RESZ=0 SlowINTZ=0 ATOC=1 BC4=1 BC5=1
Begin MonoManager ReloadAssembly
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp-firstpass.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\Assembly-CSharp.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.UI.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\UnityEngine.Networking.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\NAudio.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\NVorbis.dll into Unity Child Domain
Loading [Rimworld_dir]\RimWorldWin64_Data\Managed\TextMeshPro- into Unity Child Domain
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/VR/BlitCopyFromTexArray' - Pass '' has no vertex shader
WARNING: Shader Unsupported: 'Hidden/VR/BlitCopyFromTexArray' - Setting to default shader.
desktop: 1920x1080 60Hz; virtual: 3520x1080 at 0,0
RimWorld 1.0.2408 rev747
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Advanced Shelf Stocking from FuriouslyEloquent/JohnSmith "1.0.2231" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers CUSTOM from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Combat Extended from CE Team "0.18.1722" - parsed as "0.18"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Children and Pregnancy - Cheran from Thirite "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] cooler mini patch from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Low standards from Malistaticy aka An Ol' Spicy Keychain "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM) from Neon1028, Malistaticy "1.0.2059" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Respect Your Master from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod tidd mod from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Advanced Shelf Stocking from FuriouslyEloquent/JohnSmith "1.0.2231" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers CUSTOM from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Combat Extended from CE Team "0.18.1722" - parsed as "0.18"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Children and Pregnancy - Cheran from Thirite "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] cooler mini patch from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Low standards from Malistaticy aka An Ol' Spicy Keychain "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM) from Neon1028, Malistaticy "1.0.2059" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Respect Your Master from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod tidd mod from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
[HugsLib] version 6.1.3
Tried to use an uninitialized DefOf of type StatDefOf. DefOfs are initialized right after all defs all loaded. Uninitialized DefOfs will return only nulls. (hint: don't use DefOfs as default field values in Defs, try to resolve them in ResolveReferences() instead)
CombatExtended :: Harmony_GenRadial_RadialPatternCount :: Info: Post GenRadial patch maximum radius: 119.4194
Combat Extended :: initialized
Tried to use an uninitialized DefOf of type SoundDefOf. DefOfs are initialized right after all defs all loaded. Uninitialized DefOfs will return only nulls. (hint: don't use DefOfs as default field values in Defs, try to resolve them in ResolveReferences() instead)
ConsolidatedTraits Harmony Patches:
Dubs Paint Shop 1.0.208
Fluffy Breakdowns :: Initialized
[RuntimeGC] Mod settings loaded.
Ugh You Got Me: Trying to patch MentalState_SocialFighting.ShouldStop.get.
Ugh You Got Me: Patched MentalState_SocialFighting.ShouldStop.get.
Ugh You Got Me: Trying to patch JobGiver_SocialFighting.TryGiveJob
Ugh You Got Me: Patched JobGiver_SocialFighting.TryGiveJob.
[RenameColony] Postfixed
Graphics Setter - Loaded
Cannot find field Stdfld rootSize in CameraDriver.Update
Extended Storage - Harmony patches successful
BadHygiene 2.5.1002
From Nature Is Beautiful: "Impassable Chest-deep Water" not detected, using default patch values.
Parsed 11.3 as int.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
BodyDef AndroidM7Mech has BodyPartRecord of MechanicalChassis whose children have more coverage than 1.
BodyDef Fish has BodyPartRecord of Body whose children have more coverage than 1.
BodyDef Squid has BodyPartRecord of SquidBody whose children have more coverage than 1.
Config error in Orbital_Rare: Shell_AntigrainWarhead tradeability doesn't allow traders to sell this thing
Config error in Cooler: is minifiable but not in any thing category
Config error in Cooler: is haulable, but does not have an authored mass value
Config error in Cooler_Over: is minifiable but not in any thing category
Config error in Cooler_Over: is haulable, but does not have an authored mass value
Config error in Cooler_Over2W: is minifiable but not in any thing category
Config error in Cooler_Over2W: is haulable, but does not have an authored mass value
Config error in Cooler: is minifiable but not in any thing category
Config error in Cooler: is haulable, but does not have an authored mass value
Config error in Cooler_Over: is minifiable but not in any thing category
Config error in Cooler_Over: is haulable, but does not have an authored mass value
Config error in Cooler_Over2W: is minifiable but not in any thing category
Config error in Cooler_Over2W: is haulable, but does not have an authored mass value
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Translation data for language English has 1386 errors. Generate translation report for more info.
[RealRuins][System]: RealRuins started patching at 11/1/2019 10:12:31 PM
[RealRuins][System]: RealRuins finished patching at 11/1/2019 10:12:31 PM (33.0019 msec)
MoreTraitSlots Harmony Patches:
PawnGenerator.GenerateTraits [HarmonyPriority(Priority.VeryHigh)]
CharacterCardUtility.DrawCharacterCard [HarmonyPriority(Priority.VeryHigh)]
PickUpAndHaul v0.1.0.5¼ welcomes you to RimWorld with pointless logspam.
[TransportDownedPawns] Initialized
Alien race successfully completed 130 patches with harmony.
PES: Try to patch RimQuest
[Bubbles v1.5] Initialized
EnhancedOptions.Patcher.Patcher(): Starting Patching.
EnhancedOptions.Patcher.Patcher(): Completed Patching.
MineItAll injected.
[ColorCodedMoodBar] initialized
Path Avoid: Adding Harmony Postfix to PawnUtility.GetAvoidGrid()
Cannot find field Stdfld rootSize in CameraDriver.Update
[IncidentPersonStat] injected.
RimFridge Harmony Patches:
CompTemperatureRuinable.DoTicks - Will return false if within a RimFridge
Facial Stuff successfully completed 1443 patches with harmony.
[From BnC] Humanoid Alien Races 2.0 Detected
[From BnC] ** If you use Alien Race, plz use - BnC Alien Support - together.
Or If you don't use Alien Race, take it out. Now that's not necessary anymore. **
[From BnC] RimJobWorld Detected
[RJW]RomanceDiversified is detected.
[RJW]Consolidated Traits found, adding trait compatibility.
[RJW]Humanoid Alien Races 2.0 is detected. Xenophile and Xenophobe traits active.
[RJW]SimpleSlavery is detected.
[RJW]Dubs Bad Hygiene is detected.
[RJW]Children&Pregnancy is detected.
[RJW]Combat Extended is detected. Current compatibility unknown, use at your own risk.
[RJWEx] [RJWEx] Patching...
[RJWEx] Gag graphics patch applied @ Verse.PawnGraphicSet.ResolveApparelGraphics as Transpiler
[RJWEx] ...done
[Readable SaveModList] Patching Save Load window...
Type TextureChooser probably needs a StaticConstructorOnStartup attribute, because it has a field LeftArrow of type Texture2D. All assets must be loaded in the main thread.
Type MyWidgets probably needs a StaticConstructorOnStartup attribute, because it has a field RedTexture of type Texture2D. All assets must be loaded in the main thread.
OnLevelWasLoaded was found on ModInitializerComponent
This message has been deprecated and will be removed in a later version of Unity.
Add a delegate to SceneManager.sceneLoaded instead to get notifications after scene loading has completed
(Filename: Line: 376)
[RealRuins][Loader]: Exception during loading map by link EFD1D3B6-D971-4FA1-945D-874FC3BB53D0: System.Exception: timed out
at RealRuins.APIService+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<AwaitUnityDataWebResponse>b__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Combat Extended :: Ammo injected
Combat Extended :: Bounds pre-generated
[ModMetaDataCleaner] Removed 113 Metadata and cleaned 308 PreviewImage.
Removed: Prison Labor 0.9 (Outdated), Power Logic, [JPT] Soft Warm Beds, Mercenaries For Me, FemaleBB BodyType Support, Kijin Race, Mechanoids Extraordinaire, Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network, Harvest Everything!, [CP] Rimmu-Nation - Gloves N' Boots (1.0), Xeva FB Pack, gloomy_face, [KV] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats - 1.0, UnderWhere, Multiplayer Compatibility, Multiplayer, EdB Prepare Carefully, Sometimes Raids Go Wrong, [XND] Carpenter Tables, Real Fog of War, Westerado, RimFlix, [SYR] Individuality, Advanced Shelf Stocking, [1.0] Small Shelf, Plasteel Surgery, RIMMSLoadUp, Stockpile Stack Limit, Advanced Biomes, Fences And Floors, Prepare Landing, WM Smarter food selection, Simple sidearms, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Combat Training, Nature's Pretty Sweet, Medieval Times, Dismiss Trader, Tilled Soil, ED-Embrasures, Psychology, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], [RF] Faction Control [b18], Terra Project (Core), Set-Up Camp, Chemfuel cant melt steel beams, Prison Labor 0.9 (Outdated), Power Logic, [JPT] Soft Warm Beds, Mercenaries For Me, FemaleBB BodyType Support, Kijin Race, Mechanoids Extraordinaire, Cybernetic Organism and Neural Network, Harvest Everything!, [CP] Rimmu-Nation - Gloves N' Boots (1.0), Xeva FB Pack, gloomy_face, [KV] Show Hair With Hats or Hide All Hats - 1.0, UnderWhere, Multiplayer Compatibility, Multiplayer, EdB Prepare Carefully, Sometimes Raids Go Wrong, [XND] Carpenter Tables, Real Fog of War, Westerado, RimFlix, [SYR] Individuality, Advanced Shelf Stocking, [1.0] Small Shelf, Plasteel Surgery, RIMMSLoadUp, Stockpile Stack Limit, Advanced Biomes, Fences And Floors, Prepare Landing, WM Smarter food selection, Simple sidearms, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Combat Training, Nature's Pretty Sweet, Medieval Times, Dismiss Trader, Tilled Soil, ED-Embrasures, Psychology, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], [RF] Faction Control [b18], Terra Project (Core), Set-Up Camp, Chemfuel cant melt steel beams, tidd mod, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld, Xeva FB pack for Gender Distinction, testapp, Children and Pregnancy - Cheran, Children and Pregnancy - v0.5c, Combat Extended, [1.0] Android tiers, [1.0] Android tiers CUSTOM, [1.0] Android tiers
