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Created January 5, 2017 22:37
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Small example of using MongoDB dotnet driver (dotnet-core, MongoDB.Driver 2.4.1)
using System;
using System.Linq;
using MongoDB.Bson;
using MongoDB.Driver;
namespace ConsoleApplication
public class Person {
public ObjectId Id { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public int Age { get; set; }
public override string ToString() {
return "Person Name: " + Name + ", Age: " + Age;
public class MongoDotnetDriver
public static void ListDatabases(MongoClient client) {
Console.WriteLine("\n=== Databases ===");
foreach(var db in client.ListDatabases().ToEnumerable()) {
Console.WriteLine(" - " + db);
public static void ListCollections(MongoClient client) {
Console.WriteLine("\n=== Collections ===");
var database = client.GetDatabase("test");
foreach(var coll in database.ListCollections().ToEnumerable()) {
Console.WriteLine(" - " + coll);
public static void InsertDocuments(MongoClient client) {
Console.WriteLine("\n=== Insert documents ===");
var database = client.GetDatabase("test");
var collection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("dotnet");
/* Drop collection */
/* Insert one document */
var document = new BsonDocument
{"name", "MongoDB"},
{"type", "database"},
{"info", new BsonDocument
{{"x", 123}, {"y", 456}}
Console.WriteLine("> " + document);
/* Insert many documents */
var documents = Enumerable.Range(0,5).Select(i => new BsonDocument("a", i));
foreach(var row in documents) {
Console.WriteLine("> " + row);
public static void FindDocuments(IMongoCollection<BsonDocument> collection) {
Console.WriteLine("\n=== Find ===");
/* Query all documents */
Console.WriteLine("--- all ---");
var docs = collection.Find(new BsonDocument()).ToEnumerable();
foreach(var doc in docs) {
Console.WriteLine("<< " + doc);
/* Query with filter */
Console.WriteLine("--- with filter ---");
var param = BsonDocument.Parse("{a: {$gt: 2}}");
foreach(var doc in collection.Find(param).ToEnumerable()) {
Console.WriteLine("<< " + doc);
public static void AggregateDocuments(IMongoCollection<BsonDocument> collection) {
Console.WriteLine("\n=== Aggregate ===");
var agg = collection.Aggregate()
.Match(new BsonDocument { {"a", new BsonDocument {{"$gt", 0}}} })
.Group(BsonDocument.Parse("{_id: null, total: {$sum: '$a'}, avg: {$avg: '$a'}}"));
foreach(var doc in agg.ToEnumerable()) {
public static void InsertObject(MongoClient client) {
Console.WriteLine("\n=== Insert object ===");
var database = client.GetDatabase("test");
var collection = database.GetCollection<Person>("Persons");
var person1 = new Person { Name = "John Rambo", Age = 30 };
var person2 = new Person { Name = "Stephen Seagal", Age = 40 };
var persons = new [] {
new Person { Name = "Jet Li", Age = 20 },
new Person { Name = "Chuck Norris", Age = 31 },
new Person { Name = "John McClane", Age = 25 }
Console.WriteLine("--- All persons ---");
foreach(var person in collection.Find(new BsonDocument()).ToEnumerable()) {
Console.WriteLine("<< " + person);
Console.WriteLine("--- 30 and older ---");
foreach(var person in collection.Find(BsonDocument.Parse("{Age: {$gte: 30}}")).ToEnumerable()) {
Console.WriteLine("<< " + person);
Console.WriteLine("--- 30 and older (LINQ) ---");
var query1 = from person in collection.AsQueryable()
where person.Age >= 30
select person;
foreach(var p in query1.AsEnumerable()) {
var query2 = collection.AsQueryable().Where(p => p.Age >= 30).Select(p => p.Age);
Console.WriteLine("Aggregation: " + query2);
Console.WriteLine("Total age: " + query2.Sum());
Console.WriteLine("Avg age: " + query2.Average());
public static void Main(string[] args)
/* Connection */
var client = new MongoClient("mongodb://localhost:27017");
var database = client.GetDatabase("test");
var collection = database.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("dotnet");
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