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Save dacr/f5142acec372aeb90010e676292d5142 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
various binary operations (cheat sheet) / published by #5208940e-5e7f-4df2-862d-74c8c5a390bb/f0397129de2575f469409f20061ec2ddd2dae1e6
// summary : various binary operations (cheat sheet)
// keywords : scala, scalatest, binary, cheatsheet, @testable
// publish : gist
// authors : David Crosson
// license : Apache NON-AI License Version 2.0 (
// id : 5208940e-5e7f-4df2-862d-74c8c5a390bb
// created-on : 2020-12-24T10:04:53Z
// managed-by :
// run-with : scala-cli $file
// ---------------------
//> using scala "3.4.2"
//> using dep "org.scalatest::scalatest:3.2.16"
//> using objectWrapper
// ---------------------
import org.scalatest._
import flatspec._
import matchers._
import OptionValues._
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
val hex2bin = Map(
"0" -> "0000",
"1" -> "0001",
"2" -> "0010",
"3" -> "0011",
"4" -> "0100",
"5" -> "0101",
"6" -> "0110",
"7" -> "0111",
"8" -> "1000",
"9" -> "1001",
"A" -> "1010",
"B" -> "1011",
"C" -> "1100",
"D" -> "1101",
"E" -> "1110",
"F" -> "1111"
def hex2bits(input: String): String = input.split("").map(hex2bin).mkString
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def pow2(p: Int): Int = 1 << p
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def flipBits(in: Int, bitsCount: Int = 10): Int = {
(0 until bitsCount).foldLeft(0) { case (out, n) => out | (((in & pow2(n)) >> n) << (bitsCount - 1 - n)) }
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def intToPaddedBin(n: Int, bitsCount: Int): String = {
.replaceAll(" ", "0")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def intToBin(n: Int): String = n.toBinaryString
def binToInt(in: String): Int = java.lang.Integer.parseInt(in, 2)
def bigToBin(n: BigInt): String = n.toString(2)
def binToBig(in: String): BigInt = BigInt(in, 2)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
type BitType = Int
def isBitSet(from: BitType, bitPos: Int): Boolean = (from & (1 << bitPos)) != 0
def changeBit(state: Boolean, bitPos: Int): BitType = changeBit(state, bitPos, 0)
def changeBit(state: Boolean, bitPos: Int, current: BitType): BitType = {
val mask = 1 << bitPos
if (state) current | mask
else current & ~mask
def decodeSubBinValue(from: BitType, bitPos: Int, sizeMask: BitType): BitType = (from >>> bitPos) & sizeMask
def encodeSubBinValue(value: BitType, bitPos: Int, sizeMask: BitType): BitType = encodeSubBinValue(value, bitPos, sizeMask, 0)
def encodeSubBinValue(value: BitType, bitPos: Int, sizeMask: BitType, current: BitType): BitType = {
(current & (~(sizeMask << bitPos))) | ((value & sizeMask) << bitPos)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def switchBits(base: BitType, numBits: Int): BitType = {
val maskRight = (2 << numBits) - 1
val maskLeft = maskRight << numBits
((base & maskRight) << numBits) | ((base & maskLeft) >>> numBits) | (base & ~(maskLeft | maskRight))
// ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
class BinaryOperations extends AnyFlatSpec with should.Matchers {
override def suiteName = "BinaryOperations"
"binToInt" should "convert a binary string to a decimal" in {
binToInt("10") shouldBe 2
binToInt("100") shouldBe 4
"intToPaddedBin" should "convert a decimal to a binary string" in {
intToPaddedBin(4, 3) shouldBe "100"
intToPaddedBin(4, 4) shouldBe "0100"
intToPaddedBin(4, 6) shouldBe "000100"
"intToBin" should "convert a decimal to a binary string" in {
intToBin(4) shouldBe "100"
intToBin(42) shouldBe "101010"
"flipBits" should "flip the specified number of bits horizontally" in {
intToPaddedBin(flipBits(binToInt("00101"), 5), 5) shouldBe "10100"
intToPaddedBin(flipBits(binToInt("00001"), 5), 5) shouldBe "10000"
intToPaddedBin(flipBits(binToInt("10000"), 5), 5) shouldBe "00001"
intToPaddedBin(flipBits(binToInt("01000"), 5), 5) shouldBe "00010"
intToPaddedBin(flipBits(binToInt("00100"), 5), 5) shouldBe "00100"
flipBits(1, 3) shouldBe 4
flipBits(4, 3) shouldBe 1
"binToBig" should "convert a binary string to a decimal" in {
binToBig("10") shouldBe 2
binToBig("100") shouldBe 4
"bigToBin" should "convert a decimal to a binary string" in {
bigToBin(4) shouldBe "100"
bigToBin(42) shouldBe "101010"
"isBitSet" should "check if a bit is set or not" in {
isBitSet(0x1, 0) shouldBe true
isBitSet(0x1, 1) shouldBe false
isBitSet(0xff00, 7) shouldBe false
isBitSet(0xff00, 8) shouldBe true
isBitSet(0xff00, 15) shouldBe true
isBitSet(0xff00, 16) shouldBe false
isBitSet(0x80000000, 31) shouldBe true
isBitSet(0x80000000, 30) shouldBe false
def encodeDecode(value: BitType, bitPos: Int, sizeMask: Int): BitType = encodeDecode(value, sizeMask, bitPos, 0)
def encodeDecode(value: BitType, bitPos: Int, sizeMask: Int, current: Int): BitType = {
val encoded = encodeSubBinValue(value, sizeMask, bitPos, current)
decodeSubBinValue(encoded, sizeMask, bitPos)
"subBinValue functions" should "encode/decode an int value" in {
encodeDecode(0x42, 0, 0xff) shouldBe 0x42
encodeDecode(0x42, 24, 0xff) shouldBe 0x42
encodeDecode(0x142, 0, 0xff) shouldBe 0x42
encodeDecode(0xffff, 0, 0xffff) shouldBe 0xffff
encodeDecode(0xffff, 16, 0xffff) shouldBe 0xffff
"switchBits" should "allow to switch sub values" in {
switchBits(0xcafebabe, 16) shouldBe 0xbabecafe
switchBits(0xcafe, 8) shouldBe 0xfeca
switchBits(0x42cafe, 8) shouldBe 0x42feca
switchBits(0xff42cafe, 8) shouldBe 0xff42feca
switchBits(0x7f42cafe, 8) shouldBe 0x7f42feca
}"-oDF", "-s", classOf[BinaryOperations].getName))
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