Cleaned: Preemptive Strike, Romance Tweaks, Dubs Bad Hygiene, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, Tech Advancing, Real Ruins, Snap Out!, Roads of the Rim, RimCities, Go Explore!, CodeOptimist's Assorted Alterations, Character Editor, Questionable Ethics Enhanced, Crude Bionics, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production, Better ModMismatch Window, Micro Designations, Android Tiers Unfeeling Patch, Please Haul Perishables, Hospitality, Giddy-up! Ride and Roll, Better Pawn Control, Common Sense, Vanilla Fences, Brrr and Phew, TD Enhancement Pack, ZARS Tribalism, ZARS Production Spots, ResearchPal, TribalInstruments, [Core] MDK Terrain Patch, ZARS Core, Dress Patients, [RF] Tribal Pawn Names [1.0], Realistic Darkness 1.0, [RF] Rational Romance [1.0], Camera+, Baby and Children, RimFace for Facial Stuff 1.0, Harvest Organs Post Mortem, Life Support, SF Grim Reality, Nature is Beautiful v2.5 [1.0], Vanilla Furniture Expanded, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module, Simple Search Bar, Work Tab, [Ods] Womens Hair , [Ods] Mens Hair , Incident Person Stat, Big Bakas No Research, [1.0] Android tiers - Gynoids, Bionic icons, Moloy Traits, Sparkling Worlds - CE Patch [1.0] - Combat Extendend Compatibility, Map Edit Tools, Desynchronized: Tales and News (v1.7.0), Blueprints, MendAndRecycle, QualityBuilder, Quest Tab, RIMMSAssemble, More Faction Interaction, Giddy-up! Core, Dub's Paint Shop, Combat Extended, Quick Stockpile Creation, RenameColony, P-Music, Smart Medicine, Hunt for Me, Replace Stuff, Build From Inventory, FashionRIMsta, [1.0] Android tiers, Designator Shapes, What the hack?!, Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod, Fluffy Breakdowns, Graphics Setter, Combat Extended Guns, Variable Population, Android tiers CE Patch, HugsLib, Giddy-up! Caravan, Pick Up And Haul, [SYR] Set Up Camp, Let's Trade! [1.0], [SYR] Doormats, Simple Slavery[1.0], Change map edge limit, Better Vanilla Masking, Transport Downed Pawns, Ugh You Got Me, Wall Light, Animals Logic, Share The Load, Apparello 2, RuntimeGC, Startup impact, Ground Scanner Redesign, AnimalCollabProj, Turn It On and Off v1.3 [1.0], Rimsenal - Rimhair, Metal Doesn't Burn, Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.0], Spoons Hair Mod, FrameRateControl, [KV] Path Avoid - 1.0, Mass Graves, Facial Stuff 1.0, Where is my weapon?, Simple Polygamy Beds, Color Coded Mood Bar, Progress Renderer, [KV] RimFridge - 1.0, RimQuest, [RF] Pawns are Capable! [1.0], [RF] Realistic Planets [1.0], JecsTools, [KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0, FishIndustry, [KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0, Map Reroll, Safely Hidden Away, Save Our Ship (Reloaded), [KV] Faction Control - 1.0, ED-EnhancedOptions, MineItAll - unofficial, More Harvest Designators!, Bad People, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering, Allow Tool, [RF] Tribal Raiders [1.0], Interaction Bubbles, While You're Up [1.0], Locks, Just Ignore Me Passing, Realistic Starvation, Extended Storage, Preemptive Strike, Romance Tweaks, Dubs Bad Hygiene, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, Tech Advancing, Real Ruins, Snap Out!, Roads of the Rim, RimCities, Go Explore!, CodeOptimist's Assorted Alterations, Character Editor, Questionable Ethics Enhanced, Crude Bionics, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production, Better ModMismatch Window, Micro Designations, Android Tiers Unfeeling Patch, Please Haul Perishables, Hospitality, Giddy-up! Ride and Roll, Better Pawn Control, Common Sense, Vanilla Fences, Brrr and Phew, TD Enhancement Pack, ZARS Tribalism, ZARS Production Spots, ResearchPal, TribalInstruments, [Core] MDK Terrain Patch, ZARS Core, Dress Patients, [RF] Tribal Pawn Names [1.0], Realistic Darkness 1.0, [RF] Rational Romance [1.0], Camera+, Baby and Children, RimFace for Facial Stuff 1.0, Harvest Organs Post Mortem, Life Support, SF Grim Reality, Nature is Beautiful v2.5 [1.0], Vanilla Furniture Expanded, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module, Simple Search Bar, Work Tab, [Ods] Womens Hair , [Ods] Mens Hair , Incident Person Stat, Big Bakas No Research, [1.0] Android tiers - Gynoids, Bionic icons, Moloy Traits, Sparkling Worlds - CE Patch [1.0] - Combat Extendend Compatibility, Map Edit Tools, Desynchronized: Tales and News (v1.7.0), Blueprints, MendAndRecycle, QualityBuilder, Quest Tab, RIMMSAssemble, More Faction Interaction, Giddy-up! Core, Dub's Paint Shop, Combat Extended, Quick Stockpile Creation, RenameColony, P-Music, Smart Medicine, Hunt for Me, Replace Stuff, Build From Inventory, FashionRIMsta, [1.0] Android tiers, Designator Shapes, What the hack?!, Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod, Fluffy Breakdowns, Graphics Setter, Combat Extended Guns, Variable Population, Android tiers CE Patch, HugsLib, Giddy-up! Caravan, Pick Up And Haul, [SYR] Set Up Camp, Let's Trade! [1.0], [SYR] Doormats, Simple Slavery[1.0], Change map edge limit, Better Vanilla Masking, Transport Downed Pawns, Ugh You Got Me, Wall Light, Animals Logic, Share The Load, Apparello 2, RuntimeGC, Startup impact, Ground Scanner Redesign, AnimalCollabProj, Turn It On and Off v1.3 [1.0], Rimsenal - Rimhair, Metal Doesn't Burn, Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.0], Spoons Hair Mod, FrameRateControl, [KV] Path Avoid - 1.0, Mass Graves, Facial Stuff 1.0, Where is my weapon?, Simple Polygamy Beds, Color Coded Mood Bar, Progress Renderer, [KV] RimFridge - 1.0, RimQuest, [RF] Pawns are Capable! [1.0], [RF] Realistic Planets [1.0], JecsTools, [KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0, FishIndustry, [KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0, Map Reroll, Safely Hidden Away, Save Our Ship (Reloaded), [KV] Faction Control - 1.0, ED-EnhancedOptions, MineItAll - unofficial, More Harvest Designators!, Bad People, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering, Allow Tool, [RF] Tribal Raiders [1.0], Interaction Bubbles, While You're Up [1.0], Locks, Just Ignore Me Passing, Realistic Starvation, Extended Storage, UnderWhere, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], Romance Tweaks More Options, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld Extension, Respect Your Master, Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM), Don't Judge Us!, MaliBody, Low standards, [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], EdB Prepare Correctly, Core, [1.0] cooler mini patch, apparelno, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Advanced Shelf Stocking, ===Traits===, ===Special Cases===, ===Races and Animals===, ===Pawn Behavior===, ===Medical===, ===Mapgen===, ===Items===, ===Game and UI===, ===Factions===, ===Androids===, Milkable Colonists
[LanguageDataCleaner] Removed 32 LoadedLanguages and cleaned 169 DefInjectionPackages.
Removed Languages: TranslateTemplate, Ukranian, Keyed, Sample, SimplifiedChinese, KoreanFastChannel, Українська, Türkçe, Svenska, Español(Latinoamérica), Español(Castellano), Slovenčina, Русский, Română, Português Brasileiro, Português, Polski (1.0 beta), Norsk Bokmål, 한국어, 日本語, Italiano, Magyar, Deutsch, Français, Suomi, Eesti, Nederlands, Dansk, Čeština, 繁體中文, 简体中文, Català
[RuntimeGC] Detour completed: MuteGC
ResearchPal :: Preparing research nodes
ResearchPal :: redundant prerequisites for Crude bionics: Microelectronics
ResearchPal :: redundant prerequisites for Reconnaissance drones: Radio detection and ranging
ResearchPal :: Reducing crossings
ResearchPal :: Finalizing layout
ResearchPal :: Restoring queue
|| Setting up Editable Backstories (REB)
|| Backstories Added by REB:
|| Childhood Backstories (shuffleable): 150
|| Childhood Backstories (non-shuffleable): 0
|| Adulthood Backstories (shuffleable): 178
|| Adulthood Backstories (non-shuffleable): 0
|| Backstories Added by Other Mods:
|| Childhood Backstories (shuffleable): 107
|| Childhood Backstories (non-shuffleable): 3
|| Adulthood Backstories (shuffleable): 33
|| Adulthood Backstories (non-shuffleable): 1
|| Names Added by REB:
|| First Names (Female): 2508
|| First Names (Male): 2305
|| Nicknames (Female): 146
|| Nicknames (Male): 179
|| Nicknames (Unisex): 1542
|| First/Nick Sets (Female): 1486
|| First/Nick Sets (Male): 1052
|| Last Names: 10092
|| Full Names (without bios): 45
|| Full Names (with bios): 10
|| FilterSet Name Lists:
|| FS1 First Names (Female): 146
|| FS1 First Names (Male): 140
|| FS1 Last Names: 222
|| FS2: No Names Defined
|| FS3: No Names Defined
|| FS4: No Names Defined
|| FS5: No Names Defined
|| FS6: No Names Defined
|| FS7: No Names Defined
|| FS8: No Names Defined
|| FS9: No Names Defined
Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 1.0.2282 rev726, we are running version 1.0.2408 rev747.
Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 1.0.2282 rev726, we are running version 1.0.2408 rev747.
[HugsLib] Quickstarter generating map with scenario: Crashlanded
[HugsLib][ERR] Failed to apply Harmony patches for HugsLib.BabyAndChildren. Exception was: System.FormatException: Method Verse.PawnGraphicSet.ResolveApparelGraphics() cannot be patched. Reason: Invalid IL code in (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnGraphicSet:ResolveApparelGraphics_Patch2 (object): IL_0058: call 0x0000001b
at Harmony.PatchFunctions.UpdateWrapper (System.Reflection.MethodBase original, Harmony.PatchInfo patchInfo, System.String instanceID) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Harmony.PatchProcessor.Patch () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Harmony.HarmonyInstance.<PatchAll>b__9_0 (System.Type type) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Harmony.CollectionExtensions.Do[Type] (IEnumerable`1 sequence, System.Action`1 action) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Harmony.HarmonyInstance.PatchAll (System.Reflection.Assembly assembly) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at HugsLib.ModBase.ApplyHarmonyPatches () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[HugsLib] initializing GiddyUpCore, GiddyUpCaravan, GiddyUpRideAndRoll, RealRuins, MapReroll, BetterPawnControl, WhileYoureUp, COAssortedAlterations, Autopsy, Hospitality, SimpleSlavery, AllowTool, WhatTheHack, ShipInteriorMod, com.vectorial1024.rimworld.desynchronized, TurnItOnandOff, ChangeMapEdge, VariablePopulation, RomanceTweaks, RomanceTweaksMoreOptions, MilkableColonists, MURWallLight, BabyAndChildren, RJW, CharacterEditor
Injecting guest beds into the following facilities: EndTable, Dresser, VitalsMonitor, AndroidOperationKit, Table_Wardrobe, Table_RoyalEndTable, Table_RoyalDresser, Facility_VitalsCentre, Facility_IVDrip
Created guest beds for the following beds: SleepingSpot, DoubleSleepingSpot, Bed, DoubleBed, RoyalBed, HospitalBed, Bedroll, BedrollDouble, AndroidOperationBed, TempSleepSpot, Bed_StoneSlab, Bed_Simple, Bed_Ergonomic, Bed_DoubleErgonomic, Bed_Kingsize, Bed_OperatingTable, Bed_CryptoBed, RoyalBedForThree, TripleBed, QuadBed, PentaBed, GlitterworldHospitalBedSW, Crib, ImprovedSleepingSpot, RJW_Bed, RJW_DoubleBed, RJW_RoyalBed
[AllowTool] Applied compatibility patch for "Pick Up And Haul"
[TurnItOnandOff] Initialized Components
[TurnItOnandOff] Registered instance
System.TypeInitializationException: An exception was thrown by the type initializer for Mono.CSharp.CSharpCodeCompiler ---> System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Windows mono path not found: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\mono\mono\mini\mono.exe
at Mono.CSharp.CSharpCodeCompiler..cctor () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
--- End of inner exception stack trace ---
at Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider.CreateCompiler () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.GenerateSerializers (System.Xml.Serialization.GenerationBatch batch, System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters cp) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at System.Xml.Serialization.XmlSerializer.RunSerializerGeneration (System.Object obj) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
[TurnItOnandOff] Loaded 0 of 0 mod support defs.
