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Created March 6, 2022 08:25
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class SampleEmployeeDataProvider : PreviewParameterProvider<EmployeeData> {
override val values: Sequence<EmployeeData> = sequenceOf(
name = "John Rick",
id = 34,
address = "767, abc colony, xyz city",
dob = "01-01-1999",
bankDetails = BankDetails(
accountNumber = 1234,
ifsc = "IFSC",
city = "New York",
pinCode = 142991,
accountName = "John Sample Rick"
previousCompanies = listOf(
name = "John Show",
id = 34,
address = "This is a long address intentionally " +
"written t check how it behvaes in UI",
dob = "Unable to find address",
bankDetails = BankDetails(
accountNumber = 1234,
ifsc = "IFSC",
city = "Paris",
pinCode = 32321,
accountName = "John"
previousCompanies = listOf()
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