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Перевод текста w s maugham home

Перевод текста w s maugham home

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Somerset Maugham "Home"

No, neither of them. Well, one more question: Молодой человек подходит к билетеру и просит дать ему про грамму. Спрашивает, сколько нужно заплатить, покупает про грамму и направляется в партер. Но вскоре он возвращается к би летеру и, извинившись, просит показать ему его места. Оказывает ся, что у него билеты в бельэтаж. Билетер рассказывает молодому человеку, как пройти в бельэтаж, и советует взять бинокль. Ему бы лучше взять бинокль. На вопрос, где он может взять бинокль, билетер отвечает, что за биноклем надо спуститься в гардероб. Но ему следует поторопиться, так как уже был третий звонок и он может опоздать. Молодой человек благодарит и спускается вниз. Pauline Fraser had a few minutes to herself in her room while waiting for the time she was wanted on the stage. Pauline knew at once she was an actress. Cheveril is going to stage his new play. Pauline smiled at her. The girl went on: I saw you in Mr. Look here — you are a real actress! Some minutes later Cheveril entered the room carrying his script. There is a girl here who is eager to see you. At that moment she was called to the stage and left the room. Cheveril was looking through his script when he heard a young voice behind him: Will you please go? Please, go out at once. Mark the stresses and tunes. Practise the dialogue following the model. They have been writing their test for nearly two hours already. She has been waiting long. His daughter has been playing the piano since the morning. They have been discuss ing this problem for rather a long time. The child has been sleeping too long. Ann and Roger have been quarrelling for fifteen minutes. She has been dreaming to become an actress all her life. Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous:. How long you to wait for me? I to know her since my childhood. He to think about it for three days. They always to prefer theatre to TV. How long she to study music? Since she was a little girl she to try not to take things serious ly. The students to write their test for two hours already. She to live in that house round the corner about thirty years. You to play too long. She to be ill for more than two weeks. I to miss her terribly. Я жду вас уже двадцать минут. Ученые работают над этой проблемой много лет. Джин всю жизнь мечтает поехать куда ни будь на восток. Я перевожу статью с самого утра. Она спит уже очень долго. Анна и Роджер ссорятся с. Мы живем в этой маленькой деревушке целую не делю. Вы слишком долго обсуждаете этот вопрос. Вы давно здесь живете? Неужели он действительно так долго занимает ся? Ты уже уложила вещи? Такси уже десять минут ждет нас. Он всегда интересовался физикой. Сейчас он работает над но вой проблемой. Он работает над ней уже два месяца. Недавно он закончил одну повесть и сей час пишет новую. Он пишет ее больше месяца и говорит, что пи шет ее с удовольствием. Мы здесь уже с начала месяца, но все это время погода плохая. Дождь идет с самого утра. The farm, an old fashioned stone house, was built in , and for three hundred years the people had been born and died in it and had farmed the surrounding land. George Meadows was a man of fifty and his wife, Mrs. George, was a year or two younger. They were both fine people in the prime of life. Their three daughters were lovely and their two sons were handsome and strong. They had no notions about being gentlemen and ladies; they knew their place, were happy and deserved their happiness, as they were merry , indus trious and kindly. The master of the house was not George, but his mother, who was twice the man her son was, as they said in the village. She was a woman of seventy, tall, upright, with gray hair and a wrin kled face. Her eyes were bright and shrewd and she had a sense of humour. Her word was law in the house and on the farm. In short, she was a character. George met me in the street and told me that they had received a letter from their Uncle George, whom them all thought dead. The letter informed them of his coming. Meadows sits there and smiles to herself! All she says is that he was very good looking, but not so steady as his brother Tom! George invited me to look in and see the old man. I accepted the invitation with joy, as I knew the story of Uncle George Meadows and it amused me because it was like an old ballad. It was touching to come across such a story in real life. More than fifty years ago, when Mrs. Meadows was Emily Green, a young charming girl, George and his younger brother Tom both courted her. When Emily married Tom, George had gone to sea. For twenty years he sent them presents now and then ; then there was no more news of him. And the previous day, to their greatest surprise they. When I came the whole family was assembled in the kitchen. I was amused to see that Mrs. Meadows was wearing her best silk dress. On the other side of the fireplace sat an old man with a wrinkled yellow face. He was very thin and his skin hung on his bones like an old suit too large for him. Captain George, as he had called himself, told us that he had been so ill he thought he would never be able to get back, but the look of his old home had done him a lot of good. He said good humouredly: Meadows by her Christian name for a generation and it gave me a shock, as though the old man were taking a liberty with her. It was strange to look at these two old smiling people and to think that nearly half a century ago he had loved her and she had married another. When I asked him if he had ever been married he said he knew too much about women for that. Then he added looking at Mrs. Captain Meadows told us a lot of interesting stories about his adventures and about many things he had seen and done. George, and that is to make a fortune! Meadows with a thoughtful smile. I looked at this toothless, crippled, penniless old man with admiration and respect. That was a man who had made a success of his life , because he had enjoyed it. Next morning I decided to see the old man again. Meadows in the garden picking white flowers. I asked her if Captain Meadows was well. He boasted that he was so happy to be back in his old home that he would live for another twenty years. He died in his sleep. Meadows smelt the flowers she held in her arms and added thoughtfully: After I married Tom and George went away, I was never sure I had married the right man! She is coming by the 5. And I have a meeting at 5. Will you do me a favour and meet her at the station? How could I possibly recognize her? At least try to describe her. What does she look like? A tall slim girl of 18 with an oval face. Light grey eyes, a small snub nose, a big mouth with white even teeth and a pleasant smile. Go to your meeting. I promise to be on the platform at 5 sharp looking for a tall slim fair haired lovely girl with a dimple in her cheek. We had a lovely time. Note the adjectives with the. They deserved praise for what they had done. There were merry wrinkles in the corners of his eyes. Her face was old and wrinkled. Let know , e. We must inform them immediately. You must inform the post office of the change in your address. We informed them that there would be a meeting on Thursday. I want some information about this town. The sight of the child amused us. You will regret your words. He will regret telling a lie. We must respect her desires. The actress was a success yesterday. He boasted that he could easily get tickets to any theatre. The young actress boasted of. Will you do me a favour Не будете ли вы любезны She is like her mother. What is the weather like? What does he look like? Her son took after her husband. She is all right. FAQ Обратная связь Вопросы и предложения. Upload Опубликованный материал нарушает ваши авторские права? Ярославский Государственный Педагогический Университет им. This time you are right. Say a few words: Answer the questions and record your answers in the intervals. Translate the sentences into English using the active vocabulary. Spell and transcribe the words. Translate the phrases into English. Listen to the wrong statements. The Present Perfect Continuous Tense. Give the interrogative and negative forms of the following sentences: Put the verbs in brackets in the Present Perfect or the Present Perfect Continuous: Translate the following sentences into English: Анна и Роджер ссорятся с самого утра. TEXT 1 HOME After W. Maugham 1 The farm, an old fashioned stone house, was built in , and for three hundred years the people had been born and died in it and had farmed the surrounding land. And the previous day, to their greatest surprise they 1 Maugham [ m m ]. Hallo, Mike, have you been waiting long? But how am I to recognize her in the crowd? VOCABULARY NOTES lovely adj прелестный, прекрасный, чудесный; Syn. The Muscovites boast of the magnificent palaces of the metro.
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