[RealRuins][Loader]: Exception during loading map by link 4EE76C56-64F5-47D0-B0CE-FF47A76FE367: System.Exception: timed out
at RealRuins.APIService+<>c__DisplayClass5_0.<AwaitUnityDataWebResponse>b__0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Unloading 5 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
QualityBuilder added property to '312' things
Unloading 537 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 19676.
Total: 535.381653 ms (FindLiveObjects: 0.998819 ms CreateObjectMapping: 1.929828 ms MarkObjects: 531.903931 ms DeleteObjects: 0.548709 ms)
Initializing new game with mods Startup impact, Core, HugsLib, RIMMSAssemble, JecsTools, EdB Prepare Correctly, Giddy-up! Core, Giddy-up! Caravan, Giddy-up! Ride and Roll, ZARS Core, Combat Extended, ===Mapgen===, [Core] MDK Terrain Patch, Real Ruins, Map Reroll, [RF] Realistic Planets [1.0], RimCities, ===Factions===, [KV] Faction Control - 1.0, [RF] Tribal Raiders [1.0], [KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0, [KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0, More Faction Interaction, ===Pawn Behavior===, Pick Up And Haul, Share The Load, Just Ignore Me Passing, Better Pawn Control, Transport Downed Pawns, While You're Up [1.0], Work Tab, [RF] Pawns are Capable! [1.0], CodeOptimist's Assorted Alterations, Common Sense, Snap Out!, Build From Inventory, Please Haul Perishables, ===Androids===, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, [1.0] Android tiers, [1.0] Android tiers - Gynoids, Android Tiers Unfeeling Patch, ===Traits===, Moloy Traits, Low standards, ===Medical===, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Harvest Organs Post Mortem, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering, Smart Medicine, Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM), Life Support, Crude Bionics, ===Special Cases===, Hospitality, Simple Slavery[1.0], ===Game and UI===, Preemptive Strike, Allow Tool, Locks, P-Music, Roads of the Rim, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], Interaction Bubbles, [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], Tech Advancing, What the hack?!, Save Our Ship (Reloaded), Let's Trade! [1.0], Safely Hidden Away, [SYR] Set Up Camp, FishIndustry, ED-EnhancedOptions, MineItAll - unofficial, Where is my weapon?, More Harvest Designators!, Desynchronized: Tales and News (v1.7.0), Bad People, Designator Shapes, Dub's Paint Shop, Turn It On and Off v1.3 [1.0], Color Coded Mood Bar, FrameRateControl, Progress Renderer, Hunt for Me, MendAndRecycle, SF Grim Reality, Animals Logic, Nature is Beautiful v2.5 [1.0], [KV] Path Avoid - 1.0, Metal Doesn't Burn, Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.0], [1.0] cooler mini patch, Fluffy Breakdowns, RuntimeGC, Replace Stuff, Ground Scanner Redesign, Blueprints, Change map edge limit, Advanced Shelf Stocking, Better Vanilla Masking, Quick Stockpile Creation, Ugh You Got Me, Variable Population, Brrr and Phew, Quest Tab, Go Explore!, Simple Search Bar, TD Enhancement Pack, Incident Person Stat, [RF] Tribal Pawn Names [1.0], Romance Tweaks, Romance Tweaks More Options, [RF] Rational Romance [1.0], Don't Judge Us!, Big Bakas No Research, RenameColony, Milkable Colonists, ResearchPal, Dress Patients, Graphics Setter, Camera+, Realistic Starvation, Respect Your Master, ===Items===, Bionic icons, Extended Storage, [KV] RimFridge - 1.0, [SYR] Doormats, Mass Graves, Vanilla Furniture Expanded, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production, ZARS Production Spots, ZARS Tribalism, Simple Polygamy Beds, TribalInstruments, Vanilla Fences, Combat Extended Guns, Apparello 2, UnderWhere, Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod, Android tiers CE Patch, Sparkling Worlds - CE Patch [1.0] - Combat Extendend Compatibility, FashionRIMsta, Rimsenal - Rimhair, [Ods] Mens Hair , [Ods] Womens Hair , Spoons Hair Mod, Wall Light, Realistic Darkness 1.0, QualityBuilder, apparelno, RimQuest, Micro Designations, ===Races and Animals===, AnimalCollabProj, Dubs Bad Hygiene, Facial Stuff 1.0, RimFace for Facial Stuff 1.0, Baby and Children, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld Extension, Questionable Ethics Enhanced, Character Editor, MaliBody, Better ModMismatch Window, Map Edit Tools
[AnimalVariations] Loading XML data from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\949283405/Textures/Things/Pawn/Animal/Reptiles/Geckos/ACPXGecko_SkinSet.xml
[AnimalVariations] Loading XML data from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\949283405/Textures/Things/Pawn/Animal/Bovids/Sheep/ACPSheep_SkinSet.xml
QualityBuilder added to orders category.
Cleaned up 0 depricated records from Giddy-up!
[AllowTool] Injected 6 designators
Cleaned up 0 depricated records from What the Hack!?
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Hulk, color=RGBA(0.900, 0.420, 0.230, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/BowlerHat/BowlerHat_Hulk, color=RGBA(0.549, 0.333, 0.141, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Female, color=RGBA(0.502, 0.627, 0.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Gas_Female, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/BowlerHat/BowlerHat_Female, color=RGBA(0.231, 0.337, 0.192, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Female, color=RGBA(0.447, 0.251, 0.176, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Apparel/GasMask/GasMask_Female, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Female, color=RGBA(0.275, 0.275, 0.286, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/PowerArmorHelmet/PowerArmorHelmet_Male, color=RGBA(0.235, 0.235, 0.235, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Batcap_Thin, color=RGBA(0.506, 0.847, 0.816, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Thin, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Thin, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Apparel/GasMask/GasMask_Male, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Female, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Female, color=RGBA(0.000, 0.416, 0.494, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
[AnimalVariations] Loading XML data from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\949283405/Textures/Things/Pawn/Animal/Reptiles/Geckos/ACPXGecko_SkinSet.xml
[AnimalVariations] Loading XML data from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\949283405/Textures/Things/Pawn/Animal/Bovids/Sheep/ACPSheep_SkinSet.xml
Unloading 4 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 25029.
Total: 570.047791 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.243300 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.668404 ms MarkObjects: 566.045593 ms DeleteObjects: 0.089802 ms)
Northern Doia are coming after 15.73329 days.
The Alliance of the Standing Sling are coming after 37.25469 days.
The Unified Confederacy are coming after 52.71511 days.
Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at Eyes/Male/Eye_RD_Female_Left_south in any active mod or in base resources.
Facial Stuff: Failed to get front texture at Eyes/Male/Eye_RD_Female_Left_south - Graphic_Multi_NaturalEyes
Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at Eyes/Male/Eye_RD_Female_Right_south in any active mod or in base resources.
Facial Stuff: Failed to get front texture at Eyes/Male/Eye_RD_Female_Right_south - Graphic_Multi_NaturalEyes
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/AdvancedHelmet/AdvancedHelmet_Female, color=RGBA(0.900, 0.900, 0.900, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Medband_Female, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Weld_Thin, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Apparel/GasMask/GasMask_Thin, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/AdvancedHelmet/AdvancedHelmet_Thin, color=RGBA(0.330, 0.330, 0.330, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Medband_Thin, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Psymask_Thin, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Hood_Thin, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Male, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Male, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Goggles/Goggles_Female, color=RGBA(0.666, 0.895, 0.414, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Female, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Batcap_Male, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 4626 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 22463.
Total: 591.783203 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.325038 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.379205 ms MarkObjects: 577.648010 ms DeleteObjects: 10.429870 ms)
Loading game from file Sebuteria with mods Startup impact, Core, HugsLib, RIMMSAssemble, JecsTools, EdB Prepare Correctly, Giddy-up! Core, Giddy-up! Caravan, Giddy-up! Ride and Roll, ZARS Core, Combat Extended, ===Mapgen===, [Core] MDK Terrain Patch, Real Ruins, Map Reroll, [RF] Realistic Planets [1.0], RimCities, ===Factions===, [KV] Faction Control - 1.0, [RF] Tribal Raiders [1.0], [KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0, [KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0, More Faction Interaction, ===Pawn Behavior===, Pick Up And Haul, Share The Load, Just Ignore Me Passing, Better Pawn Control, Transport Downed Pawns, While You're Up [1.0], Work Tab, [RF] Pawns are Capable! [1.0], CodeOptimist's Assorted Alterations, Common Sense, Snap Out!, Build From Inventory, Please Haul Perishables, ===Androids===, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, [1.0] Android tiers, [1.0] Android tiers - Gynoids, Android Tiers Unfeeling Patch, ===Traits===, Moloy Traits, Low standards, ===Medical===, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Harvest Organs Post Mortem, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering, Smart Medicine, Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM), Life Support, Crude Bionics, ===Special Cases===, Hospitality, Simple Slavery[1.0], ===Game and UI===, Preemptive Strike, Allow Tool, Locks, P-Music, Roads of the Rim, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], Interaction Bubbles, [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], Tech Advancing, What the hack?!, Save Our Ship (Reloaded), Let's Trade! [1.0], Safely Hidden Away, [SYR] Set Up Camp, FishIndustry, ED-EnhancedOptions, MineItAll - unofficial, Where is my weapon?, More Harvest Designators!, Desynchronized: Tales and News (v1.7.0), Bad People, Designator Shapes, Dub's Paint Shop, Turn It On and Off v1.3 [1.0], Color Coded Mood Bar, FrameRateControl, Progress Renderer, Hunt for Me, MendAndRecycle, SF Grim Reality, Animals Logic, Nature is Beautiful v2.5 [1.0], [KV] Path Avoid - 1.0, Metal Doesn't Burn, Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.0], [1.0] cooler mini patch, Fluffy Breakdowns, RuntimeGC, Replace Stuff, Ground Scanner Redesign, Blueprints, Change map edge limit, Advanced Shelf Stocking, Better Vanilla Masking, Quick Stockpile Creation, Ugh You Got Me, Variable Population, Brrr and Phew, Quest Tab, Go Explore!, Simple Search Bar, TD Enhancement Pack, Incident Person Stat, [RF] Tribal Pawn Names [1.0], Romance Tweaks, Romance Tweaks More Options, [RF] Rational Romance [1.0], Don't Judge Us!, Big Bakas No Research, RenameColony, Milkable Colonists, ResearchPal, Dress Patients, Graphics Setter, Camera+, Realistic Starvation, Respect Your Master, ===Items===, Bionic icons, Extended Storage, [KV] RimFridge - 1.0, [SYR] Doormats, Mass Graves, Vanilla Furniture Expanded, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production, ZARS Production Spots, ZARS Tribalism, Simple Polygamy Beds, TribalInstruments, Vanilla Fences, Combat Extended Guns, Apparello 2, UnderWhere, Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod, Android tiers CE Patch, Sparkling Worlds - CE Patch [1.0] - Combat Extendend Compatibility, FashionRIMsta, Rimsenal - Rimhair, [Ods] Mens Hair , [Ods] Womens Hair , Spoons Hair Mod, Wall Light, Realistic Darkness 1.0, QualityBuilder, apparelno, RimQuest, Micro Designations, ===Races and Animals===, AnimalCollabProj, Dubs Bad Hygiene, Facial Stuff 1.0, RimFace for Facial Stuff 1.0, Baby and Children, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld Extension, Questionable Ethics Enhanced, Character Editor, MaliBody, Better ModMismatch Window, Map Edit Tools
QualityBuilder added property to '0' things
Applying 0 SaveGamePatches
Applying 0 NotPresent Patches
Could not load reference to RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named TakeBabyToCribAndFeed
Could not load reference to RimWorld.WorkGiverDef named TakeBabyToCribAndFeed
Could not load reference to CombatExtended.AmmoDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone
Could not load reference to CombatExtended.AmmoDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.Thing> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li Class="CombatExtended.AmmoThing"><def>Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone</def><id>Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone103344</id><health>100</health><stackCount>28</stackCount><CommonSenseWasInInventory>True</CommonSenseWasInInventory></li>
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named CE_Gun_PSeven
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.ThingWithComps> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li><def>CE_Gun_PSeven</def><id>CE_Gun_PSeven103383</id><health>100</health><stackCount>1</stackCount><verbTracker><verbs><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_ShootCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven103383_0</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven103383_0_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven103383_1_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven103383_2_Poke</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li></verbs></verbTracker><taleRef IsNull="True" /><quality>Poor</quality><count>13</count><currentAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_AP</currentAmmo><selectedAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_FMJ</selectedAmmo><currentFireMode>SingleFire</currentFireMode></li>
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named CE_Gun_PSeven
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.ThingWithComps> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li><def>CE_Gun_PSeven</def><id>CE_Gun_PSeven598</id><health>100</health><stackCount>1</stackCount><verbTracker><verbs><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_ShootCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven598_0</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven598_0_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven598_1_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven598_2_Poke</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li></verbs></verbTracker><taleRef IsNull="True" /><quality>Good</quality><count>13</count><currentAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_FMJ</currentAmmo><selectedAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_FMJ</selectedAmmo><currentFireMode>SingleFire</currentFireMode></li>
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named CE_Gun_PSeven
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.ThingWithComps> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li><def>CE_Gun_PSeven</def><id>CE_Gun_PSeven59892</id><health>100</health><stackCount>1</stackCount><verbTracker><verbs><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_ShootCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven59892_0</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven59892_0_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven59892_1_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven59892_2_Poke</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li></verbs></verbTracker><taleRef IsNull="True" /><quality>Normal</quality><count>13</count><currentAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_FMJ</currentAmmo><selectedAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_FMJ</selectedAmmo><currentFireMode>SingleFire</currentFireMode></li>
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named CE_Gun_PSeven
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.ThingWithComps> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li><def>CE_Gun_PSeven</def><id>CE_Gun_PSeven63057</id><health>100</health><stackCount>1</stackCount><verbTracker><verbs><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_ShootCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven63057_0</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven63057_0_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven63057_1_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven63057_2_Poke</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li></verbs></verbTracker><taleRef IsNull="True" /><quality>Normal</quality><count>13</count><currentAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_FMJ</currentAmmo><selectedAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_FMJ</selectedAmmo><currentFireMode>SingleFire</currentFireMode></li>
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named CE_Gun_PSeven
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.ThingWithComps> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li><def>CE_Gun_PSeven</def><id>CE_Gun_PSeven64030</id><health>79</health><stackCount>1</stackCount><verbTracker><verbs><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_ShootCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven64030_0</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven64030_0_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven64030_1_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven64030_2_Poke</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li></verbs></verbTracker><taleRef IsNull="True" /><quality>Poor</quality><count>13</count><currentAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_AP</currentAmmo><selectedAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_FMJ</selectedAmmo><currentFireMode>SingleFire</currentFireMode></li>
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named CE_Gun_KrissVector
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.ThingWithComps> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li><def>CE_Gun_KrissVector</def><id>CE_Gun_KrissVector64045</id><health>100</health><stackCount>1</stackCount><verbTracker><verbs><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_ShootCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_KrissVector64045_0</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_KrissVector64045_0_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_KrissVector64045_1_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_KrissVector64045_2_Poke</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li></verbs></verbTracker><taleRef IsNull="True" /><quality>Normal</quality><count>25</count><currentAmmo>Ammo_45ACP_AP</currentAmmo><selectedAmmo>Ammo_45ACP_FMJ</selectedAmmo></li>
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named CE_Gun_PSeven
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.ThingWithComps> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li><def>CE_Gun_PSeven</def><id>CE_Gun_PSeven82085</id><health>26</health><stackCount>1</stackCount><verbTracker><verbs><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_ShootCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven82085_0</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven82085_0_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven82085_1_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven82085_2_Poke</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li></verbs></verbTracker><taleRef IsNull="True" /><count>13</count><currentAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_HP</currentAmmo><selectedAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_FMJ</selectedAmmo><currentFireMode>SingleFire</currentFireMode></li>
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.Thing> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li Class="CombatExtended.AmmoThing"><def>Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone</def><id>Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone102842</id><health>100</health><stackCount>308</stackCount><CommonSenseWasInInventory>True</CommonSenseWasInInventory></li>
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named CE_Gun_PSeven
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.ThingWithComps> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li><def>CE_Gun_PSeven</def><id>CE_Gun_PSeven102872</id><health>100</health><stackCount>1</stackCount><verbTracker><verbs><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_ShootCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven102872_0</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven102872_0_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven102872_1_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven102872_2_Poke</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li></verbs></verbTracker><taleRef IsNull="True" /><quality>Normal</quality><count>13</count><currentAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_FMJ</currentAmmo><selectedAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_FMJ</selectedAmmo><currentFireMode>SingleFire</currentFireMode></li>
Could not load reference to CombatExtended.AmmoDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone
Could not load reference to CombatExtended.AmmoDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.Thing> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li Class="CombatExtended.AmmoThing"><def>Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone</def><id>Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone103295</id><health>100</health><stackCount>34</stackCount><CommonSenseWasInInventory>True</CommonSenseWasInInventory></li>
Could not load reference to CombatExtended.AmmoDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Steel
Could not load reference to CombatExtended.AmmoDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Steel
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.Thing> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li Class="CombatExtended.AmmoThing"><def>Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Steel</def><id>Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Steel103496</id><health>100</health><stackCount>49</stackCount><CommonSenseWasInInventory>True</CommonSenseWasInInventory></li>
Could not load reference to CombatExtended.AmmoDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone
Could not load reference to CombatExtended.AmmoDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.Thing> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li Class="CombatExtended.AmmoThing"><def>Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone</def><id>Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone103485</id><health>100</health><stackCount>28</stackCount><CommonSenseWasInInventory>True</CommonSenseWasInInventory></li>
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named CE_Gun_PSeven
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.ThingWithComps> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li><def>CE_Gun_PSeven</def><id>CE_Gun_PSeven103416</id><health>62</health><stackCount>1</stackCount><verbTracker><verbs><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_ShootCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven103416_0</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven103416_0_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven103416_1_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_PSeven103416_2_Poke</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li></verbs></verbTracker><taleRef IsNull="True" /><quality>Normal</quality><count>13</count><currentAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_AP</currentAmmo><selectedAmmo>Ammo_9x19mmPara_FMJ</selectedAmmo><currentFireMode>SingleFire</currentFireMode></li>
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Stone
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Steel
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named Ammo_StreamlinedArrow_Plasteel
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named CE_Gun_PSeven
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named CE_Gun_KrissVector
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Could not load reference to Verse.ThingDef named CE_Gun_KrissVector
SaveableFromNode exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.ScribeExtractor.SaveableFromNode<Verse.ThingWithComps> (System.Xml.XmlNode,object[]) <0x00802>
<li><def>CE_Gun_KrissVector</def><id>CE_Gun_KrissVector30964</id><health>100</health><stackCount>1</stackCount><verbTracker><verbs><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_ShootCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_KrissVector30964_0</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_KrissVector30964_0_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_KrissVector30964_1_Smash</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li><li Class="CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE"><loadID>CompEquippable_CE_Gun_KrissVector30964_2_Poke</loadID><canHitNonTargetPawnsNow>True</canHitNonTargetPawnsNow></li></verbs></verbTracker><taleRef IsNull="True" /><quality>Normal</quality><count>25</count><currentAmmo>Ammo_45ACP_HP</currentAmmo><selectedAmmo>Ammo_45ACP_FMJ</selectedAmmo></li>
Exception registering CombatExtended.AmmoThing CombatExtended.AmmoThing in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering Verse.ThingWithComps Verse.ThingWithComps in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering Verse.ThingWithComps Verse.ThingWithComps in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering Verse.ThingWithComps Verse.ThingWithComps in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering Verse.ThingWithComps Verse.ThingWithComps in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering Verse.ThingWithComps Verse.ThingWithComps in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering Verse.ThingWithComps Verse.ThingWithComps in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering Verse.ThingWithComps Verse.ThingWithComps in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering CombatExtended.AmmoThing CombatExtended.AmmoThing in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering Verse.ThingWithComps Verse.ThingWithComps in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering CombatExtended.AmmoThing CombatExtended.AmmoThing in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering CombatExtended.AmmoThing CombatExtended.AmmoThing in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering CombatExtended.AmmoThing CombatExtended.AmmoThing in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering Verse.ThingWithComps Verse.ThingWithComps in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Exception registering Verse.ThingWithComps Verse.ThingWithComps in loaded object directory with unique load ID [excepted]: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.get_ThingID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.Thing.GetUniqueLoadID () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LoadedObjectDirectory.RegisterLoaded (ILoadReferenceable reffable) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_Gun_Revolver102906_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_Gun_Autopistol63970_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_Gun_MachinePistol64377_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_CE_Gun_TaurusJudge64035_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_CE_Gun_TaurusJudge82062_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_Gun_Autopistol82073_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_Gun_Revolver101241_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_MeleeWeapon_Knife102751_0_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_MeleeWeapon_LongSword102945_0_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_Gun_Autopistol103428_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_Gun_Revolver102859_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_Gun_Revolver103404_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_Gun_MachinePistol117381_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_MeleeWeapon_Knife61389_0_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_Gun_Autopistol117865_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Job_564253 of type Verse.AI.Job. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=GiddyUpCore.Storage.ExtendedPawnData curPathRelToParent=
Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Job_564413 of type Verse.AI.Job. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=GiddyUpCore.Storage.ExtendedPawnData curPathRelToParent=
Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Thing_Android1Tier117221 of type Verse.Pawn. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=TechAdvancing.MapCompSaveHandler curPathRelToParent=/TA_Expose_People/keys
Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Thing_Android2Tier117220 of type Verse.Pawn. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=TechAdvancing.MapCompSaveHandler curPathRelToParent=/TA_Expose_People/keys
Null key while loading dictionary of Verse.Pawn and RimWorld.Faction. label=TA_Expose_People
Null key while loading dictionary of Verse.Pawn and RimWorld.Faction. label=TA_Expose_People
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_Gun_Revolver30993_1_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Replaced verb CombatExtended.Verb_MeleeAttackCE/CompEquippable_MeleeWeapon_Knife30994_0_Poke; may have been changed through a version update or a mod change
Could not resolve cross refs: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Verse.Thing.ExposeData () <0x0006b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.ThingWithComps.ExposeData_Patch1 (object) <0x00019>
at Verse.CrossRefHandler.ResolveAllCrossReferences () <0x0035b>
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Cleaned up 120 depricated records from Giddy-up!
Cleaned up 175 depricated records from What the Hack!?
Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Could not execute post-long-event action. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at AnimalVariations.AnimalMultiSkins.ApplyNewSkin (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AnimalVariations.AnimalMultiSkins.<Tick>b__24_0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LongEventHandler.ExecuteToExecuteWhenFinished () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 29826.
Total: 676.857666 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.509693 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.086992 ms MarkObjects: 671.176331 ms DeleteObjects: 0.083937 ms)
[RJW]patches_lovin::on_cleanup_driver vanilla pregnancy:boomalope 3+boomalope 1
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/Tuque/Tuque_Male, color=RGBA(0.650, 0.650, 0.650, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Male, color=RGBA(0.502, 0.627, 0.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
[RJW]patches_lovin::on_cleanup_driver vanilla pregnancy:boomalope 2+boomalope 1
Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at Eyes/Female/Eye_FLG_Male_Left_south in any active mod or in base resources.
Facial Stuff: Failed to get front texture at Eyes/Female/Eye_FLG_Male_Left_south - Graphic_Multi_NaturalEyes
Could not load UnityEngine.Texture2D at Eyes/Female/Eye_FLG_Male_Right_south in any active mod or in base resources.
Facial Stuff: Failed to get front texture at Eyes/Female/Eye_FLG_Male_Right_south - Graphic_Multi_NaturalEyes
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Gas_Thin, color=RGBA(0.353, 0.294, 0.235, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Hood_Thin, color=RGBA(0.698, 0.392, 0.133, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Home area bounds: (117, 119) - (167, 180)
Origin: 117, 119
Start capturing in area of: (117,119)-(166,179)
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
CE returning BodyType Undefined for pawn ACPFerret101825
[BPC] Combat Extended functionality integrated
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
CE returning BodyType Undefined for pawn ACPGuineaPig131695
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Female, color=RGBA(0.502, 0.627, 0.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
[RJW]patches_lovin::on_cleanup_driver vanilla pregnancy:boomalope 3+boomalope 1
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
[RJW]patches_lovin:: RimWorldChildren/ChildrenAndPregnancy pregnancy:Ronan+Villain
[RJW]patches_lovin::on_cleanup_driver vanilla pregnancy:Ronan+Villain
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 7111 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 24137.
Total: 418.539978 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.623401 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.735399 ms MarkObjects: 394.496857 ms DeleteObjects: 18.683596 ms)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Unable to parse version string on mod from Anonymous "Unknown"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Advanced Shelf Stocking from FuriouslyEloquent/JohnSmith "1.0.2231" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers CUSTOM from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] Android tiers from Atlas "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Combat Extended from CE Team "0.18.1722" - parsed as "0.18"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Children and Pregnancy - Cheran from Thirite "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [1.0] cooler mini patch from malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Low standards from Malistaticy aka An Ol' Spicy Keychain "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM) from Neon1028, Malistaticy "1.0.2059" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod Respect Your Master from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod RimJobWorld from RimJobWorld Community Project Team "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0] from Rainbeau Flambe "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
<targetVersion> in mod About.xml is deprecated! Use <supportedVersions> tag instead. (example: <supportedVersions><li>1.0</li></supportedVersions>)
Malformed (correct format is Major.Minor) version string on mod tidd mod from Malistaticy "1.0.0" - parsed as "1.0"
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Cannot call ItemFromXmlFile with resolveCrossRefs=true while loading is already in progress.
Could not resolve cross-reference to Verse.ResearchProjectDef named HeavyTurrets (wanter=researchPrerequisites)
Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
QualityBuilder added property to '0' things
Unloading 309 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 23831.
Total: 413.480286 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.255396 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.088539 ms MarkObjects: 409.940613 ms DeleteObjects: 0.194632 ms)
Loading game from file Sebuteria with mods Startup impact, Core, HugsLib, RIMMSAssemble, JecsTools, EdB Prepare Correctly, Giddy-up! Core, Giddy-up! Caravan, Giddy-up! Ride and Roll, ZARS Core, Combat Extended, ===Mapgen===, [Core] MDK Terrain Patch, Real Ruins, Map Reroll, [RF] Realistic Planets [1.0], RimCities, ===Factions===, [KV] Faction Control - 1.0, [RF] Tribal Raiders [1.0], [KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0, [KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0, More Faction Interaction, ===Pawn Behavior===, Pick Up And Haul, Share The Load, Just Ignore Me Passing, Better Pawn Control, Transport Downed Pawns, While You're Up [1.0], Work Tab, [RF] Pawns are Capable! [1.0], CodeOptimist's Assorted Alterations, Common Sense, Snap Out!, Build From Inventory, Please Haul Perishables, ===Androids===, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, [1.0] Android tiers, [1.0] Android tiers - Gynoids, Android Tiers Unfeeling Patch, ===Traits===, Moloy Traits, Low standards, ===Medical===, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Harvest Organs Post Mortem, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering, Smart Medicine, Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM), Life Support, Crude Bionics, ===Special Cases===, Hospitality, Simple Slavery[1.0], ===Game and UI===, Preemptive Strike, Allow Tool, Locks, P-Music, Roads of the Rim, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], Interaction Bubbles, [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], Tech Advancing, What the hack?!, Save Our Ship (Reloaded), Let's Trade! [1.0], Safely Hidden Away, [SYR] Set Up Camp, FishIndustry, ED-EnhancedOptions, MineItAll - unofficial, Where is my weapon?, More Harvest Designators!, Desynchronized: Tales and News (v1.7.0), Bad People, Designator Shapes, Dub's Paint Shop, Turn It On and Off v1.3 [1.0], Color Coded Mood Bar, FrameRateControl, Progress Renderer, Hunt for Me, MendAndRecycle, SF Grim Reality, Animals Logic, Nature is Beautiful v2.5 [1.0], [KV] Path Avoid - 1.0, Metal Doesn't Burn, Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.0], [1.0] cooler mini patch, Fluffy Breakdowns, RuntimeGC, Replace Stuff, Ground Scanner Redesign, Blueprints, Change map edge limit, Advanced Shelf Stocking, Better Vanilla Masking, Quick Stockpile Creation, Ugh You Got Me, Variable Population, Brrr and Phew, Quest Tab, Go Explore!, Simple Search Bar, TD Enhancement Pack, Incident Person Stat, [RF] Tribal Pawn Names [1.0], Romance Tweaks, Romance Tweaks More Options, [RF] Rational Romance [1.0], Don't Judge Us!, Big Bakas No Research, RenameColony, Milkable Colonists, ResearchPal, Dress Patients, Graphics Setter, Camera+, Realistic Starvation, Respect Your Master, ===Items===, Bionic icons, Extended Storage, [KV] RimFridge - 1.0, [SYR] Doormats, Mass Graves, Vanilla Furniture Expanded, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production, ZARS Production Spots, ZARS Tribalism, Simple Polygamy Beds, TribalInstruments, Vanilla Fences, Combat Extended Guns, Apparello 2, UnderWhere, Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod, Android tiers CE Patch, Sparkling Worlds - CE Patch [1.0] - Combat Extendend Compatibility, FashionRIMsta, Rimsenal - Rimhair, [Ods] Mens Hair , [Ods] Womens Hair , Spoons Hair Mod, Wall Light, Realistic Darkness 1.0, QualityBuilder, apparelno, RimQuest, Micro Designations, ===Races and Animals===, AnimalCollabProj, Dubs Bad Hygiene, Facial Stuff 1.0, RimFace for Facial Stuff 1.0, Baby and Children, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld Extension, Questionable Ethics Enhanced, Character Editor, MaliBody, Better ModMismatch Window, Map Edit Tools
Applying 0 SaveGamePatches
Applying 0 NotPresent Patches
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Job_588946 of type Verse.AI.Job. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=GiddyUpCore.Storage.ExtendedPawnData curPathRelToParent=
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Thing_ChunkGranite132047 of type Verse.Thing. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=HaulToCell (Job_589557) B=(129, 0, 145) curPathRelToParent=/targetA
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Cleaned up 64 depricated records from Giddy-up!
Cleaned up 81 depricated records from What the Hack!?
Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Could not execute post-long-event action. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at AnimalVariations.AnimalMultiSkins.ApplyNewSkin (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AnimalVariations.AnimalMultiSkins.<Tick>b__24_0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LongEventHandler.ExecuteToExecuteWhenFinished () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Could not execute post-long-event action. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at AnimalVariations.AnimalMultiSkins.ApplyNewSkin (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AnimalVariations.AnimalMultiSkins.<Tick>b__24_0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LongEventHandler.ExecuteToExecuteWhenFinished () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 30680.
Total: 562.251526 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.739513 ms CreateObjectMapping: 4.294371 ms MarkObjects: 555.142883 ms DeleteObjects: 0.073674 ms)
Tried to FindPath with invalid dest null, pawn= Ronan
[RJW]patches_lovin::on_cleanup_driver vanilla pregnancy:boomalope 2+boomalope 1
Getting random element from empty collection.
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
CE returning BodyType Undefined for pawn ACPValleyQuail131899
Used SetFaction to change Gorgeous to same faction Sebuteria
[RJW]PostBirth:: Rewriting story of Gorgeous
Used SetFaction to change Katie to same faction Sebuteria
Tried to directly add implied pawn relation Sibling, pawn=Katie, otherPawn=Gorgeous
[RJW]PostBirth:: Rewriting story of Katie
Gorgeous started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=Wear (Job_598443) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231 jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel jobList=(Wear (Job_598423) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598425) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598427) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598429) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598431) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598433) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598435) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598437) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598439) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598441) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598443) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel
Katie started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=Wear (Job_598466) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231 jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel jobList=(Wear (Job_598446) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598448) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598450) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598452) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598454) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598456) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598458) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598460) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598462) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598464) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_598466) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel
Katie started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=Wear (Job_599008) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134 jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel jobList=(Wear (Job_598988) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_598990) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_598992) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_598994) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_598996) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_598998) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599000) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599002) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599004) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599006) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599008) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel
Katie started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=Wear (Job_599075) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134 jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel jobList=(Wear (Job_599055) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599057) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599059) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599061) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599063) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599065) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599067) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599069) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599071) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599073) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599075) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel
Katie started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=Wear (Job_599142) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134 jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel jobList=(Wear (Job_599122) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599124) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599126) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599128) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599130) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599132) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599134) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599136) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599138) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599140) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599142) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel
Katie started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=Wear (Job_599216) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134 jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel jobList=(Wear (Job_599196) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599198) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599200) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599202) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599204) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599206) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599208) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599210) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599212) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599214) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) (Wear (Job_599216) A=Thing_Apparel_Jacket102134) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel
Gorgeous started 10 jobs in one tick. newJob=Wear (Job_599268) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231 jobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel jobList=(Wear (Job_599248) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_599250) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_599252) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_599254) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_599256) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_599258) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_599260) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_599262) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_599264) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_599266) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) (Wear (Job_599268) A=Thing_Apparel_CollarShirt62231) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_OptimizeApparel
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 7188 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 24187.
Total: 443.863068 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.783212 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.559542 ms MarkObjects: 426.836609 ms DeleteObjects: 12.682984 ms)
Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
QualityBuilder added property to '0' things
Unloading 1 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 24185.
Total: 434.364594 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.199682 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.096603 ms MarkObjects: 431.003418 ms DeleteObjects: 0.064144 ms)
Loading game from file Sebuteria with mods Startup impact, Core, HugsLib, RIMMSAssemble, JecsTools, EdB Prepare Correctly, Giddy-up! Core, Giddy-up! Caravan, Giddy-up! Ride and Roll, ZARS Core, Combat Extended, ===Mapgen===, [Core] MDK Terrain Patch, Real Ruins, Map Reroll, [RF] Realistic Planets [1.0], RimCities, ===Factions===, [KV] Faction Control - 1.0, [RF] Tribal Raiders [1.0], [KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0, [KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0, More Faction Interaction, ===Pawn Behavior===, Pick Up And Haul, Share The Load, Just Ignore Me Passing, Better Pawn Control, Transport Downed Pawns, While You're Up [1.0], Work Tab, [RF] Pawns are Capable! [1.0], CodeOptimist's Assorted Alterations, Common Sense, Snap Out!, Build From Inventory, Please Haul Perishables, ===Androids===, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, [1.0] Android tiers, [1.0] Android tiers - Gynoids, Android Tiers Unfeeling Patch, ===Traits===, Moloy Traits, Low standards, ===Medical===, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Harvest Organs Post Mortem, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering, Smart Medicine, Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM), Life Support, Crude Bionics, ===Special Cases===, Hospitality, Simple Slavery[1.0], ===Game and UI===, Preemptive Strike, Allow Tool, Locks, P-Music, Roads of the Rim, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], Interaction Bubbles, [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], Tech Advancing, What the hack?!, Save Our Ship (Reloaded), Let's Trade! [1.0], Safely Hidden Away, [SYR] Set Up Camp, FishIndustry, ED-EnhancedOptions, MineItAll - unofficial, Where is my weapon?, More Harvest Designators!, Desynchronized: Tales and News (v1.7.0), Bad People, Designator Shapes, Dub's Paint Shop, Turn It On and Off v1.3 [1.0], Color Coded Mood Bar, FrameRateControl, Progress Renderer, Hunt for Me, MendAndRecycle, SF Grim Reality, Animals Logic, Nature is Beautiful v2.5 [1.0], [KV] Path Avoid - 1.0, Metal Doesn't Burn, Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.0], [1.0] cooler mini patch, Fluffy Breakdowns, RuntimeGC, Replace Stuff, Ground Scanner Redesign, Blueprints, Change map edge limit, Advanced Shelf Stocking, Better Vanilla Masking, Quick Stockpile Creation, Ugh You Got Me, Variable Population, Brrr and Phew, Quest Tab, Go Explore!, Simple Search Bar, TD Enhancement Pack, Incident Person Stat, [RF] Tribal Pawn Names [1.0], Romance Tweaks, Romance Tweaks More Options, [RF] Rational Romance [1.0], Don't Judge Us!, Big Bakas No Research, RenameColony, Milkable Colonists, ResearchPal, Dress Patients, Graphics Setter, Camera+, Realistic Starvation, Respect Your Master, ===Items===, Bionic icons, Extended Storage, [KV] RimFridge - 1.0, [SYR] Doormats, Mass Graves, Vanilla Furniture Expanded, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production, ZARS Production Spots, ZARS Tribalism, Simple Polygamy Beds, TribalInstruments, Vanilla Fences, Combat Extended Guns, Apparello 2, UnderWhere, Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod, Android tiers CE Patch, Sparkling Worlds - CE Patch [1.0] - Combat Extendend Compatibility, FashionRIMsta, Rimsenal - Rimhair, [Ods] Mens Hair , [Ods] Womens Hair , Spoons Hair Mod, Wall Light, Realistic Darkness 1.0, QualityBuilder, apparelno, RimQuest, Micro Designations, ===Races and Animals===, AnimalCollabProj, Dubs Bad Hygiene, Facial Stuff 1.0, RimFace for Facial Stuff 1.0, Baby and Children, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld Extension, Questionable Ethics Enhanced, Character Editor, MaliBody, Better ModMismatch Window, Map Edit Tools
Applying 0 SaveGamePatches
Applying 0 NotPresent Patches
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Job_589557 of type Verse.AI.Job. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=GiddyUpCore.Storage.ExtendedPawnData curPathRelToParent=
Could not resolve reference to object with loadID Job_595734 of type Verse.AI.Job. Was it compressed away, destroyed, had no ID number, or not saved/loaded right? curParent=GiddyUpCore.Storage.ExtendedPawnData curPathRelToParent=
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Cleaned up 49 depricated records from Giddy-up!
Cleaned up 62 depricated records from What the Hack!?
Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Could not execute post-long-event action. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at AnimalVariations.AnimalMultiSkins.ApplyNewSkin (Int32 index) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at AnimalVariations.AnimalMultiSkins.<Tick>b__24_0 () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
at Verse.LongEventHandler.ExecuteToExecuteWhenFinished () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 31099.
Total: 593.960449 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.425755 ms CreateObjectMapping: 4.570742 ms MarkObjects: 586.887695 ms DeleteObjects: 0.075873 ms)
Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 6899 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 25257.
Total: 476.114838 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.187138 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.121446 ms MarkObjects: 460.272278 ms DeleteObjects: 10.532500 ms)
Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 1.0.2282 rev726, we are running version 1.0.2408 rev747.
Loaded file (Scenario) is from version 1.0.2282 rev726, we are running version 1.0.2408 rev747.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/BowlerHat/BowlerHat_Thin, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Thin, color=RGBA(0.502, 0.627, 0.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Gas_Thin, color=RGBA(0.502, 0.627, 0.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/BowlerHat/BowlerHat_Thin, color=RGBA(0.900, 0.420, 0.230, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Thin, color=RGBA(0.900, 0.600, 0.180, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Gas_Thin, color=RGBA(0.447, 0.251, 0.176, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/Tuque/Tuque_Thin, color=RGBA(0.650, 0.650, 0.650, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Medband_Hulk, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Goggles/Goggles_Hulk, color=RGBA(0.891, 0.647, 0.748, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/Tuque/Tuque_Hulk, color=RGBA(0.650, 0.650, 0.650, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Unloading 36 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 25674.
Total: 607.967407 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.524069 ms CreateObjectMapping: 2.636882 ms MarkObjects: 602.243103 ms DeleteObjects: 1.562922 ms)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:DoWindowContents_Patch1(Object, Rect)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
CharacterEditor.BlockPawnList:DrawList(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
CharacterEditor.BlockPawnList:Draw(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:DoWindowContents_Patch1(Object, Rect)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
CharacterEditor.BlockPawnList:DrawList(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
CharacterEditor.BlockPawnList:Draw(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:DoWindowContents_Patch1(Object, Rect)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
CharacterEditor.BlockPawnList:DrawList(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
CharacterEditor.BlockPawnList:Draw(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:DoWindowContents_Patch1(Object, Rect)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
CharacterEditor.BlockPawnList:DrawList(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
CharacterEditor.BlockPawnList:Draw(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:DoWindowContents_Patch1(Object, Rect)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
CharacterEditor.BlockPawnList:DrawList(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
CharacterEditor.BlockPawnList:Draw(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:DoWindowContents_Patch1(Object, Rect)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
CharacterEditor.BlockPawnList:DrawList(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
CharacterEditor.BlockPawnList:Draw(Int32, Int32, Int32, Int32)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at FacialStuff.HumanHeadDrawer.DrawWrinkles (UnityEngine.Vector3,Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x00067>
at FacialStuff.CompFace.DrawWrinkles (Verse.RotDrawMode,UnityEngine.Vector3,UnityEngine.Quaternion,bool) <0x000c9>
at FacialStuff.Harmony.HarmonyPatch_PawnRenderer.Prefix (Verse.PawnRenderer,UnityEngine.Vector3&,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00c73>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPawnInternal_Patch3 (object,UnityEngine.Vector3,single,bool,Verse.Rot4,Verse.Rot4,Verse.RotDrawMode,bool,bool) <0x00140>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.PawnRenderer.RenderPortrait_Patch1 (object) <0x001eb>
at RimWorld.PortraitRenderer.OnPostRender () <0x00048>
RimWorld.PortraitRenderer:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:RenderPortrait(Pawn, RenderTexture, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.PortraitsCache:Get(Pawn, Vector2, Vector3, Single)
RimWorld.Page_ConfigureStartingPawns:DoWindowContents_Patch1(Object, Rect)
UnityEngine.GUI:CallWindowDelegate(WindowFunction, Int32, Int32, GUISkin, Int32, Single, Single, GUIStyle)
(Filename: Line: -1)
Unloading 2 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
QualityBuilder added property to '0' things
Unloading 1 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 25727.
Total: 627.988098 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.934593 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.616641 ms MarkObjects: 622.346313 ms DeleteObjects: 0.088702 ms)
Initializing new game with mods Startup impact, Core, HugsLib, RIMMSAssemble, JecsTools, EdB Prepare Correctly, Giddy-up! Core, Giddy-up! Caravan, Giddy-up! Ride and Roll, ZARS Core, Combat Extended, ===Mapgen===, [Core] MDK Terrain Patch, Real Ruins, Map Reroll, [RF] Realistic Planets [1.0], RimCities, ===Factions===, [KV] Faction Control - 1.0, [RF] Tribal Raiders [1.0], [KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0, [KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0, More Faction Interaction, ===Pawn Behavior===, Pick Up And Haul, Share The Load, Just Ignore Me Passing, Better Pawn Control, Transport Downed Pawns, While You're Up [1.0], Work Tab, [RF] Pawns are Capable! [1.0], CodeOptimist's Assorted Alterations, Common Sense, Snap Out!, Build From Inventory, Please Haul Perishables, ===Androids===, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, [1.0] Android tiers, [1.0] Android tiers - Gynoids, Android Tiers Unfeeling Patch, ===Traits===, Moloy Traits, Low standards, ===Medical===, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Harvest Organs Post Mortem, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering, Smart Medicine, Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM), Life Support, Crude Bionics, ===Special Cases===, Hospitality, Simple Slavery[1.0], ===Game and UI===, Preemptive Strike, Allow Tool, Locks, P-Music, Roads of the Rim, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], Interaction Bubbles, [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], Tech Advancing, What the hack?!, Save Our Ship (Reloaded), Let's Trade! [1.0], Safely Hidden Away, [SYR] Set Up Camp, FishIndustry, ED-EnhancedOptions, MineItAll - unofficial, Where is my weapon?, More Harvest Designators!, Desynchronized: Tales and News (v1.7.0), Bad People, Designator Shapes, Dub's Paint Shop, Turn It On and Off v1.3 [1.0], Color Coded Mood Bar, FrameRateControl, Progress Renderer, Hunt for Me, MendAndRecycle, SF Grim Reality, Animals Logic, Nature is Beautiful v2.5 [1.0], [KV] Path Avoid - 1.0, Metal Doesn't Burn, Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.0], [1.0] cooler mini patch, Fluffy Breakdowns, RuntimeGC, Replace Stuff, Ground Scanner Redesign, Blueprints, Change map edge limit, Advanced Shelf Stocking, Better Vanilla Masking, Quick Stockpile Creation, Ugh You Got Me, Variable Population, Brrr and Phew, Quest Tab, Go Explore!, Simple Search Bar, TD Enhancement Pack, Incident Person Stat, [RF] Tribal Pawn Names [1.0], Romance Tweaks, Romance Tweaks More Options, [RF] Rational Romance [1.0], Don't Judge Us!, Big Bakas No Research, RenameColony, Milkable Colonists, ResearchPal, Dress Patients, Graphics Setter, Camera+, Realistic Starvation, Respect Your Master, ===Items===, Bionic icons, Extended Storage, [KV] RimFridge - 1.0, [SYR] Doormats, Mass Graves, Vanilla Furniture Expanded, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production, ZARS Production Spots, ZARS Tribalism, Simple Polygamy Beds, TribalInstruments, Vanilla Fences, Combat Extended Guns, Apparello 2, UnderWhere, Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod, Android tiers CE Patch, Sparkling Worlds - CE Patch [1.0] - Combat Extendend Compatibility, FashionRIMsta, Rimsenal - Rimhair, [Ods] Mens Hair , [Ods] Womens Hair , Spoons Hair Mod, Wall Light, Realistic Darkness 1.0, QualityBuilder, apparelno, RimQuest, Micro Designations, ===Races and Animals===, AnimalCollabProj, Dubs Bad Hygiene, Facial Stuff 1.0, RimFace for Facial Stuff 1.0, Baby and Children, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld Extension, Questionable Ethics Enhanced, Character Editor, MaliBody, Better ModMismatch Window, Map Edit Tools
Faction Sebuteria has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
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Faction Sebuteria has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction Sebuteria has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction Sebuteria has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction Sebuteria has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction Sebuteria has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction Sebuteria has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction Sebuteria has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction Sebuteria has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Cleaned up 0 depricated records from Giddy-up!
Cleaned up 0 depricated records from What the Hack!?
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Thin, color=RGBA(0.000, 0.416, 0.494, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Unloading 0 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Thin, color=RGBA(0.000, 0.416, 0.494, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Orderly Kin League of Fareria are coming after 12.24212 days.
The Isolated Dart Confederation are coming after 33.30206 days.
The Grand Confederation are coming after 51.241 days.
Unloading 0 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 34404.
Total: 615.002380 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.845524 ms CreateObjectMapping: 3.082593 ms MarkObjects: 609.981873 ms DeleteObjects: 0.092367 ms)
Exception ticking Katerina (at (111, 0, 119)). Suppressing further errors. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Pawn_NewsKnowledgeTracker.KnowNews (Desynchronized.TNDBS.TaleNews) <0x0003b>
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility.AttemptToTransmitNews (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Desynchronized.TNDBS.TaleNewsReference) <0x00091>
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility.SpreadNews (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility/SpreadMode) <0x00043>
at Desynchronized.Patches.NewsTransmit.PostFix_InteractionWorker.ExecuteNewsTarnsmission (RimWorld.InteractionWorker,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn) <0x00153>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.InteractionWorker.Interacted_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.RulePackDef>,string&,string&,Verse.LetterDef&) <0x00051>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractWith_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.InteractionDef) <0x005b2>
at Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_InteractionsTracker_Patch/TryInteractRandomly.Replacement (RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker,bool&) <0x00436>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractRandomly_Patch1 (object) <0x0003d>
at RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.InteractionsTrackerTick () <0x0016a>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn.Tick_Patch1 (object) <0x003d7>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickList.Tick_Patch2 (object) <0x00497>
Exception ticking hediff (RJW_pregnancy_mech torso ticksSinceCreation=2879) for pawn Nikki. Removing hediff... Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.Tick () <0x0090b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker.HealthTick_Patch1 (object) <0x001d1>
Exception ticking Nikki (at (94, 0, 128)). Suppressing further errors. Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Pawn_NewsKnowledgeTracker.KnowNews (Desynchronized.TNDBS.TaleNews) <0x0003b>
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility.AttemptToTransmitNews (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Desynchronized.TNDBS.TaleNewsReference) <0x00091>
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility.SpreadNews (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility/SpreadMode) <0x00043>
at Desynchronized.Patches.NewsTransmit.PostFix_InteractionWorker.ExecuteNewsTarnsmission (RimWorld.InteractionWorker,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn) <0x000af>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.InteractionWorker.Interacted_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.RulePackDef>,string&,string&,Verse.LetterDef&) <0x00051>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractWith_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.InteractionDef) <0x005b2>
at Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_InteractionsTracker_Patch/TryInteractRandomly.Replacement (RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker,bool&) <0x00436>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractRandomly_Patch1 (object) <0x0003d>
at RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.InteractionsTrackerTick () <0x0011f>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn.Tick_Patch1 (object) <0x003d7>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickList.Tick_Patch2 (object) <0x00497>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.DebugString () <0x00162>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.HealthCardUtility.GetTooltip_Patch0 (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable`1<Verse.Hediff>,Verse.Pawn,Verse.BodyPartRecord) <0x00515>
at RimWorld.HealthCardUtility/<DrawHediffRow>c__AnonStorey8.<>m__0 () <0x00028>
at Verse.ActiveTip.get_FinalText () <0x0004b>
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Job_9064 is referenced (xml node name: targetJob) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_ACPHorse30995 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: master) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50949 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50953 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50952 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human102827 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_20 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_29 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
[HugsLib] Quickstarter generating map with scenario: Crashlanded
Unloading 3 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
QualityBuilder added property to '0' things
Unloading 36 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 34503.
Total: 566.818604 ms (FindLiveObjects: 1.771483 ms CreateObjectMapping: 4.090576 ms MarkObjects: 560.701050 ms DeleteObjects: 0.254378 ms)
Failed to find faction base tile for Maorbum Moral Treaty
Failed to find faction base tile for Confederation of the Shadowy Squid
Failed to find faction base tile for Emerald Sledgehammer Kinship
Failed to find faction base tile for The Savage Crooks
Failed to find faction base tile for Hills to the Uprising
Failed to find faction base tile for The Connected Collective
Failed to find faction base tile for Covenant of the Dancing Aardvark
Failed to find faction base tile for Blue Moon Corporation
Initializing new game with mods Startup impact, Core, HugsLib, RIMMSAssemble, JecsTools, EdB Prepare Correctly, Giddy-up! Core, Giddy-up! Caravan, Giddy-up! Ride and Roll, ZARS Core, Combat Extended, ===Mapgen===, [Core] MDK Terrain Patch, Real Ruins, Map Reroll, [RF] Realistic Planets [1.0], RimCities, ===Factions===, [KV] Faction Control - 1.0, [RF] Tribal Raiders [1.0], [KV] Consolidated Traits - 1.0, [KV] More Trait Slots - 1.0, More Faction Interaction, ===Pawn Behavior===, Pick Up And Haul, Share The Load, Just Ignore Me Passing, Better Pawn Control, Transport Downed Pawns, While You're Up [1.0], Work Tab, [RF] Pawns are Capable! [1.0], CodeOptimist's Assorted Alterations, Common Sense, Snap Out!, Build From Inventory, Please Haul Perishables, ===Androids===, Humanoid Alien Races 2.0, [1.0] Android tiers, [1.0] Android tiers - Gynoids, Android Tiers Unfeeling Patch, ===Traits===, Moloy Traits, Low standards, ===Medical===, [1.0] Android Resurrection Kit, Harvest Organs Post Mortem, Expanded Prosthetics and Organ Engineering, Smart Medicine, Plasteel Surgery (CUSTOM), Life Support, Crude Bionics, ===Special Cases===, Hospitality, Simple Slavery[1.0], ===Game and UI===, Preemptive Strike, Allow Tool, Locks, P-Music, Roads of the Rim, [RF] Rumor Has It.... [1.0], Interaction Bubbles, [RF] Editable Backstories and Names [1.0], Tech Advancing, What the hack?!, Save Our Ship (Reloaded), Let's Trade! [1.0], Safely Hidden Away, [SYR] Set Up Camp, FishIndustry, ED-EnhancedOptions, MineItAll - unofficial, Where is my weapon?, More Harvest Designators!, Desynchronized: Tales and News (v1.7.0), Bad People, Designator Shapes, Dub's Paint Shop, Turn It On and Off v1.3 [1.0], Color Coded Mood Bar, FrameRateControl, Progress Renderer, Hunt for Me, MendAndRecycle, SF Grim Reality, Animals Logic, Nature is Beautiful v2.5 [1.0], [KV] Path Avoid - 1.0, Metal Doesn't Burn, Reworked Temperature Extreme Events [1.0], [1.0] cooler mini patch, Fluffy Breakdowns, RuntimeGC, Replace Stuff, Ground Scanner Redesign, Blueprints, Change map edge limit, Advanced Shelf Stocking, Better Vanilla Masking, Quick Stockpile Creation, Ugh You Got Me, Variable Population, Brrr and Phew, Quest Tab, Go Explore!, Simple Search Bar, TD Enhancement Pack, Incident Person Stat, [RF] Tribal Pawn Names [1.0], Romance Tweaks, Romance Tweaks More Options, [RF] Rational Romance [1.0], Don't Judge Us!, Big Bakas No Research, RenameColony, Milkable Colonists, ResearchPal, Dress Patients, Graphics Setter, Camera+, Realistic Starvation, Respect Your Master, ===Items===, Bionic icons, Extended Storage, [KV] RimFridge - 1.0, [SYR] Doormats, Mass Graves, Vanilla Furniture Expanded, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Medical Module, Vanilla Furniture Expanded - Production, ZARS Production Spots, ZARS Tribalism, Simple Polygamy Beds, TribalInstruments, Vanilla Fences, Combat Extended Guns, Apparello 2, UnderWhere, Sparkling Worlds - Full Mod, Android tiers CE Patch, Sparkling Worlds - CE Patch [1.0] - Combat Extendend Compatibility, FashionRIMsta, Rimsenal - Rimhair, [Ods] Mens Hair , [Ods] Womens Hair , Spoons Hair Mod, Wall Light, Realistic Darkness 1.0, QualityBuilder, apparelno, RimQuest, Micro Designations, ===Races and Animals===, AnimalCollabProj, Dubs Bad Hygiene, Facial Stuff 1.0, RimFace for Facial Stuff 1.0, Baby and Children, RimJobWorld, RimJobWorld Extension, Questionable Ethics Enhanced, Character Editor, MaliBody, Better ModMismatch Window, Map Edit Tools
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
[CE] Deflection for Instigator:Nikki Target: DamageDef:Bite Weapon: has null verb, overriding AP.
[CE] Deflection for Instigator:Nikki Target: DamageDef:Bite Weapon: has null verb, overriding AP.
[CE] Deflection for Instigator:Barb Target: DamageDef:Bite Weapon: has null verb, overriding AP.
[CE] Deflection for Instigator:Barb Target: DamageDef:Bite Weapon: has null verb, overriding AP.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
[AnimalVariations] Loading XML data from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\949283405/Textures/Things/Pawn/Animal/Weasels/Ferret/ACPFerret_SkinSet.xml
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
Faction has null relation with PlayerColony. Returning dummy relation.
[AnimalVariations] Loading XML data from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\949283405/Textures/Things/Pawn/Animal/Horses/Horse/ACPHorse_SkinSet.xml
Cleaned up 0 depricated records from Giddy-up!
Cleaned up 0 depricated records from What the Hack!?
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/BowlerHat/BowlerHat_Thin, color=RGBA(0.439, 0.322, 0.255, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Thin, color=RGBA(0.741, 0.631, 0.455, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Gas_Thin, color=RGBA(0.451, 0.431, 0.392, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/BowlerHat/BowlerHat_Thin, color=RGBA(0.900, 0.540, 0.150, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Things/Pawn/Humanlike/Apparel/PowerArmorHelmet/PowerArmorHelmet_Thin, color=RGBA(0.330, 0.330, 0.330, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Unloading 1 Unused Serialized files (Serialized files now loaded: 0)
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Vandal_Hulk, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Goggles/Goggles_Hulk, color=RGBA(0.536, 0.707, 0.882, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Bandit_Hulk, color=RGBA(0.682, 0.859, 0.894, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
[AnimalVariations] Loading XML data from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\949283405/Textures/Things/Pawn/Animal/Weasels/Ferret/ACPFerret_SkinSet.xml
[AnimalVariations] Loading XML data from: D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\workshop\content\294100\949283405/Textures/Things/Pawn/Animal/Horses/Horse/ACPHorse_SkinSet.xml
Unloading 2 unused Assets to reduce memory usage. Loaded Objects now: 39692.
Total: 602.299194 ms (FindLiveObjects: 2.213163 ms CreateObjectMapping: 5.486357 ms MarkObjects: 594.492676 ms DeleteObjects: 0.105929 ms)
Failed to find any texture while constructing Multi(initPath=Hats/Weld_Male, color=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000), colorTwo=RGBA(1.000, 1.000, 1.000, 1.000)). Filenames have changed; if you are converting an old mod, recommend renaming textures from *_back to *_north, *_side to *_east, and *_front to *_south.
Dinberon Nonaligned Compact are coming after 13.5747 days.
Dinberon Nonaligned Compact are coming after 14.64164 days.
Confederation of the Shadowy Squid are coming after 34.3978 days.
The Connected Collective are coming after 54.25929 days.
Exception ticking hediff (RJW_pregnancy_mech torso ticksSinceCreation=2500) for pawn Andrew. Removing hediff... Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at rjw.Hediff_BasePregnancy.Tick () <0x0090b>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn_HealthTracker.HealthTick_Patch1 (object) <0x001d1>
Exception ticking Griffiths (at (101, 0, 97)): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Pawn_NewsKnowledgeTracker.KnowNews (Desynchronized.TNDBS.TaleNews) <0x0003b>
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility.AttemptToTransmitNews (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Desynchronized.TNDBS.TaleNewsReference) <0x00091>
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility.SpreadNews (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility/SpreadMode) <0x00043>
at Desynchronized.Patches.NewsTransmit.PostFix_InteractionWorker.ExecuteNewsTarnsmission (RimWorld.InteractionWorker,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn) <0x000af>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.InteractionWorker.Interacted_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.RulePackDef>,string&,string&,Verse.LetterDef&) <0x00051>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractWith_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.InteractionDef) <0x005b2>
at Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_InteractionsTracker_Patch/TryInteractRandomly.Replacement (RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker,bool&) <0x00436>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractRandomly_Patch1 (object) <0x0003d>
at RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.InteractionsTrackerTick () <0x0011f>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn.Tick_Patch1 (object) <0x003d7>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickList.Tick_Patch2 (object) <0x00497>
Exception ticking Andrew (at (108, 0, 97)): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Pawn_NewsKnowledgeTracker.KnowNews (Desynchronized.TNDBS.TaleNews) <0x0003b>
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility.AttemptToTransmitNews (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Desynchronized.TNDBS.TaleNewsReference) <0x00091>
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility.SpreadNews (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility/SpreadMode) <0x00043>
at Desynchronized.Patches.NewsTransmit.PostFix_InteractionWorker.ExecuteNewsTarnsmission (RimWorld.InteractionWorker,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn) <0x000af>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.InteractionWorker.Interacted_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.RulePackDef>,string&,string&,Verse.LetterDef&) <0x00051>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractWith_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.InteractionDef) <0x005b2>
at Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_InteractionsTracker_Patch/TryInteractRandomly.Replacement (RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker,bool&) <0x00436>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractRandomly_Patch1 (object) <0x0003d>
at RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.InteractionsTrackerTick () <0x0016a>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn.Tick_Patch1 (object) <0x003d7>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickList.Tick_Patch2 (object) <0x00497>
Exception ticking Griffiths (at (105, 0, 112)): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Pawn_NewsKnowledgeTracker.KnowNews (Desynchronized.TNDBS.TaleNews) <0x0003b>
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility.AttemptToTransmitNews (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Desynchronized.TNDBS.TaleNewsReference) <0x00091>
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility.SpreadNews (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility/SpreadMode) <0x00043>
at Desynchronized.Patches.NewsTransmit.PostFix_InteractionWorker.ExecuteNewsTarnsmission (RimWorld.InteractionWorker,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn) <0x00153>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.InteractionWorker.Interacted_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.RulePackDef>,string&,string&,Verse.LetterDef&) <0x00051>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractWith_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.InteractionDef) <0x005b2>
at Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_InteractionsTracker_Patch/TryInteractRandomly.Replacement (RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker,bool&) <0x00436>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractRandomly_Patch1 (object) <0x0003d>
at RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.InteractionsTrackerTick () <0x0011f>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn.Tick_Patch1 (object) <0x003d7>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickList.Tick_Patch2 (object) <0x00497>
Exception ticking Griffiths (at (140, 0, 94)): System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Pawn_NewsKnowledgeTracker.KnowNews (Desynchronized.TNDBS.TaleNews) <0x0003b>
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility.AttemptToTransmitNews (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Desynchronized.TNDBS.TaleNewsReference) <0x00091>
at Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility.SpreadNews (Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,Desynchronized.TNDBS.Utilities.NewsSpreadUtility/SpreadMode) <0x00043>
at Desynchronized.Patches.NewsTransmit.PostFix_InteractionWorker.ExecuteNewsTarnsmission (RimWorld.InteractionWorker,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn) <0x000af>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.InteractionWorker.Interacted_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,Verse.Pawn,System.Collections.Generic.List`1<Verse.RulePackDef>,string&,string&,Verse.LetterDef&) <0x00051>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractWith_Patch1 (object,Verse.Pawn,RimWorld.InteractionDef) <0x005b2>
at Hospitality.Harmony.Pawn_InteractionsTracker_Patch/TryInteractRandomly.Replacement (RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker,bool&) <0x00436>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.TryInteractRandomly_Patch1 (object) <0x0003d>
at RimWorld.Pawn_InteractionsTracker.InteractionsTrackerTick () <0x0011f>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.Pawn.Tick_Patch1 (object) <0x003d7>
at (wrapper dynamic-method) Verse.TickList.Tick_Patch2 (object) <0x00497>
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_ACPHorse30995 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: master) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50949 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50953 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50952 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human102827 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_20 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_29 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_ACPHorse30995 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: master) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50949 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50953 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50952 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human102827 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_20 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_29 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_ACPHorse30995 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: master) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50949 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50953 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50952 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human102827 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_20 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_29 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_ACPHorse30995 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: master) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50949 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50953 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50952 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human102827 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_20 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_29 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_ACPHorse30995 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: master) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50949 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50953 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50952 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human102827 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_20 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_29 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_ACPHorse30995 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: master) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50949 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50953 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50952 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human102827 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_20 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_29 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Tried to FindPath with invalid dest null, pawn= Andrew
Mohammad started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. List: (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21361)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21364) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21365)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21368) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21369)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21371) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21372)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21374) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21375)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21377) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21378)) curDriver=JobDriver_WaitMaintainPosture (toilIndex=0) curJob=(Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21378)) lastJobGiver=null
Mohammad started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. List: (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21590)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21592) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21593)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21595) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21596)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21598) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21599)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21601) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21602)) , (GotoWander (Job_21604) A=(115, 0, 92)) curDriver=JobDriver_Goto (toilIndex=0) curJob=(GotoWander (Job_21604) A=(115, 0, 92)) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_WanderColony
Mohammad started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. List: (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21707)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21709) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21710)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21712) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21713)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21715) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21716)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21718) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21719)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21721) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21722)) curDriver=JobDriver_WaitMaintainPosture (toilIndex=0) curJob=(Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21722)) lastJobGiver=null
Mohammad started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. List: (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21744)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21746) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21747)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21749) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21750)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21752) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21753)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21755) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21756)) , (GotoWander (Job_21758) A=(112, 0, 88)) curDriver=JobDriver_Goto (toilIndex=0) curJob=(GotoWander (Job_21758) A=(112, 0, 88)) lastJobGiver=RimWorld.JobGiver_WanderColony
Mohammad started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. List: (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21772)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21774) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21775)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21777) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21778)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21780) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21781)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21783) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21784)) , (ProposeDate (Job_21786) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21787)) curDriver=JobDriver_WaitMaintainPosture (toilIndex=0) curJob=(Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_21787)) lastJobGiver=null
Mohammad started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. List: (ProposeDate (Job_22010) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22011)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22013) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22014)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22016) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22017)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22020) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22021)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22024) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22025)) curDriver=JobDriver_WaitMaintainPosture (toilIndex=0) curJob=(Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22025)) lastJobGiver=null
Mohammad started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. List: (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22069)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22071) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22072)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22074) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22075)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22077) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22078)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22080) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22081)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22083) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22084)) curDriver=JobDriver_WaitMaintainPosture (toilIndex=0) curJob=(Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22084)) lastJobGiver=null
Mohammad started 10 jobs in 10 ticks. List: (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22142)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22144) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22145)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22147) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22148)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22150) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22151)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22153) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22154)) , (ProposeDate (Job_22156) A=Thing_Human22221) (Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22157)) curDriver=JobDriver_WaitMaintainPosture (toilIndex=0) curJob=(Wait_MaintainPosture (Job_22157)) lastJobGiver=null
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8521739 to -0.9564315
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8043478 to -0.9564315
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7782609 to -0.9419087
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8478261 to -0.873444
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7782609 to -0.9937759
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8 to -0.8423237
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7565218 to -0.9937759
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8043478 to -0.9502075
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8478261 to -0.9917012
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8260869 to -0.7282158
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8347826 to -0.873444
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8043478 to -0.873444
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8521739 to -0.8029045
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7621951 to -0.873444
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7956522 to -0.9087137
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7956522 to -0.9585062
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7510729 to -0.9917012
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7826087 to -0.7842324
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7621951 to -0.8443983
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7782609 to -0.9564315
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7673267 to -0.9585062
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8260869 to -0.8298755
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.773913 to -0.9917012
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7534246 to -0.8485477
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8521739 to -0.9087137
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7768241 to -0.5497925
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7510729 to -0.873444
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8260869 to -0.8775933
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8130435 to -0.813278
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8043478 to -0.8900415
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7581396 to -0.9917012
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7782609 to -0.8941908
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8043478 to -0.9356846
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8130435 to -0.9502075
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7913043 to -0.9937759
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8260869 to -0.9917012
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8260869 to -0.8029045
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8 to -0.7738589
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8478261 to -0.5850623
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8043478 to -0.93361
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7782609 to -0.9502075
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8130435 to -0.653527
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8260869 to -0.9045643
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7782609 to -0.9585062
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7826087 to -0.9045643
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7513227 to -0.7302905
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7771429 to -0.8630705
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7534246 to -0.7074689
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8043478 to -0.8381743
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7816901 to -0.9522821
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7521739 to -0.8298755
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7913043 to -0.9875519
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8043478 to -0.9419087
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7621951 to -0.9896265
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7682403 to -0.7282158
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7510729 to -0.8443983
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8 to -0.780083
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8043478 to -0.7116182
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8 to -0.7614108
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8 to -0.7780083
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7826087 to -0.8692946
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7565218 to -0.8340249
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7956522 to -0.8195021
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8260869 to -0.9875519
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7229437 to -0.9419087
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7384616 to -0.8858921
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7525253 to -0.8858921
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7956522 to -0.8796681
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7768241 to -0.9875519
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7695652 to -0.9522821
Date walk path found.
[Tech Advancing] [Information] Loading finished.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human718 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human723 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human727 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human730 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human735 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human739 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier744 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Android1Tier745 is referenced (xml node name: Pawn) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11671 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_ACPHorse30995 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human11665 is referenced (xml node name: master) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50949 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50953 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Boomalope50952 is referenced (xml node name: animal) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53563 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human53564 is referenced (xml node name: colonist) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Thing_Human102827 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_20 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Object with load ID Faction_29 is referenced (xml node name: li) but is not deep-saved. This will cause errors during loading.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7782609 to -0.8692946
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8173913 to -0.6597511
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7913043 to -0.6970955
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8130435 to -0.8195021
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8130435 to -0.9502075
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7434782 to -0.8817427
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7955555 to -0.9522821
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8347826 to -0.6576763
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.773913 to -0.7406639
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8043478 to -0.8153527
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8043478 to -0.8340249
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7956522 to -0.9460581
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8130435 to -0.780083
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7391304 to -0.9564315
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8 to -0.966805
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7956522 to -0.7634855
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7956522 to -0.9626556
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8347826 to -0.9356846
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.7581396 to -0.9564315
Date walk path found.
Date walk destinations found from beauty 0.8347826 to -0.8485477
(log trimmed to 10,000 lines. Use publishing options to upload the full log)
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